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科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 节肢动物门 Arthropoda
纲: 昆虫纲 Insecta
目: 雙翅目 Diptera
亚目: 短角亚目 Brachycera
下目: 家蝇下目 Muscomorpha
总科: 家蠅總科 Muscoidea
科: 麻蝇科 Sarcophagidae
  • Miltogramminae
  • Paramacronychiinae
  • 麻蠅亞科 Sarcophaginae








  • Abacantha Hall, 1938
  • Abapa Dodge, 1965
  • Acanthodotheca Townsend, 1918
  • Acridiophaga Townsend, 1917
  • Acrophallonia Lehrer, 2012
  • Actenella Enderlein, 1928
  • Adiscochaeta Enderlein, 1928
  • Aenigmetopia Malloch, 1930
  • Aethianella Zumpt, 1972
  • Aethiopisca Rohdendorf, 1963
  • Africasiomyia Rohdendorf, 1975
  • Afropierretia Verves, 1997
  • Afrosarcophaga Rohdendorf, 1963
  • Afrosenotainia Rohdendorf, 1935
  • Afrothyrsocnema Rohdendorf, 1963
  • Afrowohlfahrtia
  • Aftaotella Lehrer, 1997
  • Agria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
  • Agriella Villeneuve, 1911
  • Agriochaeta Enderlein, 1928
  • Ahavanella Lehrer, 1995
  • Airypel Dodge, 1965
  • Alaccoprosopa Townsend, 1934
  • Aleximyia Rohdendorf, 1930
  • Allenanicia Townsend, 1935
  • Alusomyia Villeneuve, 1933
  • Amamia Verves, 1997
  • Amblycoryphenes Townsend, 1918
  • Ambouya Villeneuve, 1935
  • Amesothyrsus Enderlein, 1928
  • Amharomyia Verves, 1984
  • Amobia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
  • Amobina
  • Amobiopsis Townsend, 1915
  • Anablaesoxipha Villeneuve, 1928
  • Anapunaphyto Dodge, 1968
  • Anapunophyto
  • Anaravinia Townsend, 1934
  • Andinoravinia Townsend, 1917
  • 长肛野蝇属 Angiometopa Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889
  • Angiometopia
  • Annefrankia Lehrer, 1995
  • Anolisimyia
  • Anolisomyia
  • Anolosimyia Dodge, 1955
  • Anthostilophalla Lehrer, 1993
  • Apelophyla Hall, 1938
  • Aphelomyia Roback, 1954
  • Apodacra Macquart, 1854
  • Araba Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
  • Arabiopsis Townsend, 1915
  • Arabisca Rohdendorf, 1937
  • Arachnidomyia Townsend, 1934
  • Archimimus Reinhard, 1952
  • Argoravinia Townsend, 1917
  • Argyria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
  • Arhopocnemis Enderlein, 1928
  • Arrenopus Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891
  • Artamonoviella Verves, 1989
  • Asceloctella Enderlein, 1928
  • Asceloctis Enderlein, 1928
  • Ashlaiana Lehrer, 1998
  • Asilidodexia Townsend, 1927
  • Asilodexia
  • Asioblaesoxipha Rohdendorf, 1937
  • Asioboettcheria Verves, 2001
  • Asiometopia Rohdendorf, 1935
  • Asiopierretia Rodendorf, 1965
  • Asiosarcophila Rohdendorf & Verves, 1978
  • Astegastoplax Enderlein, 1934
  • Athyrsia Enderlein, 1928
  • Athyrsomima Rohdendorf, 1937
  • Atlantina Lehrer, 2013
  • Aulacophyto Townsend, 1919
  • Aulacophytoides de Souza Lopes, 1978
  • Aurigamonas Vickerman, 2005
  • Australoanicia Verves, 1979
  • Australophaga Lehrer, 2006
  • Australopierretia Verves, 1987
  • Austrohartigia Townsend, 1937
  • Austrometopia Malloch, 1930
  • Austrophyto Lopes, 1990
  • Awashiops Lehrer, 2007
  • Azuayia Dodge, 1967
  • Bahamiola Dodge, 1965
  • Baliisca Verves, 1980
  • Bantuphaga Lehrer, 2003
  • Baranovisca de Souza Loupes, 1985
  • Barnardia Lehrer, 2003
  • Batissophalla Rohdendorf, 1963
  • Bechuanella Lehrer, 2003
  • Belgiella Lehrer, 1977
  • Bellieria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
  • Bellieriomima Rohdendorf, 1937
  • Beludzhia Rohdendorf, 1935
  • Benedenia Lehrer, 1976
  • Benigramma Lehrer, 2013
  • 粪麻蝇属 Bercaea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
  • Bercaeopsis Townsend, 1917
  • Beziella Enderlein, 1937
  • Bezziola Souza Lopes, 1958
  • Bezzisca Lopes, 1975
  • Bilenemyia Verves, 1989
  • Blackithiana Lehrer, 1997
  • 折麻蝇属 Blaesoxipha Loew, 1861
  • Blaesoxiphella Villeneuve, 1912
  • Blaesoxiphotheca Townsend, 1918
  • Boetia Dodge, 1965
  • Boettcherella Enderlein, 1928
  • Boettcheria Parker, 1914
  • Boettcherimima de Souza Lopes, 1950
  • Boettcheriodes de Souza Lopes, 1988
  • Boettcheriola Rohdendorf, 1937
  • 别麻蝇属 Boettcherisca Rohdendorf, 1937
  • Boettia
  • Borgmeierisca de Souza Lopes, 1972
  • 短野蝇属 Brachicoma Rondani, 1856
  • Brasia Strand, 1932
  • Braunsiella Enderlein, 1928
  • 缅麻蝇属 Burmanomyia Fan, 1964
  • Cacotrophus Reinhard, 1947
  • Caledonia Curran, 1929
  • Callostuckenbergia Lehrer & Lehrer, 1992
  • Camerounisca Verves, 1989
  • Camptops Aldrich, 1916
  • Camptopsis Townsend, 1918
  • Camptopyga Aldrich, 1916
  • Capnopteron Rohdendorf, 1934
  • Carchia de Souza Lopes, 1982
  • Carinoclypeus Dodge, 1965
  • Carpathicomyia Lehrer, 1971
  • Carranca de Souza Lopes, 1988
  • Cataphyto Townsend, 1935
  • Catasarcophaga Townsend, 1927
  • Cattasoma Reinhard, 1947
  • Ceratophalla Rohdendorf, 1963
  • Cercosarcophaga Zumpt, 1972
  • Cerodiscus Enderlein, 1934
  • Ceylonella Lehrer, 2010
  • Chaetanicia Townsend, 1932
  • Chaetapodacra Rohdendorf, 1925
  • Chaetometopia Malloch, 1930
  • Chaetophalla Rohdendorf, 1963
  • Chaetophylloteles Rohdendorf, 1926
  • Chaetoravinia Townsend, 1917
  • Chamayamyia de Souza Lopes, 1969
  • Chapiniola Dodge, 1965
  • Chauliooestrus
  • Chilopodomyia Lopes & Tibana, 1984
  • Chivamyia Pape, 1996
  • Chloronesia Townsend, 1912
  • Chlorosarcophaga Townsend, 1919
  • Chorezmomyia Rohdendorf, 1935
  • Chrysagria Townsend, 1935
  • Chrysogramma Rohdendorf, 1935
  • Chrysosarcophaga Townsend, 1932
  • Chrysostomomyia Townsend, 1931
  • Cicatricia Dodge, 1965
  • Cistudinomyia Townsend, 1917
  • Cnoodophrys Enderlein, 1934
  • Coeisca Rohdendorf, 1966
  • Colcondamyia
  • Colombicesa Koçak & Kemal, 2008
  • Comasarcophaga Hall, 1931
  • Conomya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
  • Coonooria Fan, 1964
  • Cornomyorhina Blanchard, 1966
  • Craticulina Bezzi, 1906
  • Cricobrachia Enderlein, 1928
  • Cryptosarcophila Townsend, 1931
  • Ctenoprosballia Enderlein, 1928
  • Cucullomyia Roback, 1954
  • Cuculomyia
  • Curranisca Rohdendorf, 1963
  • Curtophalla Lehrer, 1994
  • Curvosarcophaga Verves, 2001
  • Cuzcomyia de Souza Lopes, 1982
  • Cylindrothecum Rohdendorf, 1930
  • Cytoria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
  • Daciella Lehrer, 1971
  • Danbeckia Lehrer, 1994
  • Dasypygia Enderlein, 1928
  • Dasysceloctis Enderlein, 1928
  • Deconinckia Lehrer, 2003
  • Desvoidyella Enderlein, 1928
  • Deuterammobia Bezzi, 1906
  • Devriesia
  • Dexagria Rohdendorf, 1978
  • Dexomyiophora
  • Dexomyophora Townsend, 1927
  • Dexosarcophaga Townsend, 1917
  • Dichaetometopia
  • Dichoetometopia Macquart, 1855
  • Dienchaeta Enderlein, 1928
  • Digitiventra Fan, 1964
  • Dinemomyia Chen, 1975
  • Diplonophalla Lehrer, 1994
  • Discachaeta Enderlein, 1928
  • Discohelicobia Dodge, 1965
  • Discomyophora Townsend, 1927
  • Disjunctio Pandellé, 1894
  • Dodgeisca Rohdendorf, 1970
  • Dolichamobia Townsend, 1915
  • Dolichophalla Rohdendorf, 1963
  • Dolichotachina Villeneuve, 1913
  • Doringia Weyenbergh, 1875
  • Dovporiella Lehrer, 2003
  • Draculana Lehrer, 2002
  • Drakensbergiana Lehrer, 1993
  • Dravidia Lehrer, 2010
  • Duckemyia Kano & de Souza Lopes, 1969
  • Duochaeta Dodge, 1968
  • Durbanella Lehrer, 1994
  • Ectomyia Dodge, 1968
  • Efflatounomyia Rohdendorf, 1934
  • Elpigia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
  • Emblemasoma Aldrich, 1916
  • Embulinkisa Lehrer, 2000
  • Emdenimyia de Souza Lopes, 1946
  • Encelimyia de Souza Lopes, 1969
  • Engelimyia de Souza Lopez, 1975
  • Engelisca Rohdendorf, 1937
  • Epolia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1890
  • Eremasiomyia Rohdendorf, 1927
  • Erucophaga Reinhard, 1963
  • Erwinlindneria Rohdendorf, 1963
  • Erythrandra Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891
  • Euaraba Townsend, 1915
  • Euboettcheria Townsend, 1927
  • Eufletcherimyia Townsend, 1934,异名:Euflettcherimyia
  • Euleucomyia Townsend, 1934
  • Eumacronychia Townsend, 1892
  • Eumicrocerella Hall, 1938
  • Eumiltogramma Townsend, 1932
  • Eunotochaeta Townsend, 1934
  • Euparaphyto Townsend, 1912
  • Euphyto Townsend, 1908
  • Euphytomima James, 1955
  • Euravinia Townsend, 1917
  • Euselenomyia Townsend, 1912
  • Eusenotainia Townsend, 1915
  • Fangina
  • Fanimyia Verves, 1997
  • Fanzidella Lehrer, 2003
  • Farrimyia Dodge, 1965
  • Fengia Rodendorf, 1964
  • Fijimyia Lopes & Kano, 1971
  • Fletcherimyia Townsend, 1917
  • Galopagomyia
  • Geijskesia de Souza Lopes, 1945
  • Gesneriella Villeneuve, 1912
  • Gesneriodes Villeneuve, 1909
  • Gigantotheca Townsend, 1917
  • Girnaria Verves, 2001
  • Glaucosarcophaga Townsend, 1917
  • Glossophalla Rodendorf, 1965
  • Golania Lehrer, 2000
  • Goniogramma Townsend, 1931
  • Goniophyto Townsend, 1927
  • Gressittomyia Kano & Lopes, 1985
  • Grimaldiella Lehrer, 2002
  • Grimaldiomyia Lehrer, 2003
  • Griseiforma Lehrer, 2012
  • Grusiniana Lehrer, 1971
  • Guanoxipha Lehrer, 2012
  • Gujaratophalla Lehrer, 2009
  • Gymnocamptops Townsend, 1927
  • Gymnoprosopa Townsend, 1892
  • Gymnopsidia
  • Gymnopsoa Townsend, 1919
  • Hadashophalla Lehrer, 1996
  • Hallimyia Lopes, 1979
  • Hallina Lopes, 1975
  • Hallina Winchell & Schuchert, 1892
  • Halliosca De Souza Lopes, 1975
  • Hamatomyia Blanchard, 1939
  • Hamimembrana Chen, 1975
  • Hamulia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
  • Harbeckia Aldrich, 1916
  • 钩麻蝇属 Harpagophalla Rohdendorf, 1937
  • Harpagophalloides Rohdendorf, 1963
  • Harpagopyga Aldrich, 1916
  • Hartigia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
  • Helicobia Coquillett, 1895
  • Helicobiella Blanchard, 1939
  • Helicobiomima Tibana & de Souza Lopes, 1985
  • Helicobiopsis Townsend, 1927
  • 黑麻蝇属 Helicophagella Enderlein, 1928
  • Helicophagoides Povolny, 1994
  • Hemibracia Enderlein, 1934
  • 欧麻蝇属 Heteronychia
  • Heteropterina Macquart, 1854
  • Hilarella Rondani, 1856
  • Hochiella Lehrer, 2006
  • Hoplacephala Macquart, 1846
  • Hoplatainia Zumpt, 1961
  • Hoplocephalella Villeneuve, 1913
  • Hoplocephalina Villeneuve, 1916
  • Hoplocephalomima Verves, 1988
  • Hoplocephalonea Villeneuve, 1922
  • Hoplocephalopsis Villeneuve, 1913
  • 堀麻蝇属 Horiisca Rodendorf, 1965
  • 琦麻蝇属 Hosarcophaga Shinonaga & Tumrasvin, 1979
  • Hybopygia Enderlein, 1928
  • Hyperacanthisca Rohdendorf, 1963
  • Hypopelta Aldrich, 1916
  • Iafecnema Lehrer, 1995
  • Idoneamima Dodge, 1956
  • Ihosyia Verves, 1989
  • Imerina Lehrer, 2003
  • Imparia Roback, 1954
  • Iranihindia Rohdendorf, 1961
  • Itamobia Townsend, 1927
  • Itiophyto Hall, 1937
  • Jacentkovskya Enderlein, 1936
  • Jaennickeana Lehrer, 2003
  • Javanisca Verves, 1980
  • Johnsonia Coquillett, 1895
  • Johnsonimima Kano & de Souza Lopes, 1971
  • Johnstonimyia Souza Lopes, 1959
  • Jujuyia de Souza Lopes, 1980
  • Juquianicia Townsend, 1934
  • Kaimariana Lehrer, 2011
  • Kalshovenella Baranov, 1941
  • Kanoa Rodendorf, 1965
  • Kanoisca Rodendorf, 1965
  • Kanomyia Shinonaga & Tumrasvin, 1979
  • Karnatakia Verves, 2001
  • Karovia Lehrer, 1995
  • Kellymyia Townsend, 1917
  • Kennesawmyia Dodge, 1956
  • Kenyophaga Lehrer, 2006
  • Kermalia Lehrer, 2006
  • Khowaba Pape, 1991
  • Kozlovea Rohdendorf, 1937
  • 克麻蝇属 Kramerea Rohdendorf, 1937
  • Kramerella Enderlein, 1928
  • Kramerella Rohdendorf, 1937
  • Krameromyia Verves, 1982
  • Krombeinomyia Verves, 1979
  • Kurahashiodes Verves, 2001
  • Kurahasiopsis Verves, 2001
  • Kurtomyia Roback, 1954
  • Laccoprosopa Townsend, 1891
  • Lamprometopia Macquart, 1846
  • Leclercqiomyia Lehrer, 1976
  • Lehisca Kurahashi & Hwa Tan, 2012
  • Lehreria Koçak & Kemal, 2008
  • Leigongshanophaga Lehrer & Wei, 2010
  • Lepidodexia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891
  • 白麻蝇属 Leucomyia Theobald, 1907
  • Leucoravinia Townsend, 1928
  • Libitina Lehrer, 1971
  • Lioplacella Enderlein, 1928
  • Lioproctia Enderlein, 1928
  • Liopygia Enderlein, 1928
  • Liopygiopsis Verves, 1997
  • Liosarcophaga Enderlein, 1928
  • Lipoptilocnema Townsend, 1934
  • Livingstonelia Lehrer, 2003
  • Locustaevora Rohdendorf, 1928
  • Lopesimyia Blanchard, 1954
  • Lucyphalla Lehrer, 2005
  • Macabiella Lehrer, 1994
  • Macronychia Rondani, 1859
  • Macrosoma Lioy, 1864
  • Maculia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
  • Magnicauda Wei, 2005
  • Malacophagomyia de Souza Lopes, 1966
  • Malacophagula Bequaert, 1925
  • Malawithyrsia Lehrer, 1994
  • Malawixia Lehrer, 2011
  • Malliophalla Lehrer, 1994
  • Mallochisca de Souza Lopes, 1982
  • Mandalania Lehrer, 1994
  • Mantidophaga Townsend, 1919
  • Mauritiella Verves, 1989
  • Mawuphalla Lehrer, 2013
  • Mecynocorpus Roback, 1954
  • Mediterranisca
  • Medomyia Rohdendorf, 1926
  • Megaera Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
  • Megerlea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
  • Mehria Enderlein, 1928
  • Melanophyto Townsend, 1916
  • Membranophalla Verves, 1997
  • Merokellymyia Blanchard, 1939
  • Mesomelena Rondani, 1859
  • Mesothrysia
  • Mesothyrsia Enderlein, 1928
  • Metanzania Lehrer, 2013
  • Metopodia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891
  • Metopodiella Zumpt, 1961
  • Metoposarcophaga Townsend, 1917
  • Mexiphalla Lehrer, 2012
  • Microcerella Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891
  • Microcerella Macquart, 1851
  • Microcerellamyia Hall, 1937
  • Micronotochaeta Townsend, 1927
  • Miltogramma Meigen, 1803
  • Miltogrammidium Rohdendorf, 1930
  • Miltogrammisca Verves, 1978
  • Miltogrammoides Rohdendorf, 1930
  • Mimagria Verves, 2001
  • Mimarhopocnemis Rohdendorf, 1937
  • Mimophytomyia Hall, 1937
  • Mindanaoa Lopes & Kano, 1979
  • Misellia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
  • Mitumbana Lehrer, 2003
  • Mononotochaeta Townsend, 1935
  • Montagnieria Lehrer, 2005
  • Mufindia Verves, 1989
  • Mulsantia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
  • Myophora Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
  • Myorhina Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
  • Nagpuria Verves, 1997
  • Nandimyia Verves, 1997
  • Nannosetulia Enderlein, 1934
  • Neobellieria Blanchard, 1939
  • Neometapodia Townsend, 1892
  • Neophyto Townsend, 1908
  • Neophytodes Townsend, 1931
  • Neosarcodexia Blanchard, 1942
  • 新麻蝇属 Neosarcophaga
  • Neotephromyiella Blanchard, 1956
  • Nepalisca Rohdendorf, 1966
  • Nepalometopia Rohdendorf, 1966
  • Nephochaetopteryx Townsend, 1934
  • Nesbittia Verves, 1989
  • Nguyenia Lehrer, 2003
  • Nigerimyia Verves, 1989
  • Noditermitomyia
  • Notochaeta Aldrich, 1916
  • Notochaetisca Lopes & Tibana, 1988
  • Notochaetomima Rohdendorf, 1937
  • Notochaetomima de Souza Lopes, 1973
  • Notochaetophyto Hall, 1933
  • Notoecus Stein, 1924
  • Nuzzaciella Lehrer, 1994
  • Nyctella Zimin, 1928
  • Nyctellisca Verves & Khrokalo, 2019
  • Nyctia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
  • Nyikamyia Lehrer, 1994
  • Occultophalla Lehrer, 1994
  • 折蜂麻蝇属 Oebalia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
  • Oophagomyia Rodendorf, 1928
  • Ophelia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
  • Opheliella Rodendorf, 1955
  • Oppiopsis Townsend, 1915
  • Opsidia Coquillett, 1895
  • Opsidiopsis Townsend, 1919
  • Opsidiotrophus Reinhard, 1963
  • Opsophyto Townsend, 1915
  • Opsophytopsis Townsend, 1918
  • Orodexia Townsend, 1927
  • Ouelletia Curran, 1934
  • Oxyhelicobia Blanchard, 1942
  • Oxysarcodexia Townsend, 1917
  • Oxyvinia Dodge, 1966
  • Pacatuba Lopes, 1975
  • Pachygraphia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891
  • Pachygraphiops Townsend, 1934
  • Pachygraphomima de Souza Lopes, 1980
  • Pachygraphomyia Hall, 1933
  • Pamirella Enderlein, 1933
  • Panava Dodge, 1968
  • Pandelleana Rohdendorf, 1937
  • Pandelleisca Rohdendorf, 1937
  • Pandelleola Rohdendorf, 1937
  • Papesarcophaga
  • Parabellieria Verves, 1987
  • Paragusia Schiner, 1861
  • Parahypopelta Blanchard, 1956
  • Paramacronychia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889
  • Paramintho Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891
  • Paraparthomyia Rohdendorf, 1925
  • Parapeltopyga Blanchard, 1939
  • Paraphalloides Lehrer, 2013
  • Paraphrissopoda Townsend, 1915
  • Paraphylloteles Zumpt, 1952
  • Paraphyto Coquillett, 1895
  • 亚麻蝇属 Parasarcophaga Johnston & Tiegs, 1922
  • Parathalattisca Rohdendorf, 1963
  • Parthomyia Rohdendorf, 1925
  • Pattonella Enderlein, 1928
  • Peckia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
  • Peckiamyia Dodge, 1966
  • Pediasiomyia Rohdendorf, 1925
  • Pedimyia Rohdendorf, 1925
  • Penaisca de Souza Lopes, 1982
  • Peocilometopa Villeneuve, 1913
  • Perisimyia Xue & Verves, 2009
  • Pessoamyia de Souza Lopes, 1938
  • Petriana de Souza Lopes, 1946
  • Petrosarcophaga Townsend, 1919
  • Petuniophalla Lehrer, 1994
  • Phaesarcodexia Hall, 1937
  • Phagita de Souza Lopes, 1941
  • Phalacrodiscus Enderlein, 1928
  • Phallantha Rohdendorf, 1938
  • 曲麻蝇属 Phallocheira Rohdendorf, 1937
  • Phallonychia Verves, 1982
  • Phallornata Lehrer, 2012
  • Phallosarcophaga Zumpt, 1972
  • 球麻蝇属 Phallosphaera Rohdendorf, 1938
  • Pharaonops Lehrer, 2003
  • Philiphaga Lehrer, 2008
  • Phrissopodia Macquart, 1835
  • Phrosinella Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
  • Phyllarista
  • Phylloteles Loew, 1844
  • Phytodes Coquillett, 1910
  • Phytosarcophaga Rohdendorf, 1937
  • 细麻蝇属 Pierretia
  • Pierretiomima Verves, 1997
  • Pierrettia
  • Platyperas Enderlein, 1934
  • Poecilometopa Villeneuve, 1913
  • Poseidonimyia Verves, 1997
  • Povolnymyia Verves, 1997
  • Primorya Pape, 1998
  • Prionophalla Rohdendorf, 1963
  • Prohoplacephala Verves, 1994
  • Promayoa Dodge, 1966
  • Prosballia Enderlein, 1928
  • Prosthetocirca Townsend, 1917
  • Protodexia Townsend, 1912
  • Protomiltogramma Townsend, 1916
  • Pseudaethiopisca Verves, 1989
  • Pseudobellieriomima Verves, 2001
  • Pseudodiscachaeta Enderlein, 1928
  • Pseudosarcophagula Townsend, 1927
  • Pseudothyrsocnema Rohdendorf, 1937
  • Pterella Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
  • Pterolobomyia Lehrer, 1993
  • Ptilocnema Enderlein, 1928
  • Punaphyto Townsend, 1915
  • Punasarcophaga Townsend, 1915
  • Rabunmyia Dodge, 1956
  • Radamaia Lehrer, 2003
  • Rafaelia Townsend, 1917
  • Raimondia Townsend, 1917
  • Ranavalona Lehrer, 2003
  • 拉麻蝇属 Ravinia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
  • Raviniopsis Townsend, 1918
  • Reducitheca Lehrer, 2013
  • Retrocitomyia Lopes, 1982
  • Rettenmeyerina Dodge, 1968
  • Rhynchapodacra Rohdendorf, 1926
  • Robackina de Souza Lopes, 1975
  • Robertiana Lehrer, 2000
  • 叉麻蝇属 Robineauella Enderlein, 1928
  • Rohdendorfiella Verves, 1979
  • Rohdendorfisca Grunin, 1964
  • Rohdendorfomyia Verves, 1978
  • Rosellea Rohdendorf, 1937
  • Rossikenya Lehrer, 2009
  • Rupununia Townsend, 1935
  • Sabakia Lehrer, 2006
  • Sabiella Verves, 1989
  • Sabinata Parker, 1921
  • Sacrophaga
  • Sahararaba von Rohdendorf, 1971
  • Salemea Rodendorf, 1965
  • Salemiophalla Lehrer, 1995
  • Salemmyia Verves, 2001
  • Sankisius Villeneuve, 1913
  • Santschia Townsend, 1919
  • Sapromyia Roback, 1954
  • Saputaramyia Verves, 2001
  • Sarcoclista Townsend, 1892
  • Sarcoctenia Enderlein, 1928
  • Sarcodexia Townsend, 1892
  • Sarcodexiopsis Townsend, 1917
  • Sarcofahrtia Parker, 1916
  • Sarcofahrtiamyia Hall, 1937
  • Sarcofahrtiopsis Hall, 1933
  • Sarcohelicobia Blanchard, 1939
  • Sarcomacronychia Townsend, 1892
  • Sarcomyia Roback, 1954
  • Sarconandia Lehrer, 2006
  • Sarconeiva de Souza Lopes, 1940
  • Sarconimba Lehrer, 2006
  • 麻蝇属 Sarcophaga Swinderen, 1822
  • Sarcophagha
  • Sarcophagina Cresson, 1928
  • Sarcophagula Van der Wulp, 1887
  • Sarcophagulopsis Blanchard, 1939
  • Sarcophila Rondani, 1856
  • Sarcophilodes Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889
  • Sarcophodexia Townsend, 1918
  • Sarcophodexiopsis Blanchard, 1942
  • 鬃麻蝇属 Sarcorohdendorfia Baranov, 1938
  • 所麻蝇属 Sarcosolomonia Baranov, 1938
  • Sarcotachina Portschinsky, 1881
  • 斑麻蝇属 Sarcotachinella Townsend, 1892
  • Sarcotakaops Lehrer, 1985
  • Sarothromyia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891
  • Sarothromyiops Townsend, 1917
  • Sarraceniomyia Townsend, 1917
  • Scaligeria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
  • Scopaediscus Blanchard, 1939
  • Scotathyrsia Enderlein, 1937
  • 辛麻蝇属 Seniorwhitea Rohdendorf, 1937
  • Senotainia Macquart, 1846
  • Senotainiella Zumpt, 1952
  • 锚折麻蝇属 Servaisia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
  • Servaisiomima Rohdendorf, 1963
  • Seselwana Lehrer, 2003
  • Shannomyiella de Souza Lopes, 1938
  • Shenometopa (Xantharaba)
  • Shinonagaella Verves, 1997
  • Shoachaeta Lehrer, 1997
  • 刺麻蝇属 Sinonipponia Rodendorf, 1965
  • Sinopiella Lopes & Tibana, 1982
  • Sinopierretia Verves, 1997
  • Sisasarcophaga Townsend, 1928
  • Socorromyia Dodge, 1964
  • Sogdagria
  • Sogdianomyia Rohdendorf, 1927
  • Sokotriella Lehrer, 2006
  • Spatulapica Fan, 1964
  • Speciosia Roback, 1954
  • Sphecapata
  • Sphecapatoclea Villeneuve, 1909
  • Sphecapatodes Villeneuve, 1912
  • Sphenometopa Townsend, 1908
  • Sphenometopia
  • Sphixapata Rondani, 1859
  • Spinuphalla Lehrer, 2013
  • Spirobolomyia Townsend, 1917
  • Squamata Curran & Walley, 1928
  • Squamatodes Curran, 1927
  • Stackelbergeola Rohdendorf, 1937
  • Steatopyga Dodge, 1965
  • Stenaulacotheca Townsend, 1919
  • Stenopygopsis Townsend, 1935
  • Stephopygia
  • Sthenopyga Aldrich, 1916
  • Stuckenbergiella Verves, 1997
  • Stygina Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
  • Stygiophalla Rohdendorf, 1963
  • Sudafricana Lehrer, 1971
  • Sugiyamamyia Verves, 1997
  • Synorbitomyia Townsend, 1932
  • Takanoa Rodendorf, 1965
  • Takaraia Kano & Field, 1963
  • Tapacura Tibana & de Souza Lopes, 1985
  • Taxigramma Macquart, 1849
  • Taxigramma Perris, 1852
  • Taylorimyia de Souza Lopes, 1959
  • Tejasomyia Reinhard, 1945
  • Tephomyiella Townsend, 1918
  • Tephramobia Townsend, 1926
  • Tephromyia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1892
  • Tephromyiopsis Townsend, 1919
  • Termitometopia Zumpt, 1952
  • Tetradiscalis Enderlein, 1928
  • Tetropsis Coquillet, 1910
  • Thecalonga Lehrer, 2012
  • Thelodiscoprosopa Townsend, 1932
  • Thelodiscus Aldrich, 1916
  • Thelylepticocnema Townsend, 1917
  • Theobaldiomyia Brunetti, 1912
  • Thereomyia Rohdendorf, 1927
  • Thomasomyia Verves, 1982
  • Thomazomyia de Souza Lopes, 1976
  • Thyrsocnema Enderlein, 1928
  • Thyrsotetradiscus Enderlein, 1928
  • Titanogrypa Townsend, 1917
  • Tolucamyia Dodge, 1965
  • Torgopampa Lopes, 1975
  • Townsendisca de Souza Lopes, 1973
  • Toxonagria
  • Transvaalomyia Lehrer & Lehrer, 1992
  • Travassosisca Lopes, 1992
  • Tricharaea Thomson, 1869
  • Tricholioproctia Baranov, 1938
  • Trichophylloteles Baranov, 1934
  • Trinacoplax Enderlein, 1934
  • Tripanurga Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891
  • Trixoclista Townsend, 1892
  • 疣麻蝇属 Tuberomembrana Fan, 1981
  • Tulaeopoda Townsend, 1917
  • Turanomyia Rohdendorf & Verves, 1979
  • Turkmenisca Rohdendorf, 1975
  • Tylomyia Roback, 1954
  • Udamoctis Enderlein, 1928
  • Udamopyga Hall, 1938
  • Umbelusia Townsend, 1917
  • Uroxanthisca Rohdendorf, 1963
  • Ussuriphalla Lehrer, 2010
  • Varcophaga Dodge, 1968
  • Varirosellea Hsue, 1979
  • Vervesia Koçak & Kemal, 2008
  • Vervisca Lopes, 1990
  • Villegasia Dodge, 1966
  • Villeneuvella Enderlein, 1928
  • Virungana Lehrer, 2003
  • Weyrauchimyia de Souza Lopes, 1969
  • Winthemiola Dodge, 1967
  • Wittemyia Lehrer, 2003
  • 污蝇属 Wohlfahrtia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889
  • Wohlfahrtiodes Villeneuve, 1910
  • Wohlfahrtiopsis
  • Wulpisca
  • Xanthobrachycoma Townsend, 1927
  • Xanthopterisca Rohdendorf, 1963
  • Xarcophaga Dodge, 1968
  • Xenagria Blanchard, 1939
  • Xenoppia Townsend, 1915
  • Xenoppina Lopes, 1975
  • Xeromyia Rohdendorf, 1925
  • Xerophilomyia Rohdendorf, 1925
  • Xiphidiella Zumpt, 1952
  • Xuella Verves, 1997
  • Xylocampta Townsend, 1927
  • Xylocamptopsis Townsend, 1927
  • Yemeniella Lehrer, 2006
  • Yerohama Lehrer, 2001
  • Yunnanisca Verves, 1997
  • Yunnanomyia Fan, 1964
  • Zombanella Lehrer, 1993
  • Zumptiopsis Lehrer & Lehrer, 1992
  • Zumptisca Rohdendorf, 1963
  • Zygastropyga Townsend, 1917




  1. ^ Sarcophagidae. GBIF. [2022-07-07]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-21). 


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