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  Keir Starmer Ed Davey
领袖 基尔·斯塔默 爱德·戴维
政党 工党 自由民主党
上任时间 2020年工党党魁选举英语2020 Labour Party leadership election (UK) 2020年英国自由民主党党魁选举英语2020 Liberal Democrats leadership election
上届结果 973 418
得票率 34% 17%
议席 1,158 522
议席数量变动 ± 186 104
议会控制权 51 12
议会控制权数量变动 ± 8 2

  Rishi Sunak Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay
领袖 里希·苏纳克 卡拉·丹耶尔英语Carla Denyer阿德里安·拉姆齐英语Adrian Ramsay
政党 保守党 英格兰和威尔士绿党
上任时间 2022年10月英国保守党党魁选举 2021年英格兰和威尔士绿党党魁选举英语2021 Green Party of England and Wales leadership election
上届结果 989 107
得票率 25%
议席 515 181
议席数量变动 ± 474 74
议会控制权 6 0
议会控制权数量变动 ± 10

2024年英国地方选举于2024年5月2日举行,选举产生英格兰107个地方议会约2600名议员,英格兰11个行政区的市长英语Directly elected mayors in England伦敦议会的25名议员,以及英格兰和威尔士的37名警察及犯罪事务专员。同一天还举行了南布莱克浦国会选区补选[1]

工党在选举中表现强劲,赢得的地方议会席位最多,保守党则位列第三。自2009年英语2009 United Kingdom local elections以来,自由民主党首次在地方选举中赢得第二多的席位[2]





本次将是根据2022年选举法举行的第二次地方选举,该法是一项具有争议性的选民身份证明法,要求选民在参加投票站时出示照片身份证明。[4] [5]该法还意味着市长和警察及犯罪专员选举将使用领先者当选决而不是以前使用的补选制。





随着选举日期的临近,有人提出,如果他的政党在选举中表现不佳,尤其是如果保守党失去了西米德兰郡或提斯河谷的市长职位,则可能会对里希·苏纳克的领导地位提出挑战。[10]苏纳克迅速向自己的国会议员强调,即使他的政党在这些选举中表现不佳,他仍将继续担任首相。[11] [12]


第一次有前香港区议会区议员当选英国地方议会议员,前中西区区议会区议员吴兆康自由民主党 (英国)党员当选沃金厄姆自治市镇议会英语Wokingham Borough Council议员[14]


观察 吴兆康》在2024年3月报导称,预计保守党在这次选举中将失去一半的席位,解释说这些席位大多是在“疫苗效应高峰”时赢得的。[15]保守党主席理查德·霍尔登也将“疫苗效应”作为预期这次选举对他的政党而言将比上次更加“艰难”的原因之一。[16]



Sky News的山姆·科茨引述迈克尔·瑟拉什的预测,指出保守党将失去约500个席位,而工党将获得约350个席位,但他补充说,他们认为格洛斯特市议会有可能直接从保守党转变为由自由民主党控制。[21]





在2024年3月20日,自由民主党在赫特福德郡的哈彭登启动了他们的地方选举活动,爱德·戴维转动了一个巨大的沙漏,上面显示著“时间快用完了,里希!”的字样。[24] [25]戴维表示他有信心推翻“萨里郡的保守党蓝墙”。[26]


在2024年3月22日,里希·苏纳克在德比郡的希纳尔的一个巴士站出现,与东米德兰区市长候选人本·布拉德利一起,启动了保守党的地方选举活动。[27] [28]由于“人为错误”,35名保守党候选人中有13人未能有效提名参选城堡角区自治市议会议席,这意味着他们将不会出现在选票上。[29]


在2024年3月28日,基尔·斯塔默和安杰拉·雷纳在杜德利的一个活动上启动了工党的地方选举活动。[30]基尔·斯塔默的演讲提到了政府在黑色国家(Black Country)实施的“平衡发展”政策。[31]


2024年4月4日,英格兰和威尔士绿党在布里斯托尔的一个活动上正式启动了其全国选举活动。联合领袖卡拉·丹耶尔和阿德里安·拉姆齐在活动中发表了演讲,重点是关于负担得起的住房。[32] [33]




工党赢得了新成立的东米德兰合并郡政府和约克和北约克郡合并政府的市长职位。[37] [38]工党的理查德·帕克(Richard Parker)从安迪·斯特里特(Andy Street)手中赢得了西米德兰郡联合政府。[39]工党在穆斯林选民中表现特别糟糕。[40]




工人党在地方选举中赢得了四个席位:在罗奇代尔获得两个席位,在曼彻斯特获得一个席位[47] 、在卡尔德代尔获得一个席位。[48]





  1. ^ Parliamentary by-election Blackpool South. Blackpool Council. [2024-03-27]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-27). 
  2. ^ Britain’s Conservatives trounced in local elections as Labour makes gains. Al Jazeera. [2024-05-05]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-16) (英语). 
  3. ^ Local elections 2023: Labour overtakes Conservatives as largest party of local government. Sky News. [2023-09-08]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-05) (英语). 
  4. ^ Kerslake, Bob. With all eyes on Ukraine, the UK is quietly set to disenfranchise 2 million citizens. The Guardian. 2022-04-06 [2023-09-08]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  5. ^ Local elections 2023: Voters express anger at ID rule changes. BBC News. 2023-05-05 [2023-09-08]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-29) (英国英语). 
  6. ^ Adam Boulton: MPs returning to Westminster are already embroiled in a bitterly contentious campaign to election day. Sky News. [2023-09-08]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-29) (英语). 
  7. ^ Hill, Dave. London Conservatives think out loud about how to beat Sadiq Khan. OnLondon. 2023-03-14 [2023-09-08]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-08) (英国英语). 
  8. ^ Partington, Richard. Labour says 630,000 will be hit by surge in mortgage costs before 2024 elections. The Guardian. 2023-11-02 [2023-11-03]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  9. ^ Bunn, Jonathan. 'Disruptors' could play key role in local elections, says polls expert. Evening Standard. 2024-03-18 [2024-03-19]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-31) (英语). 
  10. ^ Vaughan, Richard; Langford, Eleanor. Sunak safe until May but MPs ready to act if local elections end in 'bloodbath'. 2024-03-19 [2024-03-19]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-19) (英语). 
  11. ^ Cowburn, Ashley. Sunak insists he'll still be PM after May even if local elections are a shocker. The Mirror. 2024-03-20 [2024-03-21]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-05) (英语). 
  12. ^ Walker, Peter; Courea, Eleni. Rishi Sunak urges his MPs to present unified front before local elections. The Guardian. 2024-03-20 [2024-03-21]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  13. ^ Dowden guarantees UK elections will be safe from Chinese cyber attacks. The Independent. 2024-03-25 [2024-03-26]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-06) (英语). 
  14. ^ 《追新闻》记者. 英國地選2024|吳兆康當選Wokingham議員 感謝港人支持 「證明香港人喺英國參政係可以贏」. 追新闻. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-03) (中文(台湾)). 
  15. ^ Savage, Michael. Tories fear losing half their seats in May local polls as pre-election budget flops. The Observer. 2024-03-10 [2024-03-15]. ISSN 0029-7712 (英国英语). 
  16. ^ Vickers, Noah. Tory chairman warns party is facing 'much tougher' local elections. Evening Standard. 2024-03-22 [2024-03-23]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-17) (英语). 
  17. ^ Baston, Lewis. I've done a preliminary scan. X. 2024-03-14 [2024-03-15]. 
  18. ^ Baston, Lewis. Been doing some local elections preparation.. Twitter/X. 2024-04-01 [2024-04-02]. 
  19. ^ Buchan, Lizzy. Tories on course to lose 'up to 500 seats' in local elections thrashing. The Mirror. 2024-03-27 [2024-03-27]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-15) (英语). 
  20. ^ Labour has 99% chance of winning next election, says polling expert John Curtice. 2024-03-27 [2024-03-27]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-05) (美国英语). 
  21. ^ Coates, Sam. Local elections: Why do they matter?. Sky News. 2024-04-24 [2024-04-25]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-25) (英语). 
  22. ^ Local elections 2024: YouGov MRP predicts significant Conservative losses to Labour | YouGov. [2024-04-30]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-05) (英国英语). 
  23. ^ Courea, Eleni; correspondent, Eleni Courea Political. England local elections: what's up for grabs on 2 May and how do predictions look?. The Guardian. 2024-04-05 [2024-04-05]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  24. ^ Lib Dems: Time is running out for Rishi Sunak. BBC News. [2024-03-20]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-05) (英国英语). 
  25. ^ 'Time's running out Rishi' - Lib Dems launch local election campaign with giant hourglass. Sky News. [2024-03-20]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-20) (英语). 
  26. ^ David Hughes. Lib Dem leader excited about toppling Tory 'Blue Wall' in Surrey. Surrey Live. 2024-04-19 [2024-04-20]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-22) (英语). 
  27. ^ Simons, Ned. Rishi Sunak Tells Tories To 'Go And Smash It' At Local Elections. HuffPost UK. 2024-03-22 [2024-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-06) (英语). 
  28. ^ McKeon, Christopher. Rishi Sunak urges voters to 'send a message to Keir Starmer' in local elections. Nottinghamshire Live. 2024-03-22 [2024-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-18) (英语). 
  29. ^ Dedman, Simon. Castle Point Conservative election candidates lose ballot places. BBC News. 2024-04-10 [2024-04-18]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-11) (英国英语). 
  30. ^ Labour will level up better than Tories, pledges Keir Starmer. BBC News. 2024-03-28 [2024-03-28]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-13) (英国英语). 
  31. ^ Green, Daniel; Belger, Tom. Local election campaign launch: Starmer plots Labour wins 'from Hastings to Hartlepool'. LabourList. 2024-03-28 [2024-03-28]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-03) (英国英语). 
  32. ^ McKiernan, Jennifer. Greens demand more affordable housing at local election campaign launch. BBC News. 2024-04-04 [2024-04-05]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-19) (英国英语). 
  33. ^ Green Party local election launch: time to unlock policies that will create hundreds of thousands of affordable homes. The Green Party. [2024-04-05]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-06) (英国英语). 
  34. ^ Curtice: Conservatives remain in deep electoral trouble. BBC News. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-04]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-17) (英国英语). 
  35. ^ Hoog, Niels de; Clarke, Seán; Leach, Anna; Voce, Antonio; Gutiérrez, Pablo; Fischer, Harry; Cousins, Rich; Kirk, Ashley. Local elections 2024: full mayoral and council results for England. the Guardian. 2024-05-05 [2024-05-05] (英语). 
  36. ^ Ben Houchen re-elected Tees Valley Mayor. BBC News. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-04]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-22) (英国英语). 
  37. ^ East Midlands Mayor: Labour's Claire Ward wins first-ever election. BBC News. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-04]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-19) (英国英语). 
  38. ^ Labour wins York and North Yorkshire mayoral election. BBC News. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-04]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-12) (英国英语). 
  39. ^ Murray, Jessica; correspondent, Jessica Murray Midlands. Labour’s Richard Parker beats Andy Street to become West Midlands mayor. The Guardian. 2024-05-04 [2024-05-05]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  40. ^ Booth, Robert; correspondent, Robert Booth Social affairs. Labour ‘working to get support back’ after losing votes over Gaza stance. The Guardian. 2024-05-05 [2024-05-05]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  41. ^ Lib Dems add councillors as party targets Tory heartland. BBC News. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-04]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-17) (英国英语). 
  42. ^ Local elections 2024: Liberal Democrats take control of Dorset. BBC News. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-04]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-17) (英国英语). 
  43. ^ Mason, Rowena. Lib Dems gain most council seats in last five years, party’s data shows. The Guardian. 2024-05-05 [2024-05-05]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  44. ^ 香港前區議員當選英國禾京咸地方議會議員 吳兆康:望港人更有效在議會內外發聲. Yahoo 香港. 2024-05-04 [2024-05-07]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-07) (中文(香港)). 
  45. ^ Morris, Steven. 'Promising signs': Greens dominate in Bristol election. The Guardian. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-04]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  46. ^ Edwards, Matty. Greens surge secures historic victory at Bristol council elections. The Bristol Cable. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-04]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-22) (英国英语). 
  47. ^ George Galloway fails in attempt to 'wipe' Labour from Rochdale Council. ITV. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-06]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-04). 
  48. ^ Greenwood, Jogn. Calderdale local election results 2024: All the results for this year's Calderdale Council elections and which party is now in control. Halifax Courier. 2024-05-04 [2024-05-06]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-10). Shakir Saghir (Workers Party) 1643 ... WORKERS PARTY GAIN 
  49. ^ Local elections 2024: Reform UK say Havant residents wanted change as Tories lose control of council. The News. [2024-05-06]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-16). 
  50. ^ Webb, Caitlin; Smulian, Mark. Small parties make historic gains in councils. Local Government Chronicle. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-05]. 
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