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谢默斯·麦克纳利大奖(英語:Seumas McNally Grand Prize) 原名独立游戏节大奖(IGF Grand Prize),是独立游戏节(IGF)颁发的最高奖项。独立游戏节作为独立游戏领域最具影响力的盛会之一,通常在每年一度的游戏开发者大会期间举办。[1]



游戏程序师谢默斯·麦克纳利英语Seumas McNally是独立游戏公司Longbow Digital Arts英语Longbow Games的创始人,他曾凭借游戏《越野坦克英语Tread Marks》赢得2000年度独立游戏节大奖,但在获奖后不久因患霍奇金氏病英年早逝。为纪念其为独立游戏做出的贡献,独立游戏节大奖于2001年更名为谢默斯·麦克纳利大奖。[2]连同奖项授予的还有价值3万美元的奖金。[3]

截至2021年,共有25款游戏获得此奖项,另有超过50款游戏入围。奖项于1999年独立游戏节首次颁发,获奖游戏为《火与暗英语Fire and Darkness》。[4]2004年和2005年的独立游戏节曾将该奖一分为二,[5][6]后于2006年合并。[7] “荣誉提名”(Honorable Mentions)机制自2011年引入,主要由未入围名单的游戏组成。[8]

史莱姆吉什英语Gish (video game)》和《种子》是唯二以多个版本入围名单的游戏,前者还是唯一以后续版本获奖的作品。[4][9][5][6]超越光速》是首款在荣誉提名(2012年)和入围名单(2013年)都出现过的游戏,《史丹利的寓言》后于2013年(荣誉提名)和2014年(入围名单)再次实现。[10][11][12]游戏无需发行即可参与评奖,例如《菲斯》在2012年获奖时,作品尚处在预发布阶段。[13]部分游戏开发者曾以个人或团队身份多次获奖,如亚历克·霍洛卡英语Alec Holowka(《安琪拉之歌》、《林中之夜》)和卢卡斯·波普(《请出示文件》、《奥伯拉丁的回归》)。[14][12][15][16]


年份 获奖游戏 获奖开发商 入围名单[a] 荣誉提名[b] 来源
1999 火与暗英语Fire and Darkness
Fire and Darkness
Singularity Software
  • Acidia
  • 乳房(Boobies)
  • BFRIS零重力战机搏斗(BFRIS Zero-Gravity Fighter Combat)
  • 罪恶都市英语Crime Cities(Crime Cities)
  • 永夜(EverNight)
  • 旗舰:冠军(Flagship: Champion)
  • 食物链(Food Chain)
  • 大脑之旅(Journey Into The Brain)
  • 思考机器英语Mind Rover(Mind Rover)
  • 复活(Resurrection)
  • 种子(Seed)
  • 斯莱茨(Sleights)
  • 终点站英语Terminus (2000 video game)(Terminus)
  • V.D.
不適用 [4][17]
2000 越野坦克英语Tread Marks
Tread Marks
Longbow Games英语Longbow Games
  • 布利克斯(Blix)
  • 哈德伍德红心(Hardwood Hearts)
  • 龙城之王英语King of Dragon Pass(King of Dragon Pass)
  • 月光赛车(Moonshine Runners)
  • 四元数(Quaternion)
  • 裂痕英语Far Gate(The Rift)
  • 浪人之战(Rogue Wars)
  • 种子(Seed)
不適用 [9]
2001 破碎银河系
Shattered Galaxy
  • 大法师:圣母悼歌(Archmage: Stabat Mater)
  • 追逐王牌2(Chase Ace 2)
  • 哈德伍德黑桃(Hardwood Spades)
  • 敌对空间(Hostile Space)
  • 钢铁小队(IronSquad)
  • 刀翅(SabreWing)
  • 冲突阴影(Strifeshadow)
  • 武田英语Takeda (video game)(Takeda)
  • 虚拟大学葡萄牙語Virtual U(Virtual U)
不適用 [18]
2002 牛奶坏了英语Bad Milk
Bad Milk
Dreaming Media
  • 天使杀手法语Ace of Angels (jeu vidéo)(Ace Of Angels)
  • 班查兰棋(Banja Taiyo)
  • 尤克牌锦标赛(Championship Euchre)
  • 鸡蛋文件(The Egg Files)
  • 疯狂水族箱(Insaniquarium)
  • 功夫国际象棋英语Kung-Fu Chess(Kung Fu Chess)
  • 鞭笞铅笔英语Pencil Whipped(Pencil Whipped)
  • 静止(Static)
  • 世界舞(World Dance)
不適用 [19]
2003 野生世界英语Wild Earth (video game)
Wild Earth
Super X Studios
  • 棒球高尔夫(BaseGolf)
  • 菲卡蒂亚英语Furcadia(Furcadia)
  • 股市大亨(Mr. Bigshot)
  • 造桥者II(Pontifex II)
  • 倪睿南的武士英语Samurai (board game)(Reiner Knizia's Samurai)
  • 无限空间的奇异冒险英语Strange Adventures In Infinite Space(Strange Adventures In Infinite Space)
  • 少年割草机(Teenage Lawnmower)
  • 地景改造者(Terraformers)
  • 词语忍者(Word Ninja)
不適用 [20]
2004[c] 野人:纽沃斯之战
Savage: The Battle for Newerth
S2 Games 不適用 [5][21]
绿洲英语Oasis (video game)
Mind Control Software
  • 阿尔法队列(AlphaQUEUE)
  • 蜜蜂的流行语(Beesly's Buzzwords)
  • 台球拳击(Billiard Boxing)
  • 动物喂食记(Chomp! Chomp! Safari)
  • 细菌歼灭战(Dr. Blob's Organism)
  • 地牢卷轴英语Dungeon Scroll(Dungeon Scroll)
  • 史莱姆吉什英语Gish (video game)(Gish)
  • 空间站管理员(Space Station Manager)
  • 海盗时代英语Puzzle Pirates(Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates)
2005[c] 史莱姆吉什英语Gish (video game)
Chronic Logic
  • 外星原始人英语Alien Hominid(Alien Hominid)
  • 黑暗地平线传说英语Dark Horizons Lore: Invasion(Dark Horizons Lore)
  • 双曲(Hyperbol)
  • 吻(Kisses)
  • 军团竞技场英语Legion Arena(Legion Arena)
  • Protöthea英语Protöthea
  • 疯狂公牛英语Steer Madness(Steer Madness)
  • 至尊:权力四径(Supremacy: Four Paths To Power)
  • 战争!帝国主义时代(War! Age of Imperialism)
不適用 [6]
神话精灵英语Wik and the Fable of Souls
Wik and the Fable of Souls
Reflexive Entertainment英语Reflexive Entertainment 不適用
2006 达尔文英语Darwinia (video game)
Introversion Software英语Introversion Software 不適用 [7]
2007 安琪拉之歌
Bit Blot 不適用 [14]
2008 蜡笔物理学
Crayon Physics Deluxe
彼得里·普尔霍英语Petri Purho
Petri Purho
不適用 [22]
2009 蓝莓果园英语Blueberry Garden
Blueberry Garden
Erik Svedang
  • 小丑维尔卡尼的杂技秀场英语CarneyVale: Showtime(CarneyVale: Showtime)
  • 戴森英语Eufloria(Dyson)
  • 夜间游戏法语NightSky(Night Game)
  • 星噬英语Osmos(Osmos)
不適用 [23]
2010 摩纳哥英语Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine
Pocketwatch Games 不適用 [24]
2011 我的世界
Mojang [8]
2012 菲斯
Polytron英语Polytron Corporation
  • 亲爱的艾丝特英语Dear Esther(Dear Esther)
  • 冰封触点英语Frozen Synapse(Frozen Synapse)
  • 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安的竞争英语Sportsfriends(Johann Sebastian Joust)
  • 洞穴探险英语Spelunky(Spelunky)
2013 小贩人生英语Cart Life
Cart Life
Richard Hofmeier
2014 请出示文件
Papers, Please
Lucas Pope
2015 星际拓荒
Outer Wilds
Mobius Digital [26]
2016 她的故事
Her Story
萨姆·巴洛英语Sam Barlow (game designer)
Sam Barlow
2017 四边形牛仔英语Quadrilateral Cowboy
Quadrilateral Cowboy
Blendo Games [28][29]
2018 林中之夜
Night in the Woods
Infinite Fall [30][15]
2019 奥伯拉丁的回归
Return of the Obra Dinn
Lucas Pope
2020 短途旅行
A Short Hike
adamgryu [32][33]
2021 摄追赤红末世代英语Umurangi Generation
Umurangi Generation
Origame Digital [34]
2022 邪恶冥刻
Daniel Mullins Games [35][36]
2023 在低谷俱乐部的背叛英语Betrayal at Club Low
Betrayal at Club Low
Cosmo D Studios [37][38]
2024 薇妮巴一家英语Venba (video game)
Visai Games [39][40]


  1. ^ 2005年之前的独立游戏节不提供具体奖项的入围名单,各奖项获得者随总入围名单一同揭晓。
  2. ^ “荣誉提名”机制自2011年引入。[8]
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 2004年和2005年的谢默斯·麦克纳利大奖曾拆分为“开放类别”(Open Category)和“网络/可下载”(Web/Downloadable)两项,[5][6]2006年改回单项。[7]


  1. ^ Dominguez, James. Locals indie game studios recognised in major industry event. Sydney Morning Herald. Fairfax Media英语Fairfax Media. 2014-03-14 [2014-04-06]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-16). 
  2. ^ 5月刊:独立游戏节(IGF)作品赏析. 家用电脑与游戏. 新浪. 2004-06-09 [2021-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  3. ^ About the IGF. Independent Games Festival. UBM Tech. [2014-04-06]. (原始内容存档于2016-09-17). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 1999 Independent Games Festival Winners & Finalists. Independent Games Festival. United States: UBM Tech. [2017-05-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-27). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 2004 Independent Games Festival Winners & Finalists. Independent Games Festival. United States: UBM Tech. [2017-05-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-27). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 2005 Independent Games Festival Winners & Finalists. Independent Games Festival. United States: UBM Tech. [2017-05-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-27). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 2006 Independent Games Festival Winners & Finalists. Independent Games Festival. United States: UBM Tech. [2017-05-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-27). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 2011 Independent Games Festival Winners & Finalists. Independent Games Festival. United States: UBM Tech. [2017-05-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-27). 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 2000 Independent Games Festival Winners & Finalists. Independent Games Festival. United States: UBM Tech. [2017-05-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-27). 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 2012 Independent Games Festival Winners & Finalists. Independent Games Festival. United States: UBM Tech. [2017-05-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-27). 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 2013 Independent Games Festival Winners & Finalists. Independent Games Festival. United States: UBM Tech. [2017-05-26]. (原始内容存档于2016-09-23). 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 2014 Independent Games Festival Winners & Finalists. Independent Games Festival. United States: UBM Tech. [2017-05-26]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-24). 
  13. ^ de Matos, Xav. Fez wins 2012 IGF 'Seumas McNally Grand Prize'. Joystiq. AOL Inc. 2012-03-07 [2014-04-10]. (原始内容存档于2014-04-13). 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 2007 Independent Games Festival Winners & Finalists. Independent Games Festival. United States: UBM Tech. [2017-05-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-27). 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 Chan, Stephanie. Night in the Woods wins the grand prize at the Independent Games Festival. VentureBeat. 2018-03-21 [2018-03-21]. (原始内容存档于2018-03-22). 
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 Return of the Obra Dinn takes Grand Prize at the 21st IGF Awards!. Gamasutra. 2019-03-20 [2019-03-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-13). 
  17. ^ Independent Games Festival's 1999 finalists, then and now. GDC. 2013-12-09 [2021-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-04). 
  18. ^ 2001 Independent Games Festival Winners & Finalists. Independent Games Festival. United States: UBM Tech. [2017-05-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-27). 
  19. ^ 2002 Independent Games Festival Winners & Finalists. Independent Games Festival. United States: UBM Tech. [2017-05-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-27). 
  20. ^ 2003 Independent Games Festival Winners & Finalists. Independent Games Festival. United States: UBM Tech. [2017-05-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-27). 
  21. ^ Gamespot Staff. Spotlight on the 2004 Independent Games Festival. Gamespot. 2005-03-28 [2021-10-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-26) (英语). 
  22. ^ 2008 Independent Games Festival Winners & Finalists. Independent Games Festival. United States: UBM Tech. [2017-05-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-13). 
  23. ^ 2009 Independent Games Festival Winners & Finalists. Independent Games Festival. United States: UBM Tech. [2017-05-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-13). 
  24. ^ 2010 Independent Games Festival Winners & Finalists. Independent Games Festival. United States: UBM Tech. [2017-05-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-27). 
  25. ^ Papers, Please takes the grand prize at 16th annual IGF Awards. Gamasutra. 2014-03-19 [2014-03-19]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). 
  26. ^ Pitcher, Jenna. OUTER WILDS LEADS THE 17TH ANNUAL INDEPENDENT GAMES FESTIVAL AWARDS. IGN. Ziff Davis. 2015-03-04 [2015-03-11]. (原始内容存档于2015-03-08). 
  27. ^ The 17th Annual Independent Games Festival Finalists. Independent Games Festival. UBM plc英语UBM plc. [2016-03-17]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-17). 
  28. ^ Hall, Charlie. Hyper Light Drifter, Inside and Virginia among nominees for 2017 IGF Awards. Polygon. 2017-01-09 [2017-01-09]. (原始内容存档于2017-01-10). 
  29. ^ Makuch, Eddie; Imms, Jason. Watch The Game Developers Choice Awards Right Here Tonight. GameSpot. 2017-03-01 [2017-03-01]. (原始内容存档于2017-03-01). 
  30. ^ 2018 Independent Games Festival announces Main Competition finalists!. Gamasutra. 2018-01-03 [2018-01-03]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-25). 
  31. ^ 2019 Independent Games Festival reveals this year's finalists!. Gamasutra. 2019-01-03 [2019-01-03]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-25). 
  32. ^ HERE ARE YOUR FINALISTS FOR THE 2020 INDEPENDENT GAMES FESTIVAL AWARDS!. Independent Games Festival. 2020-01-07 [2020-01-07]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-05). 
  33. ^ A Short Hike wins Grand Prize at the 2020 Independent Games Festival!. Gamasutra. 2020-03-18 [2020-03-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-21). 
  34. ^ Genesis Noir leads IGF finalists with four nominations. Gamasutra. 2021-05-07 [2021-05-07]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-25). 
  35. ^ Rousseau, Jeffrey. Unpacking and Inscryption lead 2022 IGF Awards nominations. Gamesindustry.biz英语 2022-01-07 [2022-01-07]. (原始内容存档于2022-01-07). 
  36. ^ Inscryption wins 4 awards, including Seumas McNally Grand Prize, at 2022 IGF Awards. Game Develpoer. 2022-03-24 [2022-03-24]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-24). 
  37. ^ Purchese, Robert. Our takes on the indie games nominated for the IGF 2023 Awards. Eurogamer. 2023-01-25 [2023-02-13]. (原始内容存档于2023-01-25). 
  38. ^ Castle, Katharine. Betrayal At Club Low wins IGF Grand Prize. Rock, Paper, Shotgun. 2023-03-23 [2023-03-26]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-26). 
  39. ^ Castle, Katharine. IGF 2024 finalists are yet again more proof that RPS is right about everything. Rock, Paper, Shotgun. 2024-01-11 [2024-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2024-02-12). 
  40. ^ Castle, Katharine. Venba wins IGF Grand Prize for 2024. Rock, Paper, Shotgun. 2024-03-21 [2024-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-21). 



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