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罗姆旗创作于1933年,于1971年被世界罗姆人大会英语World Romani Congress接受
 捷克40,370 [35]–300,000[36]
主要是 基督教[48]
罗姆神话英语Romani mythology
多姆人隆姆人英语Lom people啰哩人、其他印度-雅利安人










自1695年西班牙国王卡洛斯二世颁布皇家法令以来,西班牙罗姆人的居住区域一直被限制在某些城镇。1717年的一项官方法令将他们限制在75个城镇和地区,这样他们就不会集中在任何一个地区。在吉普赛人大围捕令英语Great Gypsy Round-up中,罗姆人于1749年被西班牙当局逮捕和监禁。





殖民时代来临后,罗姆人开始移居北美,在弗吉尼亚法属路易斯安那有小规模移民记录。从1860年代开始,大规模的罗姆人移民到美国,其中有来自英国的罗姆人群体。20世纪初移民的人数最多,主要来自讲弗拉赫罗姆语英语Vlax Romani language卡尔德拉什英语Kalderash族群。许多罗姆人也定居在南美洲











2004年6月,匈牙利选出了欧洲议会的历史上第二位罗姆人议员,同时也是第一位女性罗姆人议员:Lívia Járóka女士。同时东欧七国于2005年发起“容纳罗姆人年代”,旨在改善罗姆人的生活。









  1. ^ Lewis, M. Paul (编). Ethnologue: Languages of the World (online) 16th. Dallas, TX: SIL. 2009 [15 September 2010]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-15). Ian Hancock's 1987 estimate for 'all Gypsies in the world' was 6 to 11 million. 
  2. ^ EU demands action to tackle Roma poverty. BBC News. 5 April 2011 [2017-07-02]. (原始内容存档于2017-12-03). 
  3. ^ The Roma. Nationalia. [20 November 2015]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-15). 
  4. ^ Rom. Encyclopædia Britannica. [15 September 2010]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-15). ... estimates of the total world Romani population range from two million to five million. 
  5. ^ The Marginalization of Shadow Minorities (Roma) and Its Impact on Opportunities. 117. [2016-07-27]. (原始内容存档于2017-03-26). 
  6. ^ Kayla Webley. Hounded in Eurㄡope, Roma in the U.S. Keep a Low Profile. Time. 13 October 2010 [3 October 2015]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-09). Today, estimates put the number of Roma in the U.S. at about one million. 
  7. ^ Falta de políticas públicas para ciganos é desafio para o governo [Lack of public policy for Romani is a challenge for the administration]. R7. 2011 [22 January 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-01-11) (葡萄牙语). The Special Secretariat for the Promotion of Racial Equality estimates the number of "ciganos" (Romanis) in Brazil at 800,000 (2011). The 2010 Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics Brazilian National Census encountered gypsy camps in 291 of Brazil's 5,565 municipalities. 
  8. ^ 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 Recent Migration of Roma in Europe, A study by Mr. Claude Cahn and Professor Elspeth Guild页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), page 87–88 (09.2010 figures)
  9. ^ Türkiye'deki Kürtlerin sayısı! [The number of Kurds in Turkey!]. 6 June 2008 [2 January 2016]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-29) (土耳其语). 
  10. ^ Türkiye’deki Çingene nüfusu tam bilinmiyor. 2, hatta 5 milyon gibi rakamlar dolaşıyor Çingenelerin arasında. Hurriyet. TR. 8 May 2005 [2 January 2016]. (原始内容存档于2009-10-07) (土耳其语).  参数|newspaper=与模板((cite web))不匹配(建议改用((cite news))|website=) (帮助)
  11. ^ Estimated by the Society for Threatened Peoples英语Society for Threatened Peoples [1]页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  12. ^ The Situation of Roma in Spain (PDF). Open Society Institute. 2002 [15 September 2010]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于1 December 2007). The Spanish government estimates the number of Gitanos at a maximum of 650,000. 
  13. ^ Diagnóstico social de la comunidad gitana en España (PDF). [2016-07-27]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2016-12-27). 
  14. ^ 2011 Romanian Census data, based on table 7 Population by ethnicity页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), gives a total of 621,573 Roma in Romania. This figure is disputed by other sources, because at the local level, many Roma declare a different ethnicity (mostly Romanian, but also Hungarian in Transylvania and Turkish in Dobruja). Many are not recorded at all, since they do not have ID cards [2]页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). International sources give higher figures than the official census(UNDP's Regional Bureau for Europe 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2006-10-07., World Bank Archive.is存档,存档日期2012-06-29, International Association for Official Statistics 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2008-02-26.).
  15. ^ Rezultatele finale ale Recensământului din 2011 – Tab8. Populaţia stabilă după etnie – judeţe, municipii, oraşe, comune (XLS). National Institute of Statistics (Romania). 5 July 2013 [18 December 2013]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-18) (罗马尼亚语).  However, various organizations claim that there are 2 million Romanis in Romania. See [3]页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  16. ^ Situation of Roma in France at crisis proportions. EurActiv Network. 7 December 2005 [21 October 2015]. (原始内容存档于2016-02-01). According to the report, the settled Gypsy population in France is officially estimated at around 500,000, although other estimates say that the actual figure is much closer to 1.2 million. 
  17. ^ Gorce, Bernard. Roms, gens du voyage, deux réalités différentes. La Croix. 22 July 2010 [21 October 2016]. (原始内容存档于2016-12-21). [MANUAL TRANS.] The ban prevents statistics on ethnicity to give a precise figure of French Roma, but we often quote the number 350,000. For travellers, the administration counted 160,000 circulation titles in 2006 issued to people aged 16 to 80 years. Among the travellers, some have chosen to buy a family plot where they dock their caravans around a local section (authorized since the Besson Act of 1990). 
  18. ^ Население по местоживеене, възраст и етническа група [Population by place of residence, age and ethnic group]. Bulgarian National Statistical Institute. [22 June 2015]. (原始内容存档于2012-06-02) (保加利亚语).  Self declared
  19. ^ Roma Integration – 2014 Commission Assessment: Questions and Answers (新闻稿). Brussels: European Commission. 4 April 2014 [28 April 2016]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-21).  EU and Council of Europe estimates
  20. ^ Hungarian Central Statistical Office Census Data 2011页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Retrieved 28 March 2013.
  21. ^ Michael Kimmelman. In Hungary, Roma Get Art Show, Not a Hug. The New York Times. 6 February 2008 [7 December 2015]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-23). 
  22. ^ Greece NGO. Geek Helsinki Monitor. LV: Minelres. [2017-02-05]. (原始内容存档于2003-05-23).  参数|newspaper=与模板((cite web))不匹配(建议改用((cite news))|website=) (帮助)
  23. ^ RME, Ethnologue, [2017-02-05], (原始内容存档于2020-05-15) 
  24. ^ National Composition of Population and Citizenship (Excel). RU: Perepis2002. [16 September 2010]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-24). Census 2002 in Russia: 182,766 Roma 
  25. ^ rs:Национална Припадност Припаднос [National origin affiliation] (PDF). RS: Stat. 29 November 2012 [2 January 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2013-10-12) (塞尔维亚语). 
  26. ^ Serbia- a report by the European Roma Rights Centre (PDF). ERRC. 2011–2012 [30 September 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2017-03-26). 
  27. ^ Gypsy. (原始内容存档于2017-05-15). 
  28. ^ Giornata Internazionale dei rom e sinti: presentato il Rapporto Annuale 2014 (PDF) (PDF). [2017-02-05]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2017-02-03). 
  29. ^ Roma in Deutschland, Regionale Dynamik, Berlin-Institut für Bevölkerung und Entwicklung, [2017-02-05], (原始内容存档于2017-04-29) 
  30. ^ Population and Housing Census. Resident population by nationality (PDF). SK: Statistics. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于15 July 2007). 
  31. ^ Po deviatich rokoch spočítali Rómov, na Slovensku ich žije viac ako 400-tisíc. SME. SK: SITA. 25 September 2013 [25 September 2013]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-03) (斯洛伐克语). 
  32. ^ The 2002-census reported 53,879 Roma and 3,843 'Egyptians'. Republic of Macedonia, State Statistical Office. [2010-09-17]. (原始内容存档于2004-06-21). 
  33. ^ Sametingen. Information about minorities in Sweden, Minoritet, IMCMS, [2017-02-05], (原始内容存档于2017-03-26) (瑞典语) 
  34. ^ National composition of population, 2001 census, UA: State statistics committee, [2017-02-05], (原始内容存档于2017-09-15) (乌克兰语) 
  35. ^ Sčítání lidu, domů a bytů. [2017-02-05]. (原始内容存档于2015-06-27). 
  36. ^ Současná romská komunita v Evropě. CZ: [15 September 2010]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-15). Census 2001 in Bulgaria: 370,908 Roma 
  37. ^ Hazel Marsh. The Roma Gypsies of Colombia. Latino Life. [29 July 2016]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-23). 
  38. ^ 38.0 38.1 Roma /Gypsies: A European Minority页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Minority Rights Group International
  39. ^ Historical Dictionary of the Gypsies (Romanies). [2017-02-05]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-23). 
  40. ^ Poland – Gypsies. Country studies. US. [28 August 2015]. (原始内容存档于2011-06-23). 
  41. ^ 2004 census
  42. ^ POPULATION BY ETHNICITY – DETAILED CLASSIFICATION, 2011 CENSUS. Croatian Bureau of Statistics. [21 June 2015]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-18). 
  43. ^ 1991 census
  44. ^ Albanian census 2011. [7 December 2015]. (原始内容 (XLS)存档于2015年9月24日). 
  45. ^ Roma in Canada fact sheet (PDF). (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2007-06-14). 
  46. ^ Statistics Canada. 2011 National Household Survey: Data tables. [11 February 2014]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-18). 
  47. ^ Suomen romanit – Finitiko romaseele. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö. 2004-06-16 [2009-07-15]. (原始内容存档于2012-02-26) (芬兰语). Esitteitä 2004:2 
  48. ^ 48.0 48.1 48.2 Gall, Timothy L (编), Worldmark Encyclopedia of Culture & Daily Life, 4. Europe, Cleveland, OH: Eastword: 316, 318, 1998, 'Religion: An underlay of Hinduism with an overlay of either Christianity or Islam (host country religion)'; Roma religious beliefs are rooted in Hinduism. Roma believe in a universal balance, called kuntari... Despite a 1,000-year separation from India, Roma still practice 'shaktism', the worship of a god through his female consort... 
  49. ^ 49.0 49.1 中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室 (编). 吉卜赛人. 现代汉语词典(第7版). 北京: 商务印书馆: 607. 2016. ISBN 978-7-100-12450-8. 罗姆人。[吉卜赛,英Gypsy] 
  50. ^ 陈至立 (编). 吉卜赛人. 辞海. 上海: 上海辞书出版社. 2019. ISBN 978-7-5326-5325-6. 亦译“吉普赛人”。 
  51. ^ 51.0 51.1 中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室 (编). 茨冈人. 现代汉语词典(第7版). 北京: 商务印书馆: 213. 2016. ISBN 978-7-100-12450-8. 罗姆人。[茨冈,俄цыган] 
  52. ^ 52.0 52.1 中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室 (编). 罗姆人. 现代汉语词典(第7版). 北京: 商务印书馆: 860. 2016. ISBN 978-7-100-12450-8. 也叫吉卜赛人、茨冈人。 [罗姆,英Rom]
  53. ^ 牛津英语词典》:member of a wandering race (by themselves called Romany), of Indian origin, which first appeared in England about the beginning of the 16th c.
  54. ^ 根据英国法律《Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960》定义了吉普赛人
  55. ^ Busfield, Steve. Is using the word Gypsy racist or suitable material for a sketch show?. The Gardian. 2009-09-24 [2020-02-27]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-23) (英语). 
  56. ^ 56.0 56.1 56.2 56.3 刘浪. 羅姆人:被侮辱与被损害的千年命运. 《文史参考》. 人民网. 2011-01-05 [2017-02-04]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-12). 
  57. ^ Taylor, Becky. Another Darkness Another Dawn. London UK: Reaktion Books Ltd. 2014: 72. ISBN 978-1-78023-257-7. 
  58. ^ Europe :: Bulgaria — The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency. [2020-02-28]. (原始内容存档于2018-02-03). 
  59. ^中华人民共和国外交部
  60. ^ Time of the Gypsies. Wikipedia. 2022-06-23 [2022-06-29]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-12) (英语). 
  61. ^ Transylvania (film). Wikipedia. 2021-11-06 [2022-06-29]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-12) (英语). 
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