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Alfabetiese lys van Suid-Afrikaanse vlinders

Hier volg ’n sorteerbare lys van Suid-Afrikaanse vlinders (Lepidoptera):

Afrikaanse naam Wetenskaplike naam Engelse naam
Aasbloutjie Cupidopsis jobates ssp. jobates Tailed meadow blue
Afrika bolwurm Helicoverpa armigera Africa bollworm
Afrika kommandowurm Spodoptera exempta African armyworm / Nutgrass armyworm
Afrikaanse gewone witjie Belenois creona ssp. severina African common white
Afrikaanse swerwer Catopsilia florella African migrant / Common vagrant
Afrikaanse-ringetjie Ypthima asterope African ringlet
Alsie-witkoppie Cymothoe alcimeda ssp. trimeni Battling glider
Angola-witnooientjie Graphium angolanus ssp. angolanus Angola white-lady swordtail / Angola white lady
Appelkoos-spelertjie Virachola dinochares Apricot playboy
Aranda-kopervlerkie Aloeides aranda Common African copper
Babault-se-ertjiebloutjie Leptotes babaulti Babault’s blue
Basheeriviergeelvlerkie Deloneura immaculata Bashee River buff
Bergnooientjie Aeropetes tulbaghia Table Mountain beauty
Berg-rooitjie Acraea nohara ssp. nohara Light red acraea
Berg-sandmannetjie Spialia spio Mountain sandman
Bloed-rooitjie Acraea petraea Blood-red acraea
Blougesiggie Junonia oenone Blue pansy
Blouglans Hypolimnas misippus Danaid eggfly / Common diadem
Boerbok-rooitjie Telchinia esebria Dusky acraea
Boisduval-se-boombruintjie Sevenia boisduvali Boisduval’s tree nymph
Boland-bruintjie Melampias huebneri Boland brown
Bontrokkie Pontia helice ssp. helice Meadow white / African cabbage white
Bont-swaardstert Graphium leonidas ssp. leonidas Veined swordtail
Bosgesiggie Junonia terea ssp. elgiva Soldier pansy
Bos-malvabloutjie Cacyreus lingeus Bush bronze / Bush blue
Bosprag Paralethe dendrophilus Forest beauty
Bosprins-dubbelstert Charaxes cithaeron Blue-spotted emperor
Bos-sandmannetjie Spialia dromus Forest sandman / Large grizzled skipper
Bos-skemervegter Artitropa erinnys ssp. erinnys Bush night-fighter
Bosveld-dubbelstert Charaxes achaemenes Bushveld emperor
Bosveld-perspuntjie Colotis ione Bushveld purple tip / Common purple tip / Purple tip
Boswitjie Belenois zochalia ssp. zochalia Forest white
Bowker-se-marmersaffier Stugeta bowkeri Bowker’s sapphire
Brauns-se-skollie Thestor braunsi Brauns’s thestor / Brauns’s skolly
Brenton-bloutjie Orachrysops niobe Brenton blue
Bronspronker Chiasmia brongusaria ssp. brongusaria Variable peacock
Bruinkeisermot Aurivillius fuscus Cats-eye emperor
Bruin-spelertjie Deudorix antalus Brown playboy
Chilo-boorder Chilo partellus Chilo borer
D’Urban-se-wolpootjie Lachnocnema durbani D’Urban’s woolly legs
Damara-kopervlerkie Aloeides damarensis Damara copper
Dartel-springertjie Platylesches robustus ssp. robustus Robust hopper
Depicta-kopervlerkie Aloeides depicta Depicta copper
Dickson-se-malvabloutjie Cacyreus dicksoni Dickson’s geranium bronze
Dingaanseweduwee Dingana dingana Dingaan's widow
Donker-bloutjie Pseudonacaduba sichela ssp. sichela Dusky line blue
Donker-kaboutertjie Sarangesa seineri Northern dark elfin
Donker-kopervlerkie Aloeides taikosama Dusky copper
Donker-kortstertjie Anthene definita ssp. definita Common hairtail
Donkeroranjepuntjie Colotis euippe ssp. omphale Smoky orange tip
Donker-walsertjie Tsitana tsita Dismal sylph
Doodshoofmot Acheron atropos
Doringboom-bloutjie Azanus moriqua Black-bordered babul blue / Thorn-tree blue
Doringrosie Drepanogynis cambogiaria Camboge thorn
Dowwe-kopervlerkie Aloeides pierus Dull copper
Driebandpronker Chiasmia subcurvaria Triple striped peacock
Druiwepylstert Theretra capensis
Dubbelkol-bloutjie Lepidochrysops plebeia ssp. plebeia Twin-spot blue
Dubbelkol-konstabel Coeliades pisistratus Two-pip policeman
Duwweltjie Grammodes stolida Stolid lines
Duwweltjie-bloutjie Zizeeria knysna Sooty blue / African grass blue
Dwaalesel-rooitjie Acraea neobule ssp. neobule Wandering donkey acraea
Dwerg-sandmannetjie Spialia nanus Dwarf sandman
Ella-se-streepvlerkie Cigaritis ella Ella’s bar / Ella’s red blue
Fladderpapiertjie Leptosia alcesta ssp. inalcesta African wood white
Fluweelkol-bloutjie Azanus ubaldus Velvet-spotted babul blue / Velvet-spotted blue
Fynbos-spikkelbloutjie Tarucus thespis Fynbos blue / Vivid blue / Vivid dotted blue
Gaika-bloutjie Zizula hylax Tiny grass blue
Geelgesiggie Junonia hierta Yellow pansy
Geelhotnot Gegenes niso Common hottentot skipper
Geelstreep-rooitjie Telchinia cabira Yellow-banded acraea
Geel-zoeloe Alaena amazoula Yellow Zulu
Gepeperde-springertjie Platylesches ayresii Peppered hopper
Gestreepte uiltjie Cyligramma latona Cream-striped owl
Gestreepte vaaljapie Pericyma atrifusa Lined shades
Gevlekte pouoogmot Gynanisa maja Speckled emperor
Gewone keisermot Bunaea alcinoe Common emperor
Gewone snywurm Agrotis segetum Common cutworm / Turnip moth
Gewone voëlentwitjie Mylothris agathina ssp. agathina Common dotted border
Gewone-ertjiebloutjie Leptotes pirithous ssp. pirithous Common zebra blue
Gewone-sandmannetjie Spialia diomus ssp. ferax Common sandman
Gewone-swartogie Leptomyrina gorgias Common black-eye
Goue keisermot Cinabra hyperbius ssp. hyperbius Banded / Golden emperor
Grasjuweeltjie Chilades trochylus Grass jewel blue
Grasveldgeletjie Eurema brigitta Broad-bordered grass yellow
Grasveld-walsertjie Metisella malgacha Grassveld sylph
Grasveldwitjie Belenois aurota aurota Brown-veined white
Groen pêrelmot Parotis baldersalis Verdant pearl
Groenlint-swaelstert Papilio nireus ssp. lyaeus Green-banded swallowtail / Black velvet
Groot koningswaelstert Papilio ophidicephalus ssp. phalusco Emperor swallowtail
Groot wasmot Galleria mellonella Greater wax moth
Hemels-bloutjie Azanus jesous ssp. jesous Topaz babul blue / Topaz-spotted blue / Topaz blue
Henning-se-kopervlerkie Aloeides henningi Henning’s copper
Henning-se-swartogie Leptomyrina henningi Henning’s black-eye
Hintza-bloutjie Zintha hintza ssp. hintza Hintza blue / Hintza pierrot
Hoofmonnik Amauris echeria Southern chief
Jag-swaardstert Graphium antheus Large striped swordtail
Jasmynsnuiter Palpita vitrealis Jasmine moth
Kaapse spookmot Gorgopis cochlias Cape ghost moth / Cape swift moth
Kaapse tiermot Dionychopus amasis Cape tiger moth
Kaapse-bosbruintjie Cassionympha detecta Cape brown
Kaapse-herfsweduwee Dira clytus Cape autumn widow
Kaapse-lenteweduwee Tarsocera cassus Spring widow
Kaapse-swartogie Leptomyrina lara Cape black-eye
Karkloof-dubbelstert Charaxes karkloof Karkloof emperor
Kersboom-rooitjie Acraea anemosa Broad-bordered acraea
Kersfeesbosjagtertjie Celaenorrhinus mokeezi Christmas forester / Large flat, Large sprite
Kiepersol-pouoogmot Bunaea alcinoe Cabbage tree emperor moth
Klawer-bloutjie Zizina antanossa Dark grass blue
Kleinmarmer-kluisenaar Eretis umbra ssp. umbra Small marbled elf
Kleinoranjepuntjie Colotis evagore ssp. antigone Small orange tip
Kleinoranje-rooitjie Acraea serena Small orange acraea / Dancing acraea
Kleremot Tineola bisselliela Clothes moth
Koffieboonmot Thliptoceras octoguttale Coffee berry moth
Koloog-bruintjie Paternympha narycia Spotted-eye brown
Komkommervreter Diaphania indica Cucumber moth
Konstantynseswaelstert Papilio constantinus Constantine's swallowtail
Kool-witjie Pieris brassicae Cabbage white / Large white
Koperbloutjie Eichochrysops messapus Cupreous blue
Koppie-dubbelstert Charaxes jasius ssp. saturnus Foxy emperor
Kortgetande-bloutjie Leptotes brevidentatus Short-toothed blue
Kuiken-rooitjie Acraea axina Little acraea
Kwagga Pinacopteryx eriphia ssp. eriphia Zebra white
Kwaggasandmannetjiie Spialia diomus Common sandman
Laeveldgeletjie Eurema hecabe ssp. solifera Lowveld yellow
Laeveldwitjie Belenois gidica ssp. abyssinica African veined white
Langstert-bosnooientjie Antanartia schaeneia Long-tailed admiral
Langstert-swartogie Leptomyrina hirundo Tailed black-eye
Lelieboorder Brithys crini Lily-leaf borer
Leliegrasvegter Byblia ilithyia Spotted Joker
Lemoenvlinder Papilio demodocus ssp. demodocus Citrus swallowtail / Christmas butterfly, Orange dog
Lusern-bloutjie Lampides boeticus Long-tailed blue / Lucerne blue / Pea blue
Lusernskoenlapper Colias electo ssp. electo African clouded yellow / Lucerne butterfly
Lysander-opaal Chrysoritis pan ssp. lysander Lysander opal / Pan opal
Macken-se-dartelaartjie Acleros mackenii ssp. mackenii Macken’s dart / Marsh skipper / Macken’s skipper
Malvabloutjie Cacyreus marshalli Common geranium-bronze / Geranium blue
Mamba-swaardstert Graphium colonna Mamba swordtail
Marmer-pouoogmot Heniocha marnois Marbled emperor
McGregor-se-bloutjie Lepidochrysops macgregori McGregor’s blue
Melkbosskoenlapper Danaus chrysippus African monarch / Milkweed butterfly
Mieliestamboorder Busseola fusca Maize stem borer
Moeras-rooitjie Acraea rahira ssp. rahira Marsh acraea
Moeraswagter Brakefieldia perspicua Marsh patroller
Mohozutza-wagtertjie Kedestes mohozutza Fulvous ranger / Harlequin skipper
Mopaniemot Imbrasia belina Mopane moth
Mosaiek-rooitjie Acraea natalica Natal acraea
Mosambiek-streepvlerkie Cigaritis mozambica Mozambique bar / Mozambique red blue
Motozi-kaboutertjie Sarangeza motozi Elfin skipper / Forest elfin
Na-aperbloutjie Cacyreus virilis Eastern bush blue / Mocker blue / Mocker bronze
Na-aper-swaelstert Papilio dardanus ssp. cenea Mocker swallowtail / Flying handkerchief
Natal-gesiggie Junonia natalica ssp. natalica Brown pansy / Natal pansy
Natalse perspuntjie Colotis erone Coast purple tip
Natalse-bloutjie Azanus natalensis Natal babul blue / Natal spotted blue, Natal blue
Natalse-rooitjie Acraea natalica Natal acraea
Natalse-streepvlerkie Cigaritis natalensis Natal bar / Natal barred blue / Natal red bar
Ooskus-swaardstert Graphium policenes ssp. policenes Small striped swordtail
Oostelike-kleinkopervlerkie Lycaena clarki Eastern sorrel copper
Oranjeband-suikerbossie Capys alphaeus Orange-banded protea
Oranjelint-bosvlieër Eurytela dryope ssp. angulata Golden piper
Oranjepuntjie Colotis evenina ssp. evenina Common orange tip / Orange tip
Oranje-rooitjie Telchinia anacreon Orange acraea
Oranjevlerk voëlent-witjie Mylothris rueppellii ssp. haemus Twin dotted border
Ouheks Amauris albimaculata ssp. albimaculata Southern layman / Layman friar
Outannie Amauris ochlea ssp. ochlea Novice friar
Padwagtertjie Junonia orithya Eyed pansy
Palmboom-skemervegter Zophopetes dysmephila Palm-tree night-fighter
Patricia-bloutjie Lepidochrysops patricia Patricia blue
Pêrel-dubbelstert Charaxes varanes Pearl emperor
Pêrelmot Nausinoe geometralis Measured pearl
Perlemoenskoenlapper Protogoniomorpha parhassus Mother-of-pearl
Persbruin-stertbloutjie Hypolycaena philippus ssp. philippus Purple-brown hairstreak
Pienkstamboorder Sesamia calamistis Pink stem borer
Piesangboomskemervegter Moltena fiara Strelitzia night-fighter / Banana-tree night-fighter
Polkastippel Pardopsis punctatissima Polka dot
Populierluiperd Phalanta phalantha ssp. aethiopica African leopard
Ralierooivlerkie Axiocerses tjoane Eastern scarlet
Reënbosgeletjie Eurema desjardinsii ssp. marshalli Angled grass yellow
Reënbos-ratsvlieër Borbo fatuellus ssp. fatuellus Long-horned swift / Long-horned skipper
Reënbos-swerwer Neptis laeta Common sailer
Reënbos-walsertjie Metisella metis Gold-spotted sylph
Reënwoud-bosbruintjie Cassionympha cassius Rainforest brown
Reguitlyn-saffier Iolaus silarus ssp. silarus Straight-line sapphire
Ridder-rooitjie Acraea acara ssp. acara Acara acraea
Rooibokkie-rooitjie Acraea oncaea Window acraea
Rooi-en-bloublaarvlerk Precis octavia ssp. sesamus Southern gaudy commodore
Rooipuntjie Colotis antevippe ssp. gavisa Red tip
Rooistertjie Hypopyra capensis Red tail
Rooistreep-saffier Iolaus sidus Red-line sapphire
Rotsblaarvlerk Precis archesia ssp. archesia Garden commodore
Ruitrugmot Plutella maculipennis Diamond-back moth
Sabie-dowwebloutjie Euchrysops dolorosa Smoky blue
Samba-pylpuntjie Phasis clavum Namaqua arrowhead / Samba copper
Sannie-se-suikerbossie Capys disjunctus Russet protea
Satier-dubbelstert Charaxes ethalion Satyr emperor
Sebrabloutjie Leptotes pirithous Common zebra blue
Seerower Catacroptera cloanthe ssp. cloanthe Pirate
Seldsame-wagtertjie Kedestes nerva Scarce ranger / Scarce skipper
Selonsroosmot Daphnis nerii Oleander hawk
Silwerstreep-dubbelstert Charaxes druceanus Silver-barred emperor
Skaduwee-dartelaartjie Tagiades flesus Clouded forester / Clouded flat / Clouded skipper
Skaduwee-valsrooitjie Pseudacraea eurytus ssp. imitator Wanderer false acraea
Skarlakenpuntjie Colotis danae ssp. annae Scarlet tip
Skeeloog-bosbruintjie Bicyclus anynana Squinting bush brown
Skelm-dubbelstert Charaxes candiope Green-veined emperor
Skemerbruintjie Melanitis leda Common evening brown
Skulpie Chloroclystis muscosa Lobed shell
Snuitskoenlapper Libythea labdaca ssp. laius African snout
Sondagsrokkie Vanessa cardui Painted lady
Son-rooitjie Acraea lygus Lygus acraea
Spikkelbloutjie Tarucus sybaris ssp. sybaris Dotted blue
Spikkel-bosbruintjie Acraea stenobea Grizzled bush brown
Spikkel-geelvlerkie Pentila tropicalis Spotted buff
Spikkel-swerwer Neptis saclava ssp. marpessa Spotted sailer
Spikkel-valetjie Crudaria leroma Silver-spotted grey
Sterretjie-sandmannetjie Spialia asterodia Star sandman
Suidelike melkbosskoenlapper Danaus chrysippus ssp. orientis African monarch
Suidkus-kopervlerkie Chrysoritis zeuxo Jitterbug daisy copper
Suurlemoensmous Colotis subfasciatus ssp. subfasciatus Lemon traveller / Lemon tip, King teracolus
Swaeloranjepuntjie Colotis auxo Sulphur orange tip
Swart-bontetjie Tuxentius melaena ssp. melaena Black pie
Swartbont-rooitjie Acraea aganice Common wanderer
Swart-bosbruintjie Bicyclus safitza Common bush brown
Swart-hartbloutjie Uranothauma nubifer ssp. nubifer Black heart
Swarthotnot Gegenes pumilio Dark hottentot
Swart-hottentot Gegenes pumilio ssp. gambica Dark hottentot skipper
Swartmerk-ratsvlieër Pelopidas mathias Black-banded swift
Swartpunt-rooitjie Acraea caldarena ssp. caldarena Black-tipped acraea
Swartstreep-kortstertjie Anthene amarah Black-striped hairtail
Tamatiesousmot Sphingomorpha chlorea Sundowner moth
Tarentaaltjie Hamanumida daedalus Guineafowl / Road inspector
Tinktinkie-bloutjie Brephidium metophis Tinktinkie blue
Tolliegrasvegter Byblia anvatara ssp. acheloia Common joker
Trimen-se-saffier Iolaus trimeni Trimen’s sapphire
Tugela-blaarvlerk Junonia tugela African leaf commodore
Tuin-rooitje Acraea horta Garden Acraea
Uilmot Cyligramma latona Cream-striped owl
Vaaljapie Pericyma mendax Brown shades
Vaal-kortstertjie Anthene butleri ssp. livida Pale hairtail
Valsbolwurm Acantholeucania loreyi False bollworm
Vansonsebloutjie Lepidochrysops vansoni Van Son's blue
Vansonseboomgeelvlerkie Cnodontes vansoni Van Son's buff
Vansonsebruintjie Stygionympha vansoni Van Son's brown
Vansonsespelertjie Deudorix vansoni Van Son's playboy
Varkoorpylstert Hippotion eson
Venster-rooitjie Acraea aglaonice Clear-spotted acraea
Verneukertjie Hypolimnas anthedon ssp. wahlbergi Variable diadem / Variable mimic
Vleibloutjie Cupidopsis cissus ssp. cissus Common meadow blue
Vlieëndepiering Papilio euphranor Forest swallowtail / Bush kite swallowtail
Vuil-ringetjie Ypthima impura Bushveld ringlet
Vyeboombloutjie Myrina silenus Common fig-tree blue
Wallengren-se-wagtertjie Kedestes wallengrenii Wallengren’s ranger / Wallengren’s skipper
Waterberg-rooitjie Acraea barberi Barber's acraea
Westelike-rantbruintjie Stygionympha vigilans Western hillside brown
Wichgraf-se-rantbruintjie Stygionympha wichgrafi Wichgraf's hillside brown
Willawitjie Appias epaphia Diverse white
Willem-se-walsertjie Metisella willemi Netted sylph
Wingerdpylstertmot Hippotion celerio Vine hawk moth / Silver striped hawkmoth
Witbroek-konstabel Coeliades forestan Striped policeman
Witlint-bosvlieër Eurytela hiarbas ssp. angustata Pied piper
Witlint-swaelstert Papilio echerioides ssp. echerioides White-banded swallowtail
Witmerk-ratsvlieër Pelopidas thrax ssp. inconspicua White-banded swift
Witnooientjie Graphium morania White lady
Witpunt-koperbloutjie Eichochrysops hippocrates White-tipped blue
Witstreep-bloutjie Actizera lucida Rayed blue
Witstreepdubbelstert Charaxes brutus ssp. natalensis White-barred emperor
Witstreep-rooitjie Telchinia encedon White-barred acraea
Woudluiperd Phalanta eurytis Forest leopard
Zoeloe-bloutjie Lepidochrysops ignota Zulu blue
Zoeloelandse sandmannetjie Spialia confusa Zululand sandman


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Alfabetiese lys van Suid-Afrikaanse vlinders
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