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˥ ˦ ˧ ˨ ˩
Entity (decimal)˥–˩
˥˧ ˦˨ ˧˩ ˥˩
˩˧ ˨˦ ˧˥ ˩˩˧
˧˥˦ ˦˩˨ ˨˩˧
˥ ˧˥˧, ˨ ˩ ˧˨˩˧

















粵語標準粵語做例子(拼寫係粵拼),舒聲音節可以有陰平、陰上、陰去、陽平、陽上、陽入六種聲調,促聲音節就有上陰入(又稱陰入)、下陰入(又稱中入)、陽入三種聲調。其中韻尾係/-m/、/-n/、/-ng/嘅舒聲字,分別同韻尾係/-p/、/-t/、/-k/嘅入聲字相對,例如舒聲 /sing/(音會拉長)嘅對應入聲係 /sik/(短促音)。以下列出詳細嘅拼音同其相應嘅漢字,「○」係指欠缺漢字嘅讀音字。

聲調 陰平 陰上 陰去 陽平 陽上 陽去 上陰入
拼音 sing1 sing2 sing3 sing4 sing5 sing6 sik1 sik3 sik6
拼音 bin1 bin2 bin3 bin4 bin5 bin6 bit1 bit3 bit6
漢字舉例 便
拼音 jim1 jim2 jim3 jim4 jim5 jim6 jip1 jip3 jip6
拼音 caang1 caang2 caang3 caang4 caang5 caang6 caak1 caak3 caak6
拼音 fan1 fan2 fan3 fan4 fan5 fan6 fat1 fat3 fat6


再以普通話中嘅 [ma] 音做例子。根據現代標準官話,呢個語音系有陰平、陽平、上聲、去聲、輕聲。以下詳細嘅拼音同其相應嘅中文字一併列出。

[mā] 媽;[má] 麻;[mǎ] 馬;[mà] 罵;[ma] 嗎

如果編成語句,可以係:媽媽罵馬的麻嗎?[māma mà mǎ de má ma?]

又例如泰語ไหมใหม่ไหม้มั้ย,用國際音標可記爲/mǎi mài mâi mái/,可譯爲「新絲綢燒咗嗎?」

越南語中嘅一句話bấy nay bây bầy bảy bẫy bậy卑𠉞𣊾排𦉱擺敗),可譯爲「你連續擺咗七樣錯嘅嘢」,亦都係唔同聲調嘅示範句。



















上聲 ꜂□ 去聲 □꜄
平聲 ꜀□ 入聲 □꜆


陰上 ꜂□ 陰去 □꜄
陰平 ꜀□ 陰入 □꜆
陽上 ꜃□ 陽去 □꜅
陽平 ꜁□ 陽入 □꜇


上陰平 ꜀□ 下陰平 ꜆□
上陽平 ꜁□ 下陽平 ꜇□
上陰上 ꜂□ 下陰上 ꜄□
上陽上 ꜃□ 下陽上 ꜅□
上陰去 □꜄ 下陰去 □꜂
上陽去 □꜅ 下陽去 □꜃
上陰入 □꜆ 下陰入 □꜀
上陽入 □꜇ 下陽入 □꜁


符號 Unicode名稱 編碼 字符效果 結合字符
平聲標誌 Ideographic Level Tone Mark U+302A ◌〪
上聲標誌 Ideographic Rising Tone Mark U+302B ◌〫
去聲標誌 Ideographic Departing Tone Mark U+302C ◌〬
入聲標誌 Ideographic Entering Tone Mark U+302D ◌〭
符號 Unicode名稱 編碼 字符效果 字符
陰平調 Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yin Ping U+A700 ꜀◌
陽平調 Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yang Ping U+A701 ꜁◌
陰上調 Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yin Shang U+A702 ꜂◌
陽上調 Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yang Shang U+A703 ꜃◌
陰去調 Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yin Qu U+A704 ◌꜄
陽去調 Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yang Qu U+A705 ◌꜅
陰入調 Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yin Ru U+A706 ◌꜆
陽入調 Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yang Ru U+A707 ◌꜇






  • 南島語系
    • 馬來波利尼西亞語族
      • 雅賓語
      • 布卡哇語
  • 巴布亞諸語言


  • 美洲原住民語言(大部份)




  1. Li, Yuanning; Tang, Claire; Lu, Junfeng; Wu, Jinsong; Chang, Edward F. (2021-02-19). "Human cortical encoding of pitch in tonal and non-tonal languages". Nature Communications (英文). 12 (1): 1161. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-21430-x. ISSN 2041-1723. 原先內容歸檔喺2023-04-30. 喺2023-04-30搵到.
  2. 朱曉農 (2021-06-24)。調起源於發聲——兼論漢語四聲的發明位論文資料庫。香港科技大學。原著喺2020-06-11歸檔。喺2021-06-08搵到 ((cite web)): Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Suzuki, Hiroyuki (2015-01-14)。An introduction to the tonogenesis triggered by breathy voice: 對舟曲藏語超音段音素的新見解——被氣聲引起的聲調發生論Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics8 (1): 117–139。doi:10.1163/2405478X-00801007原著喺2021-09-24歸檔。喺2021-06-08搵到 –透過。 ((cite journal)): Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
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  5. 唐作藩 (2016)。韻學教程五版。北京:北京大學出版社。頁 第五十頁。ISBN 9787301270974


  • Bao, Zhiming. (1999). The structure of tone. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-511880-4.
  • Chen, Matthew Y. 2000. Tone Sandhi: patterns across Chinese dialects. Cambridge, England: CUP ISBN 0-521-65272-3
  • Halle, Morris; & Stevens, Kenneth. (1971). A note on laryngeal features. Quarterly progress report 101. MIT.
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  • Haudricourt, André-Georges. (1961). "Bipartition et tripartition des systèmes de tons dans quelques langues d'Extrême-Orient". Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, 56: 163–180.
  • Hombert, Jean-Marie; Ohala, John J.; Ewan, William G. (1979). "Phonetic explanations for the development of tones". Language. 55 (1): 37–58. doi:10.2307/412518. JSTOR 412518.
  • Hyman, Larry. 2007. There is no pitch-accent prototype. Paper presented at the 2007 LSA Meeting. Anaheim, CA.
  • Hyman, Larry. 2007. How (not) to do phonological typology: the case of pitch-accent. Berkeley, UC Berkeley. UC Berkeley Phonology Lab Annual Report: 654–685. Available online. Wayback Machine嘅版面存檔備份
  • Kingston, John. (2005). The phonetics of Athabaskan tonogenesis. In S. Hargus & K. Rice (Eds.), Athabaskan prosody (pp. 137–184). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.
  • Maddieson, Ian. (1978). Universals of tone. In J. H. Greenberg (Ed.), Universals of human language: Phonology (Vol. 2). Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Michaud, Alexis. (2008). Tones and intonation: some current challenges. Proc. of 8th Int. Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP'08), Strasbourg, pp. 13–18. (Keynote lecture.) Available online. Wayback Machine嘅版面存檔備份
  • Odden, David. (1995). Tone: African languages. In J. Goldsmith (Ed.), Handbook of phonological theory. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
  • Pike, Kenneth L. (1948). Tone languages: A technique for determining the number and type of pitch contrasts in a language, with studies in tonemic substitution and fusion. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. (Reprinted 1972, ISBN 0-472-08734-7).
  • Wee, Lian-Hee (2008). "Phonological Patterns in the Englishes of Singapore and Hong Kong". World Englishes. 27 (3/4): 480–501. doi:10.1111/j.1467-971X.2008.00580.x.
  • Yip, Moira. (2002). Tone. Cambridge textbooks in linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-77314-8 (hbk), ISBN 0-521-77445-4 (pbk).
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  • Fon, Janice; Chaing, Wen-Yu(1999) (1999), "What does Chao have to say about tones?", Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 27 (1): 13–37
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  • Bao, Zhiming (1999). The Structure of Tone. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-511880-3.
  • Chen, Matthew Y. (2000). Tone sandhi: Patterns across Chinese dialects. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-65272-8.
  • Clements, George N.; Goldsmith, John, 編 (1984). Autosegmental Studies in Bantu Tone. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyer.
  • Fromkin, Victoria A., 編 (1978). Tone: A Linguistic Survey. New York: Academic Press.
  • Halle, Morris; Stevens, Kenneth (1971). "A note on laryngeal features". Quarterly Progress Report 101. MIT.
  • Haudricourt, André-Georges (2018). Marc Brunelle翻譯. "The origin of tones in Vietnamese (translation of: De l'origine des tons en vietnamien)". Problèmes de phonologie diachronique: 146–160. 原著喺2022-02-09歸檔. 喺2022-02-09搵到. ((cite journal)): Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help) HAL 01678018.
    • Haudricourt, André-Georges (1954). "De l'origine des tons en vietnamien". Journal Asiatique. 242: 69–82.
  • Haudricourt, André-Georges (2017). Guillaume Jacques翻譯. "How to reconstruct Old Chinese (translation of: Comment reconstruire le chinois archaïque)". Problèmes de phonologie diachronique: 161–182. 原著喺2022-02-09歸檔. 喺2021-02-15搵到. ((cite journal)): Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help) Reprinted (with additions).
  • Haudricourt, André-Georges (1961). "Bipartition et tripartition des systèmes de tons dans quelques langues d'Extrême-Orient". Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris. 56 (1): 163–180.
    • Haudricourt, André-Georges (1972). "Two-way and Three-way Splitting of Tonal Systems in Some Far Eastern Languages". 出自 Jimmy G. Harris; Richard B. Noss (編). Tai phonetics and phonology (PDF). Christopher Court翻譯. Bangkok: Central Institute of English Language, Mahidol University. pp. 58–86. 原著 (PDF)喺2022-01-22歸檔. 喺2021-02-15搵到. ((cite book)): Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help) Translation of Haudricourt (1961).
  • Hombert, Jean-Marie; Ohala, John J.; Ewan, William G. (1979). "Phonetic explanations for the development of tones". Language. 55 (1): 37–58. doi:10.2307/412518. JSTOR 412518.
  • Hyman, Larry M. (2007a). There is no pitch-accent prototype. 2007 LSA Meeting. Anaheim, CA.
  • Hyman, Larry M. (2007b). "DRAFT: Tone: Is it Different?". 出自 John Goldsmith; Jason Riggle; Alan Yu (編). The Handbook of Phonological Theory (PDF) (第2版). Blackwell. 原著 (PDF)喺2012-07-28歸檔 –透過UC Berkeley Phonology Lab Annual Report (2007).
  • Hyman, Larry M. (2009). "How (not) to do phonological typology: The case of pitch accent" (PDF). Language Sciences. 31 (2–3): 213–238. doi:10.1016/j.langsci.2008.12.007. 原著 (PDF)喺2013-05-25歸檔. 喺2013-02-11搵到. ((cite journal)): Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  • Kingston, John (2005). "The phonetics of Athabaskan tonogenesis". 出自 Hargus, Sharon; Rice, Keren (編). Athabaskan Prosody. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing. pp. 137–184. ISBN 9789027285294. 原著喺2022-02-09歸檔. 喺2022-02-09搵到. ((cite book)): Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  • Kingston, John (2011). "Tonogenesis" (PDF). 出自 Marc van Oostendorp; Colin J Ewen; Elizabeth Hume; Keren Rice (編). The Blackwell companion to phonology, Volume 4: Phonological interfaces. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 2304–2333. 原著 (PDF)喺2021-12-10歸檔. 喺2022-02-09搵到. ((cite book)): Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  • Maddieson, Ian (1978). "Universals of tone". 出自 Greenberg, J. H. (編). Universals of human language: Phonology.第2卷. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Michaud, Alexis; Vaissière, Jacqueline (2015). "Tone and intonation: introductory notes and practical recommendations". KALIPHO - Kieler Arbeiten zur Linguistik und Phonetik. 3: 43–80. 原著喺2020-11-09歸檔. 喺2022-02-09搵到. ((cite journal)): Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  • Michaud, Alexis; Sands, Bonny (2020). "Tonogenesis". 出自 Aronoff, Mark (編). Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199384655.013.748. ISBN 9780199384655. 原著喺2022-02-09歸檔. 喺2022-02-09搵到. ((cite book)): Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  • Odden, David (1995). "Tone: African languages". 出自 Goldsmith, J. (編). Handbook of Phonological Theory. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
  • Odden, David (2020). "Tone". 出自 Rainer Vossen; Gerrit J. Dimmendaal (編). The Oxford Handbook of African Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 30–47. ISBN 9780199609895. 原著喺2022-02-09歸檔. 喺2022-02-09搵到. ((cite book)): Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  • Pike, Kenneth L. (1948). Tone Languages: A Technique for Determining the Number and Type of Pitch Contrasts In a Language, with Studies in Tonemic Substitution and Fusion. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. (Reprinted 1972, ISBN 0-472-08734-7).
  • Wee, Lian-Hee (2008). "Phonological Patterns in the Englishes of Singapore and Hong Kong". World Englishes. 27 (3/4): 480–501. doi:10.1111/j.1467-971X.2008.00580.x.[失咗效嘅鏈]
  • Yip, Moira (2002). Tone. Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-77314-0. ISBN 0-521-77445-4 (pbk).




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