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List of state leaders in the 20th century (1951–2000)

This is a list of state leaders in the 20th century (1951–2000) AD, such as the heads of state, heads of government, and the general secretaries of single-party states.

These polities are generally sovereign states, including states with limited recognition (when recognised by at least one UN member state), but excludes minor dependent territories, whose leaders can be found listed under territorial governors in the 20th century. For completeness, these lists can include colonies, protectorates, or other dependent territories that have since gained sovereignty.



Africa: Central



Colony, 1575–1951; Overseas province, 1951–1975
For details see the Kingdom of Portugal under Southwest Europe


United Nations trust territory, 1946–1960
For details see France under western Europe
United Nations trust territory, 1946–1961
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe
East Cameroon
West Cameroon
United Cameroon

Central African Republic

French colony, 1903–1958
For details see France under western Europe


Colony, 1900–1960
For details see France under western Europe

Congo, Democratic Republic of the

Colony, 1908–1960
For details see the Belgium under Western Europe

Congo: Republic of the

Federation of colonies, 1910–1934; Colony, 1934–1958
For details see France under western Europe


Colony, 1778–1968
For details see Spain in southwest Europe


São Tomé and Príncipe

Colony, 1470–1951; Overseas province, 1951–1975
For details see the Kingdom of Portugal under Southwest Europe

Africa: East



United Nations trust territory, 1946–1962
For details see Belgium under western Europe


Overseas territory, 1946–1961
For details see France under western Europe


Overseas territory, 1946–1967
Overseas territory, 1967–1977
For details see France under western Europe




British colony and protectorate, 1920–1963
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe


Colony, 1897–1958
For details see France under western Europe


Colony, 1810–1968
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe



British colony, 1903–1976
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe


Protectorate, 1884–1940, 1941–1960
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe
United Nations trust territory of Italy, 1950–1960
For details see Italy under southcentral Europe


United Nations trust territory, 1946–1961
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe


  • Gasyonga II, Omugabe (1944–1967)
  • Winyi IV, Omukama (1925–1967)
British protectorate, 1894–1962
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe

Africa: Northcentral



Allied military administration, 1942–1951
  • Idris, Emir (1949–1951), King (1951–1969)
  • Idris, Emir (1949–1951), King (1951–1969)


Protectorate, 1881–1956
For details see France under western Europe

Africa: Northeast




Condominium of the United Kingdom and Egypt, 1899–1956
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe

Africa: Northwest



French Départements, 1830–1962
For details see France under western Europe
  • People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
  • Chairman of the Revolutionary Council (1965–1976)
  • President (1976–1978)


French protectorate, 1912–1956; Spanish protectorate, 1912–1956; Tangier International Zone, 1924–1956
Overseas territory, 1884–1958; Overseas province, 1958–1975
For details see Spain in southwest Europe

Africa: South



British protectorate, 1885–1966
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe

Eswatini/ Swaziland

  • Sobhuza II, Paramount Chief under British rule (1921–1968), King (1968–1982)


British colony, 1884–1966
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe
  • Moshoeshoe II, Paramount Chief (1960–1966), King (1966–1990, 1995–1996)
  • Letsie III, King (1990–1995, 1996–present)


British protectorate, 1907–1964
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe


Colony, 1498–1972; Territory, 1972–1975
For details see the Kingdom of Portugal under Southwest Europe


United Nations trust territory, 1946–1990
For details see the South African Republic under southern Africa

South Africa

  • Republic of South Africa


  • Mwanawina III, Mbumu wa Litunga (1948–1968)
British protectorate, 1924–1964
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe
Self-governing British colony, 1953–1963
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe


British protectorate, 1924–1964
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe

Africa: West



Colony, 1904–1958
For details see France under western Europe

Burkina Faso

  • Yempaabu, King (1941–1986)[1][2]
  • Banyikuba, Bilanbedo (1927–1970)
  • Yencabri, ruler (1942–1969)
  • Abdullahi Sandu bi Faruku, Almami (1932–1956)
  • Usman bi Amiru, Almami (1956–1959)
  • Yendieri, Boopo (1945–1976)
  • Huntani, Jafuali (1938–1952)
  • Yempaabu, Jafuali (1952–?)
  • Yamba Sorgo, Naaba (1933–1957)
  • Naaba Saaga II, Moogo-naaba (1942–1957)
  • Naaba Kugri, Moogo-naaba (1957–1982)
  • Naaba Tigre, Yatenga naaba (1914–1954)
  • Naaba Sigiri, Yatenga naaba (1954–1960)
Colony, 1919–1932, 1947–1958
For details see France under western Europe

Cape Verde

Colony, 1462–1951; Overseas province, 1951–1975
For details see the Kingdom of Portugal under Southwest Europe


British colony and protectorate, 1821–1965
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe
  • Dawda Jawara, President (1970–1994)
  • Yahya Jammeh, Chairman of the Armed Forces Provisional Ruling Council (1994–1996), President (1996–2017)


British colony, 1821–1957
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe


French colony, 1894–1958
For details see France under western Europe


Colony, 1474–1951; Overseas province, 1951–1974
For details see the Kingdom of Portugal under Southwest Europe

Ivory Coast

Colony, 1893–1960
For details see France under western Europe



Colony, 1880–1958
French territory, united together with Senegal 1959–1960
For details see France under western Europe
  • Heads of state (complete list) –
  • Modibo Keïta, Head of State (1960–1965), President (1965–1968)
  • Moussa Traoré, Chairman of the Military Committee for National Liberation (1968–1969), Head of State (1969–1979), President (1979–1991)
  • Amadou Toumani Touré, Chairman of the National Reconciliation Council (1991), Chairman of the Transitional Committee (1991–1992)
  • Alpha Oumar Konaré, President (1992–2002)


French colony, 1903–1960
For details see France under western Europe


  • Zarmakoy Moumouni, King (1938–1953)
  • Zarmakoy Hamani, King (1953–1962)
French colony, 1921–1960
For details see France under western Europe


British colony, 1821–1957
British colony, 1914–1960
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe


  • Fode N'Gouye Joof, Maad Saloum (1935–c.1960)[4][3]
Federation of colonies, 1895–1958
For details see France under western Europe
French colony, 1848–1960
For details see France under western Europe

Sierra Leone

British colony and protectorate, 1808–1961
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe
First Republic
Military regime
Second Republic


United Nations Trust Territory, 1946–1956
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe
United Nations Trust Territory, 1946–1960
For details see France under western Europe



Americas: Caribbean



Antigua and Barbuda

British colony, 1632–1981
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe

The Bahamas

British colony, 1648–1973
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe


British colony, 1625–1966
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe


  • Fidel Castro, Prime minister (1959–1976), President of the Council of Ministers (1976–2008)


British Colony, 1763–1978
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe

Dominican Republic

  • Armando Óscar Pacheco, Luis Amiama Tió, Antonio Imbert Barrera, Enrique Valdez Vidaurre, Wilfredo Medina Natalio, Huberto Bogaert, Civic-Military Council (1962)




Saint Kitts and Nevis

British colony, 1882–1983
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe

Saint Lucia

British colony, 1802–1979
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

British Colony, 1763–1979
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe

Trinidad and Tobago

British colony, 1797–1962
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe

Americas: Central



British colony, 1862–1981
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe

Costa Rica

El Salvador





  • Military leaders: de facto Heads of state (1968–1989)

Americas: North



  • Canada


United States

Americas: South









British colony, 1814–1966
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe
  • Co-operative Republic of Guyana


Dutch colony 1634–1828, 1845–1954
For details see the Netherlands under western Europe
Constituent country 1954–2010
For details see the Netherlands under western Europe

Saint Kitts and Nevis

British colony, 1882–1983
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe




Dutch colony 1667–1954
For details see the Netherlands under western Europe
Constituent country 1954–1975
For details see the Netherlands under western Europe





Asia: Central


Asia: East

  • People's Republic of China
  • Mao Zedong, Chairman (1945–1976), Paramount Leader (1949–1976)
  • Hua Guofeng, Chairman (1976–1981), Paramount Leader (1976–1978)
  • Deng Xiaoping, Paramount Leader (1978–1989)
  • Hu Yaobang, Chairman (1981–1982), General Secretary (1982–1987)
  • Zhao Ziyang, General Secretary (1987–1989)
  • Jiang Zemin, General Secretary (1989–2002), Paramount Leader (1989–2002)
  • Japan
  • Kim Il Sung, Chairman (1949–1966), General Secretary (1966–1994)
  • Kim Jong Il, General Secretary (1997–2011)

Asia: Southeast



British protectorate, 1888–1984


  • Pol Pot, General Secretary (1963–1981)
  • Heng Samrin, Chairman of the Revolutionary Council (1979–1981), Chairman of the State Council (1981–1992)
United Nations protectorate, 1992–1993

East Timor

United Nations protectorate, 1999–2002


  • Suharto, Acting President (1967–1968), President (1968–1998)
United Nations protectorate, 1962–1963



Myanmar / Burma

  • U Nu, Prime minister (1948–1956)
  • Ba Swe, Prime minister (1956–1957)
  • U Nu, Prime minister (1957–1958)
  • Ne Win, Prime minister (1958–1960)
  • U Nu, Prime minister (1960–1962)
  • Ne Win, Prime minister (1962–1974)


Third Philippine Republic
Fourth Philippine Republic
Fifth Philippine Republic
Fourth Philippine Republic


  • Singapore



  • Socialist Republic of Vietnam (1976–present)

Asia: South






  • Republic of India




  • Monarchs –

Sri Lanka

  • Monarchs –

Asia: West



Protectorate of the United Kingdom, 1861–1971


Colony, 1878–1960
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe




  • Israel







Saudi Arabia

  • Ibn Saud, Emir (1902–1921), Sultan (1921–1932), King (1932–1953)
  • Saud, King (1953–1964)
  • Faisal, King (1964–1975)
  • Khalid, King (1975–1982)
  • Fahd, King (1982–2005)


  • Syrian Arab Republic


United Arab Emirates

Yemen: North

Yemen: South

  • Muhsin ibn Farid al-Yaslami al-'Awlaqi, Amir (1902–1959)
  • 'Abd Allah ibn Muhsin al-Yaslami al-'Awlaqi, Amir (1959–1967)
  • Nasir ibn 'Abd Allah al-Wahidi, Sultan (1948–1967)
  • 'Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Sa`id al-Wahidi, Regent (1967)
  • 'Awad ibn Salih al-'Awlaqi, Sultan (1935–1967)
  • 'Ali ibn 'Ali al-'Amiri, Emir (1947–1954)
  • Shafa`ul ibn 'Ali al-'Amiri, Emir (1954–1967)
  • al-Husayn ibn 'Abd Allah al-Wahidi, Sultan (1962), Subordinate ruler (1962–1967)
  • al-Husain ibn 'Ali al-Kathir, Sultan (1949–1967)
  • Aydarus ibn Muhsin al-Afifi, ruler (1925–1958)
  • Mahmud ibn Aydarus al-Afifi, ruler (1958–1967)
  • Muhammad ibn Salih ibn 'Umar Al Harhara, Sultan (1948–1967)
  • al-Fadl V ibn 'Abd al-Karim al-'Abdali, Sultan (1947–1952)
  • 'Ali III ibn 'Abd al-Karim al-'Abdali, Sultan (1952–1958)
  • al-Fadl VI ibn 'Ali al-'Abdali, Sultan (1958–1967)
  • Ahmad ibn 'Abd Allah Afrar al-Mahri, Sultan (mid-20th century–1952)
  • 'Isa ibn 'Ali ibn Salim Afrar al-Mahri, Sultan (1952–1967)
British Colony, 1937–1963
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe

Yemen: United

  • Ali Abdullah Saleh, Chairman of the Presidential Council (1990–1994), president (1994–2012)



Europe: Balkans




  • Georgi Damyanov, Chairman of the Presidium of the National Assembly (1950–1958)
  • Dimitar Ganev, Chairman of the Presidium of the National Assembly (1958–1964)
  • Georgi Traykov, Chairman of the Presidium of the National Assembly (1964–1971)
  • Todor Zhivkov, Chairman of the State Council (1971–1990), president (1990)
  • Petar Mladenov, President (1990)




Yugoslavia: Serbia & Yugoslavia

Yugoslavia: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Yugoslavia: Croatia

  • Dušan Vještica, Prime minister (1991–1992)
  • Risto Matković, Acting Prime minister (1992–1992)
  • Zdravko Zečević, Prime minister (1992–1993)
  • Đorđe Bjegović, Prime minister (1993–1994)
  • Borislav Mikelić, Prime minister (1994–1995)
  • Milan Babić, Prime minister (1995–1995)
United Nations protectorate, 1996–1998

Yugoslavia: Macedonia

Yugoslavia: Slovenia

Europe: Baltic states





Europe: British Isles



United Kingdom

Europe: Central





  • Walter Ulbricht, General Secretary (1950–1953), First Secretary (1953–1971)
  • Erich Honecker, First Secretary (1971–1976), General Secretary (1976–1989)
  • Egon Krenz, General Secretary (1989)
  • Federal Republic of Germany
  • Helmut Kohl, Chancellor of West Germany (1982–1990), Chancellor of reunified Germany (1990–1998)
  • Gerhard Schröder, Chancellor (1998–2005)





Europe: East




  • Igor Smirnov, Chairman of the Provisional Supreme Soviet (1990), of the Republic (1990–1991)
  • Andrey Manoylov, Acting Chairman of the Republic (1991)
  • Igor Smirnov, Chairman of the Republic (1991), President (1991–2011)
  • Stanislav Moroz, Acting Prime minister (1990)


  • Constantin Ion Parhon, President of the Provisional Presidium (1947–1948), President of the Presidium (1948–1952)
  • Nicolae Ceaușescu, President of the State Council (1967–1974), President (1974–1989)


  • Nikolay Shvernik, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet (1946–1953)
  • Kliment Voroshilov, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet (1953–1960)
  • Leonid Brezhnev, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet (1960–1964)
  • Anastas Mikoyan, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet (1964–1965)
  • Nikolai Podgorny, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet (1965–1977)
  • Leonid Brezhnev, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet (1977–1982)
  • Yuri Andropov, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet (1983–1984)
  • Konstantin Chernenko, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet (1984–1985)
  • Andrei Gromyko, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet (1985–1988)
  • Mikhail Gorbachev, Chairman of the Supreme Soviet (1988–1990), president (1990–1991)
  • Russia


Europe: Nordic







  • Sweden

Europe: Southcentral



  • Italy


British colony, 1813–1964
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe

San Marino

  • Marino Della Balda, Luigi Montironi, Captains Regent (1950–1951)
  • Alvaro Casali, Romolo Giacomini, Captains Regent (1951)
  • Domenico Forcellini, Giovanni Terenzi, Captains Regent (1951–1952)
  • Domenico Morganti, Mariano Ceccoli, Captains Regent (1952)
  • Arnaldo Para, Eugenio Bernardini, Captains Regent (1952–1953)
  • Vincenzo Pedini, Alberto Reffi, Captains Regent (1953)
  • Giordano Giacomini, Giuseppe Renzi, Captains Regent (1953–1954)
  • Giuseppe Forcellini, Secondo Fiorini, Captains Regent (1954)
  • Agostino Giacomini, Luigi Montironi, Captains Regent (1954–1955)
  • Domenico Forcellini, Vittorio Meloni, Captains Regent (1955)
  • Primo Bugli, Giuseppe Maiani, Captains Regent (1955–1956)
  • Mario Nanni, Enrico Andreoli, Captains Regent (1956)
  • Mariano Ceccoli, Eugenio Bernardini, Captains Regent (1956–1957)
  • Giordano Giacomini, Primo Marani, Captains Regent (1957)
  • Federico Bigi, Alvaro Casali, Pietro Giancecchi, Zaccaria Giovanni Savoretti, Provisional Captains Regent (1957)
  • Marino Valdes Franciosi, Federico Micheloni, Captains Regent (1957–1958)
  • Zaccaria Giovanni Savoretti, Stelio Montironi, Captains Regent (1958)
  • Domenico Forcellini, Pietro Reffi, Captains Regent (1958–1959)
  • Marino Benedetto Belluzzi, Agostino Biordi, Captains Regent (1959)
  • Giuseppe Forcellini, Ferruccio Piva, Captains Regent (1959–1960)
  • Alvaro Casali, Gino Vannucci, Captains Regent (1960)
  • Eugenio Reffi, Pietro Giancecchi, Captains Regent (1960–1961)
  • Federico Micheloni, Giancarlo Ghironzi, Captains Regent (1961)
  • Giovanni Vito Marcucci, Pio Galassi, Captains Regent (1961–1962)
  • Domenico Forcellini, Francesco Valli, Captains Regent (1962)
  • Antonio Maria Morganti, Agostino Biordi, Captains Regent (1962–1963)
  • Leonida Suzzi Valli, Stelio Montironi, Captains Regent (1963)
  • Giovan Luigi Franciosi, Domenico Bollini, Captains Regent (1963–1964)
  • Marino Benedetto Belluzzi, Eusebio Reffi, Captains Regent (1964)
  • Giuseppe Micheloni, Pier Marino Mularoni, Captains Regent (1964–1965)
  • Ferruccio Piva, Federico Carattoni, Captains Regent (1965)
  • Alvaro Casali, Pietro Reffi, Captains Regent (1965–1966)
  • Francesco Valli, Emilio Della Balda, Captains Regent (1966)
  • Giovanni Vito Marcucci, Francesco Maria Francini, Captains Regent (1966–1967)
  • Vittorio Rossini, Alberto Lonfernini, Captains Regent (1967)
  • Domenico Forcellini, Romano Michelotti, Captains Regent (1967–1968)
  • Marino Benedetto Belluzzi, Dante Rossi, Captains Regent (1968)
  • Pietro Giancecchi, Aldo Zavoli, Captains Regent (1968–1969)
  • Ferruccio Piva, Stelio Montironi, Captains Regent (1969)
  • Alvaro Casali, Giancarlo Ghironzi, Captains Regent (1969–1970)
  • Francesco Valli, Eusebio Reffi, Captains Regent (1970)
  • Simone Rossini, Giuseppe Lonfernini, Captains Regent (1970–1971)
  • Luigi Lonfernini, Attilio Montanari, Captains Regent (1971)
  • Federico Carattoni, Marino Vagnetti, Captains Regent (1971–1972)
  • Marino Benedetto Belluzzi, Giuseppe Micheloni, Captains Regent (1972)
  • Rosolino Martelli, Bruno Casali, Captains Regent (1972–1973)
  • Francesco Maria Francini, Primo Bugli, Captains Regent (1973)
  • Antonio Lazzaro Volpinari, Giovan Luigi Franciosi, Captains Regent (1973–1974)
  • Ferruccio Piva, Giordano Bruno Reffi, Captains Regent (1974)
  • Francesco Valli, Enrico Andreoli, Captains Regent (1974–1975)
  • Alberto Cecchetti, Michele Righi, Captains Regent (1975)
  • Giovanni Vito Marcucci, Giuseppe Della Balda, Captains Regent (1975–1976)
  • Clelio Galassi, Marino Venturini, Captains Regent (1976)
  • Primo Bugli, Virgilio Cardelli, Captains Regent (1976–1977)
  • Alberto Lonfernini, Antonio Lazzaro Volpinari, Captains Regent (1977)
  • Giordano Bruno Reffi, Tito Masi, Captains Regent (1977–1978)
  • Francesco Valli, Enrico Andreoli, Captains Regent (1978)
  • Ermenegildo Gasperoni, Adriano Reffi, Captains Regent (1978–1979)
  • Marino Bollini, Lino Celli, Captains Regent (1979)
  • Giuseppe Amici, Germano De Biagi, Captains Regent (1979–1980)
  • Pietro Chiaruzzi, Primo Marani, Captains Regent (1980)
  • Giancarlo Berardi, Rossano Zafferani, Captains Regent (1980–1981)
  • Gastone Pasolini, Maria Lea Pedini-Angelini, Captains Regent (1981)
  • Mario Rossi, Ubaldo Biordi, Captains Regent (1981–1982)
  • Giuseppe Maiani, Marino Venturini, Captains Regent (1982)
  • Libero Barulli, Maurizio Gobbi, Captains Regent (1982–1983)
  • Adriano Reffi, Massimo Roberto Rossini, Captains Regent (1983)
  • Renzo Renzi, Germano De Biagi, Captains Regent (1983–1984)
  • Gloriana Ranocchini, Giorgio Crescentini, Captains Regent (1984)
  • Marino Bollini, Giuseppe Amici, Captains Regent (1984–1985)
  • Enzo Colombini, Severiano Tura, Captains Regent (1985)
  • Pier Paolo Gasperoni, Ubaldo Biordi, Captains Regent (1985–1986)
  • Marino Venturini, Ariosto Maiani, Captains Regent (1986)
  • Giuseppe Arzilli, Maurizio Tomassoni, Captains Regent (1986–1987)
  • Renzo Renzi, Carlo Franciosi, Captains Regent (1987)
  • Rossano Zafferani, Gianfranco Terenzi, Captains Regent (1987–1988)
  • Umberto Barulli, Rosolino Martelli, Captains Regent (1988)
  • Luciano Cardelli, Reves Salvatori, Captains Regent (1988–1989)
  • Mauro Fiorini, Marino Vagnetti, Captains Regent (1989)
  • Gloriana Ranocchini, Leo Achilli, Captains Regent (1989–1990)
  • Adalmiro Bartolini, Ottaviano Rossi, Captains Regent (1990)
  • Cesare Gasperoni, Roberto Bucci, Captains Regent (1990–1991)
  • Domenico Bernardini, Claudio Podeschi, Captains Regent (1991)
  • Edda Ceccoli, Marino Riccardi, Captains Regent (1991–1992)
  • Germano De Biagi, Ernesto Benedettini, Captains Regent (1992)
  • Romeo Morri, Marino Zanotti, Captains Regent (1992–1993)
  • Patrizia Busignani, Salvatore Tonelli, Captains Regent (1993)
  • Gian Luigi Berti, Paride Andreoli, Captains Regent (1993–1994)
  • Alberto Cecchetti, Fausto Mularoni, Captains Regent (1994)
  • Renzo Ghiotti, Luciano Ciavatta, Captains Regent (1994–1995)
  • Marino Bollini, Settimio Lonfernini, Captains Regent (1995)
  • Pier Natalino Mularoni, Marino Venturini, Captains Regent (1995–1996)
  • Pier Paolo Gasperoni, Pietro Bugli, Captains Regent (1996)
  • Maurizio Rattini, Gian Carlo Venturini, Captains Regent (1996–1997)
  • Paride Andreoli, Pier Marino Mularoni, Captains Regent (1997)
  • Luigi Mazza, Marino Zanotti, Captains Regent (1997–1998)
  • Alberto Cecchetti, Loris Francini, Captains Regent (1998)
  • Pietro Berti, Paolo Bollini, Captains Regent (1998–1999)
  • Antonello Bacciocchi, Rosa Zafferani, Captains Regent (1999)
  • Marino Bollini, Giuseppe Arzilli, Captains Regent (1999–2000)
  • Maria Domenica Michelotti, Gian Marco Marcucci, Captains Regent (2000)
  • Gianfranco Terenzi, Enzo Colombini, Captains Regent (2000–2001)


Europe: Southwest





  • Kingdom of Spain

Europe: West





  • Charlotte, Grand Duchess (1919–1964)
  • Jean, Grand Duke (1964–2000)
  • Henri, Grand Duke (2000–present)



Eurasia: Caucasus




  • Leonard Petrosyan, President of the National Assembly (1991–1992)
  • Artur Mkrtchyan, President of the National Assembly (1992)
  • Georgi Petrosian Acting President of the National Assembly (1992–1993)
  • Karen Baburyan [hy], President of the National Assembly (1993–1996)
  • Arthur Tovmasyan, President of the National Assembly (1996–1997)
  • Oleg Yesayan, President of the National Assembly (1997–2005)




Oceania: Australia and Papua New Guinea



  • Australia

Papua New Guinea

United Nations Trust Territory of Australia, 1946–1975
For details see Australia
United Nations Trust Territory of Australia, 1946–1975
For details see Australia or the United Kingdom under the British Isles, Europe
New Guinea: United Nations Trust Territory of Australia, 1949–1975
Papua: Australian external territory (1949–1975)
For details see Australia

Oceania: Pacific



British colony, 1874–1970
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe

French Polynesia

Protectorate of France, 1887/1888–1959
Overseas territory of France, 1959–2003
  • Pasilio Keletaona, King (1997–2003)


Marshall Islands



New Zealand

  • New Zealand
New Zealand protectorate, 1907–present
For details see the New Zealand under Oceania


Samoa and American Samoa

Solomon Islands

British protectorate, 1893–1978
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe



United States

United Nations Trust Territory under the administration of the United States, 1947–1994


British-French Condominium, 1906–1980
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles and France under western Europe


  1. ^ Madiéga, Y. Georges (1982). Contribution à L'Histoire Précoloniale du Gulma (Haute Volta). Franz Steiner Verlag. p. 123. ISBN 978-3-515-03222-3.
  2. ^ Madiéga, Y. Georges (1988). "Les Koarima de Koarimadeni: un groupe Kurumba en milieu gulmance". Tribus (in French) (37): 53–62.
  3. ^ a b Sheridan, Michael J. et Nyamweru, Celia, African sacred groves: ecological dynamics & social change, James Currey, 2008, p. 141 ISBN 0821417894
  4. ^ a b Klein, Martin A., Islam and Imperialism in Senegal. Sine-Saloum, 1847–1914, Edinburgh University Press, 1968, p. XV
  5. ^ Said., Zahlan, Rosemarie (2016). The Origins of the United Arab Emirates : a Political and Social History of the Trucial States. Taylor and Francis. p. 239. ISBN 9781317244653. OCLC 945874284.((cite book)): CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
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List of state leaders in the 20th century (1951–2000)
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