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南非国花帝王花 Protea cynaroides
科学分类 编辑
界: 植物界 Plantae
演化支 维管植物 Tracheophyta
演化支 被子植物 Angiosperms
演化支 真双子叶植物 Eudicots
目: 山龙眼目 Proteales
科: 山龙眼科 Proteaceae




月桂叶哈克木 (Hakea laurina)
Banksia coccinea




  • Acidonia L.A.S.Johnson & B.G.Briggs
  • Adenanthes Knight, 1809
  • Adenanthos Labill.
  • Adenanthus Roem. & Schult., 1818
  • Agastachys R.Br.
  • Agnostus A.Cunn., 1832
  • Agnostus G.Don ex Loudon, 1832
  • Alloxylon P.H.Weston & Crisp
  • Anademia C.Agardh, 1826
  • Aplectotremas B.S.Serlin, 1982
  • Arthrostygma Steud.
  • Athertonia L.A.S.Johnson & B.G.Briggs
  • Aulax P.J.Bergius
  • Austromuellera C.T.White
  • 棒柯属 Banksia L.f.
  • Banksicarpus Velenovský & Viniklár, 1927
  • Banksieaeformis R.S.Hill & D.C.Christophel, 1988
  • Banksieaeidites Cookson, 1950
  • Banksieaephyllum I.C.Cookson & S.L.Duigan, 1950
  • Banksites Saporta, 1861
  • Beauprea Brongn. & Gris
  • Beaupreaidites I.C.Cookson ex R.Potonié, 1960
  • Beaupreopsis Virot
  • Bellendena R.Br.
  • Bleasdalea F.Muell. ex Domin
  • Bleasdalea F.Muell., 1865
  • Brabejum L.
  • Buckinghamia F.Muell.
  • Cardwellia F.Muell.
  • Carnarvonia F.Muell.
  • Catalepidia P.H.Weston
  • Cenarrhenes Labill.
  • Cennarrhenes Steud., 1840
  • Chilurus (R.Brown) Spach, 1841
  • Conchocaryon F.von Mueller, 1879
  • Conocarpus Adans., 1763
  • Conogyne (R.Br.) Spach, 1841
  • Conospermites Ettingshausen, 1867
  • Conospermum Sm.
  • Constantinium Unger, 1863
  • Cranwellipollis A.R.H.Martin & W.K.Harris, 1975
  • Cybele Salisb.
  • Cycloptera (R.Br.) Spach, 1841
  • Darlingia F.Muell.
  • Deastella Loudon, 1830
  • Diastella Salisb.
  • Diastella Salisb. ex Knight
  • Dilobeia Thouars
  • Diplotera C.A.Gardner, 1933
  • Doroteoxylon M.Nishida, H.Nishida & T.Ohsawa, 1989
  • Dryandroides Unger, 1850
  • Echitriporites Van der Hammen, 1956
  • Eidothea A.W.Douglas & B.Hyland
  • Embothriophyllum P.Dusén, 1899
  • Embothriopsis Hollick, 1912
  • Embothrites Unger, 1850
  • Embothrium J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
  • Embotrium Ruiz & Pav., 1794
  • Eriostylis (R.Br.) Spach, 1841
  • Erodendron Meisn., 1856
  • Eucarpha Spach
  • Euplassa Salisb.
  • Euplassa Salisb. ex Knight
  • Euproteaciphyllum G.J.Jordan, R.J.Carpenter & R.S.Hill, 1998
  • Faurea Harv.
  • Finschia Warb.
  • Floydia L.A.S.Johnson & B.G.Briggs
  • Franklandia R.Br.
  • Garnieria Brongn. & Gris
  • Gevuina Molina
  • Gissonia Salisb.
  • 银桦属 Grevillea R.Br. ex Knight
  • Grevillia Knight, 1809
  • 哈克木属 Hakea Schrad.
  • Hakeites Saporta, 1861
  • 山龙眼属 Helicia Lour.
  • 假山龙眼属 Heliciopsis Sleumer
  • Hicksbeachia F.Muell.
  • Hollandaea F.Muell.
  • Hollickia V.A.Krassilov, 1979
  • Hylogyne Salisb.
  • Illiniocarpon Schopf, 1938
  • Isomerium (R.Br.) Spach, 1841
  • Isopogon R.Br. ex Knight
  • Josephia Salisb.
  • Kermadecia Brongn. & Gris
  • Knightia R.Br.
  • Knightiophyllum Berry, 1916
  • Knightiophyllum Ettingshausen, 1887
  • Knightites Saporta, 1861
  • Lambertia Sm.
  • Lambertiphyllum Velenovsky, 1889
  • 鹤鸵果属 Lasjia P.H.Weston & A.R.Mast
    • Lasjia claudiensis (C.L.Gross & B.Hyland) P.H.Weston & A.R.Mast
    • Lasjia erecta (J.A.Mc Donald & R.Ismail) P.H.Weston & A.R.Mast
    • Lasjia grandis (C.L.Gross & B.Hyland) P.H.Weston & A.R.Mast
    • Lasjia griseifolia Utteridge & Brambach, 2024[4]
    • Lasjia hildebrandii (Steenis) P.H.Weston & A.R.Mast
    • Lasjia whelanii (F.M.Bailey) P.H.Weston & A.R.Mast
  • Lepidocarya Korth. ex Miq., 1856
  • Lepidocystis Lesquereux, 1880
  • Leucadendrites G.Saporta, 1862
  • 木百合屬 Leucadendron Kuntze, 1891,銀葉樹屬
  • Leucadendron P.J.Bergius
  • Leucadendron R.Br.
  • Leucadendrum Salisb., 1807
  • Leucandron Steud.
  • Leucandrum Neck., 1790
  • Leucospermites G.Saporta, 1861
  • 針墊花屬 Leucospermum R.Br.
  • Lewalanipollis M.E.Dettmann D.M.Jarzen, 1996
  • Lomatia R.Br.
  • Lomatites G.Saporta, 1862
  • Lysanthe Salisb.
  • Lyssanthe Endl., 1837
  • 澳洲坚果属 Macadamia F.Muell.
  • Macclintockia O.Heer, 1868
  • Malagasia L.A.S.Johnson & B.G.Briggs
  • Maslinia D.T.Blackburn, 1981
  • Megahertzia A.S.George & B.Hyland
  • Mimetes Salisb.
  • Musgravea F.Muell.
  • Musgraveinanthus D.C.Christophel, 1984
  • Myricophyllum G.Saporta, 1862
  • Neorites L.S.Sm.
  • Nothorites P.H.Weston & A.R.Mast
  • Opisthiolepis L.S.Sm.
  • Oreocallis R.Br.
  • Orites R.Br.
  • Orothamnus Pappe ex Hook.
  • Palaeodendron G.Saporta, 1862
  • Palibinia E.P.Korovin, 1932
  • Panopsis Salisb.
  • Panopsis Salisb. ex Knight
  • Paranomus Salisb.
  • Persoonia Sm.
  • Persoonieaephyllum Carpenter et al., 2010
  • Petrophila R.Br., 1810
  • Petrophile R.Br.
  • Petrophile R.Br. ex Knight
  • Placospermum C.T.White & W.D.Francis
  • Platycoila F.von Mueller, 1874
  • 多足蕨属 Polypodium Burm.f., 1768
  • Propylipollis A.R.H.Martin & W.K.Harris, 1975
  • 海神花属 Protea L.
  • Proteaciphyllum H.D.McGinitie, 1974
  • Proteacites R.Caspary, 1881
  • Proteaephyllum Fontaine, 1889
  • Proteoides O.Heer, 1867
  • Proteoxylon Kräusel, 1939
  • Rhopalophyllum C.von Ettingshausen, 1888
  • Rhopalospermites G.Saporta, 1862
  • Rogersia Fontaine, 1889
    • Rogersia angustifolia Fontaine, 1889
    • Rogersia annelidica[5]
    • Rogersia australis Cunéo & Gandolfo, 2005
    • Rogersia longifolia Fontaine, 1889
  • Roupala Aubl.
  • Rymandra Salisb.
  • Scalarixylon R.Pujana, 2007
  • Serraria Burm., 1739
  • Serruria Burm. ex Salisb.
  • Sleumerodendron Virot
  • Soranthe Salisb.
  • Sorocephalus R.Br.
  • Spatalla Salisb.
  • Sphalmium B.G.Briggs, B.Hyland & L.A.S.Johnson
  • Stenocarpites A.T.Brongniart, 1861
  • Stenocarpus R.Br.
  • Stirlingia Endl.
  • Strangea Meisn.
  • 白毛银桦属 Stylurus Salisb.
  • Symphionema R.Br.
  • Symphyonema R.Br., 1810
  • Symphyonema Spreng., 1817
  • Synaphea R.Br.
  • 蒂羅花属 Telopea R.Br.
  • Tenuiloba B.S.Serlin, 1982
  • Toronia L.A.S.Johnson & B.G.Briggs
  • Tricondylus Salisb.
  • Triporopollenites H.D.Pflug & P.W.Thomson, 1953
  • Triunia L.A.S.Johnson & B.G.Briggs
  • Turrillia A.C.Sm.
  • Vexatorella Rourke
  • Virotia L.A.S.Johnson & B.G.Briggs
  • Wilkinsonia F.von Mueller, 1879
  • Xylomelum Sm.


  1. ^ Orchard, Anthony E. (ed.). Proteaceae. Flora of Australia, Volume 16: Elaeagnaceae, Proteaceae 1. Melbourne: Australian Biological Resources Study / CSIRO Publishing. [2007-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2006-10-31). 
  2. ^ Watson, L. and Dallwitz, M. J. Proteaceae. The Families of Flowering Plants: Descriptions, Illustrations, Identification, Information retrieval. 3 May 2006 [2006-06-26]. (原始内容存档于2006-05-15).  |year=|date=不匹配 (帮助); 外部链接存在于|work= (帮助)
  3. ^ Mast, A. R. and Givnish, T. J. Historical Biogeography and the Origin of Stomatal Distributions in Banksia & Dryandra (Proteaceae) Based on Their cpDNA Phylogeny. American Journal of Botany. 2002, 89 (8): 1311–1323. ISSN 0002-9122. 
  4. ^ Timothy M. A. Utteridge, Liam A. Trethowan, Matilda J. M. Brown, Seth Ratcliffe, Jack Plummer, Fabian Brambach and Himmah Rustiami. 2024. A New Species of Lasjia (Proteaceae) from Sulawesi: Lasjia griseifolia Utteridge & Brambach. Kew Bulletin. DOI: 10.1007/s12225-024-10162-y
  5. ^ C. A. Shearer & J. L. Crane (1976) Illinois Fungi No. 7. Rogersia Annelidica Gen. & Sp. Nov. an Aquatic Hyphomycete Colonizing Leaves in the Sangamon River, Mycologia, 68:4, 946-950, DOI: 10.1080/00275514.1976.12019973


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