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Mazoviya voyevodaligi
Województwo mazowieckie
Flag of Mazoviya voyevodaligi
Polshadagi joylashuvi
Polshadagi joylashuvi
Hududlarga boʻlinishi
Hududlarga boʻlinishi
Koordinatalari (Varshava): 52°13′N 21°0′E / 52.217°N 21.000°E / 52.217; 21.000
Mamlakat Polsha bayrogʻi Polsha
Poytaxti Varshava
Aholi punktlari
 • Joylashuv o'rni Ijroiya kengashi
 • Voyevod Mariusz Frankowski (PO)
 • Marshal Adam Struzik (PSL)
 • YeP Mazoviya saylov okrugi
Varshava saylov okrugi
 • Umumiy 35 579 km2 (10 000 sq mi)
 • Umumiy 5 411 446[1]
 • Zichligi 151/km2 (400/sq mi)
 • Umumiy €150.3 milliard (2022)
 • Kishi boshiga €27,300 (2022)
Vaqt mintaqasi UTC+01:00 (CET)
 • Yoz (DST) UTC+02:00 (CEST)
ISO 3166 kodi PL-14
Avtomobilni ro‘yxatdan o‘tkazish W, A
HDI (2021) 0.926[3]
very high · 1-oʻrin
* Yana 314 ta gminaga boʻlingan

Masovian Voivodeship or Mazowieckie Province[4] or Mazowieckie Voivodeship[5] or Mazovian Voivodeship or Mazovian Province, etc.[6][7] (polyakcha: województwo mazowieckie, pl) is a voivodeship (province) in east-central Poland, containing Poland’s capital Warsaw.

Masovian Voivodeship has an area of 35,579 square kilometre (13,737 kv mi) and had a 2019 population of 5,411,446, making it Poland’s largest and most populous province.[1] Its principal cities are Warsaw (1.783 million) in the center of the Warsaw metropolitan area, Radom (212,230) to the south, Płock (119,709) to the west, Siedlce (77,990) to the east, and Ostrołęka (52,071) to the north. It borders six other provinces: Warmia-Mazury to the north, Podlaskie to the northeast, Lublin to the southeast, Holy Cross to the south, Łódź to the southwest, and Kujawy-Pomorze to the northwest.

The name of the province recalls the regionʼs traditional name, Mazovia (in Polish Mazowsze, also spelled Masovia), with which it is roughly coterminous. However, the provinceʼs southern part, including Radom, historically belonged to Lesser Poland; while Łomża with environs, though historically part of Mazovia, is now part of Podlaskie Voivodeship.

Masovian Voivodeship is Poland’s prime center of science, research, education, industry, and infrastructure.[8] It has Poland’s lowest unemployment rate and is a very high-income province.[8] It is also popular with tourists due to the many historical monuments and its over 20% forested area of pine and oak.[9] The provinceʼs Kampinos National Park is a UNESCO biosphere reserve.

17th-century view of Warsaw

Ilk O‘rta asrlarda bu hududda Mazoviya nomli qadimgi polyak qabilasi yashagan. X asrdan boshlab Polshaning tarkibiga kirgan. Płock 1079-yildan 1138-yilgacha Polshaning mintaqaviy poytaxti bo‘lgan. Płockdagi Wzgórze Tumskie ('Sobor tepaligi') – Płock qal’asi va 1075-yilda tashkil topgan Polshaning eng qadimiy yepiskopliklaridan biri bo‘lgan katolik sobori joylashgan hudud hisobalanadi. U yerda bir qancha polyak monarxlarining sarkofaglari bor va ushbu hudud Polshaning tarixiy yodgorliklari ro‘yxatiga kiritilgan[10]. Keyinchalik, Płock, Varshava va Czersk Piastlar sulolasining o‘rta asrlardagi knyazlik qarorgohi bo‘lgan.

1505-yilda Radomda Seym (Polsha parlamenti) sessiyasi bo‘lib o‘tgan va unda Nihil novi qonuni qabul qilingan. XVI asrda esa Varshavada bir necha Seym sessiyalari bo‘lib o‘tgan[11]. Keyinroq, 1596-yilda qirol Sigismund III Vasa Polsha poytaxtini Krakovdan Varshavaga ko‘chirdi.

XVIII asrning oxiridagi Polsha parchalanganidan so'ng bu hudud mustamlaka hukmronligiga qarshi bir necha qo‘zg‘olonlarga guvoh bo‘lgan. Bular 1794-yilgi Kościuszko qo‘zg‘oloni, 1830–1831-yillardagi Noyabr qo‘zg‘oloni va 1863–1864-yillardagi Yanvar qo‘zg‘oloni.

Ikki jahon urushi oralig‘ida bu hudud qayta tiklangan mustaqil Polsha davatining bir qismi bo‘lgan. 1920-yilda bu hudud Sovet Rossiyasi tomonidan bosib olingan. Ammo Polsha Varshava jangidagi g‘alaba tufayli o‘z mustaqilligini saqlab qolgan. Hozirgi kunda viloyatning janubiy qismi tez suratlarda sanoatlashib, Polshaning Markaziy Sanoat mintaqasining bir qismiga aylangan.

Ikkinchi jahon urushi davrida bu hudud Germaniya tomonidan bosib olingan, bosqinchilar bu yerda polyaklar va yahudiylarga nisbatan genotsid siyosatini olib borgan. Hududda aholining majburan ko‘chirilishi, tinch aholi va harbiy asirlarning qirg‘inlari amalga oshirilgan. Jumladan bunday qirg‘inlar Ciepielów, Śladów, Zakroczym, Ostrów Mazowiecka, Palmiry, Firlej, Ochota va Wolada sodir etilgan. Germaniya ko‘plab qamoqxonalar, majburiy mehnat lagerlari va taxminan 700 000–900 000 odam o‘ldirilgan Treblinka qirg‘in lagerini hamda polyak, italyan, fransuz, sovet va ruminiyalik harbiy asirlar uchun bir nechta lagerlarni boshqargan[12].

Mazoviya viloyati 1999 yil 1 yanvarda, Polshaning 1998-yilda qabul qilingan mahalliy boshqaruv islohoti natijasida, sobiq Varshava, Płock, Ciechanów, Ostrołęka, Siedlce va Radom viloyatlaridan tashkil topgan.

Administrative division

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Masovian Voivodeship is divided into 42 counties, including five city counties and 37 land counties. These are subdivided into 314 gminas (municipalities), which include 85 urban gminas.

The counties, shown on the numbered map, are described in the table below.
English and
Polish names
Area Population
Seat Other towns Total
(km²) (sq mi)
City counties
1 Warsaw
517 200 1,783,321 1
(2) Ostrołęka 29 11 52,071 1
(3) Płock 88 34 119,709 1
(4) Radom 112 43 212,230 1
(5) Siedlce 32 12 77,990 1
Land counties
2 Ostrołęka County
powiat ostrołęcki
2,099 810 88,717 Ostrołęka * Myszyniec 11
3 Płock County
powiat płocki
1,799 695 110,987 Płock * Gąbin, Drobin, Wyszogród, Bodzanów 15
4 Radom County
powiat radomski
1,530 591 152,190 Radom * Pionki, Iłża, Skaryszew, Jedlnia-Letnisko, Przytyk 13
5 Siedlce County
powiat siedlecki
1,603 619 81,265 Siedlce * Mordy 13
6 Żuromin County
powiat żuromiński
805 311 38,688 Żuromin Bieżuń, Lubowidz 6
7 Mława County
powiat mławski
1,182 456 72,906 Mława 10
8 Przasnysz County
powiat przasnyski
1,218 470 52,676 Przasnysz Chorzele 7
9 Ciechanów County
powiat ciechanowski
1,063 410 89,460 Ciechanów Glinojeck 9
10 Sierpc County
powiat sierpecki
853 329 52,077 Sierpc 7
11 Maków County
powiat makowski
1,065 411 45,076 Maków Mazowiecki Różan 10
12 Ostrów Mazowiecka County
powiat ostrowski
1,218 470 72,558 Ostrów Mazowiecka Brok 11
13 Płońsk County
powiat płoński
1,384 534 87,183 Płońsk Raciąż, Sochocin, Nowe Miasto, Czerwińsk nad Wisłą 12
14 Pułtusk County
powiat pułtuski
829 320 51,862 Pułtusk 7
15 Wyszków County
powiat wyszkowski
876 338 74,094 Wyszków 6
16 Gostynin County
powiat gostyniński
616 238 45,060 Gostynin Sanniki 5
17 Nowy Dwór County
powiat nowodworski
692 267 79,256 Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki Nasielsk, Zakroczym 6
18 Legionowo County
powiat legionowski
390 151 117,751 Legionowo Serock 5
19 Wołomin County
powiat wołomiński
955 369 247,288 Wołomin Ząbki, Marki, Kobyłka, Zielonka, Radzymin, Tłuszcz, Jadów 12
20 Węgrów County
powiat węgrowski
1,219 471 66,037 Węgrów Łochów 9
21 Sokołów County
powiat sokołowski
1,131 437 53,992 Sokołów Podlaski Kosów Lacki 9
22 Sochaczew County
powiat sochaczewski
731 282 85,024 Sochaczew 8
23 Warsaw West County
powiat warszawski zachodni
533 206 117,783 Ożarów Mazowiecki Łomianki, Błonie 7
24 Mińsk County
powiat miński
1,164 449 154,054 Mińsk Mazowiecki Sulejówek, Halinów, Kałuszyn, Mrozy, Siennica, Cegłów, Dobre, Latowicz 13
25 Łosice County
powiat łosicki
772 298 30,895 Łosice 6
26 Żyrardów County
powiat żyrardowski
533 206 75,787 Żyrardów Mszczonów, Wiskitki 5
27 Grodzisk Mazowiecki County
powiat grodziski
367 142 94,962 Grodzisk Mazowiecki Milanówek, Podkowa Leśna 6
28 Pruszków County
powiat pruszkowski
246 95 165,039 Pruszków Piastów, Brwinów 6
29 Piaseczno County
powiat piaseczyński
621 240 186,460 Piaseczno Konstancin-Jeziorna, Góra Kalwaria, Tarczyn 6
30 Otwock County
powiat otwocki
615 237 124,241 Otwock Józefów, Karczew, Osieck 8
31 Grójec County
powiat grójecki
1,269 490 98,334 Grójec Warka, Nowe Miasto nad Pilicą, Mogielnica 10
32 Garwolin County
powiat garwoliński
1,284 496 108,909 Garwolin Łaskarzew, Pilawa, Żelechów, Maciejowice 14
33 Białobrzegi County
powiat białobrzeski
639 247 33,524 Białobrzegi Wyśmierzyce 6
34 Kozienice County
powiat kozienicki
917 354 60,253 Kozienice Magnuszew, Głowaczów 7
35 Przysucha County
powiat przysuski
801 309 41,721 Przysucha Odrzywół, Gielniów 8
36 Zwoleń County
powiat zwoleński
571 220 36,222 Zwoleń 5
37 Szydłowiec County
powiat szydłowiecki
452 175 39,766 Szydłowiec Jastrząb 5
38 Lipsko County
powiat lipski
748 289 34,028 Lipsko Solec nad Wisłą, Sienno, Ciepielów 6
* seat not part of the county

Cities and towns

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Population density by gmina (at 2007-01-01)

The voivodeship contains 10 cities and 78 towns. These are listed below in descending order of population (according to official figures for 2019):[1]

Aholining oʻsishi
19884 997 845—    
20025 124 018+2.5%
20115 268 660+2.8%
20215 514 699+4.7%
Cities (governed by a city mayor or prezydent miasta):
  1. Warsaw (1,783,321)
  2. Radom (212,230)
  3. Płock (119,709)
  4. Siedlce (77,990)
  5. Pruszków (62,076)
  6. Legionowo (54,049)
  7. Ostrołęka (52,071)
  8. Otwock (44,827)
  9. Ciechanów (44,118)
  10. Żyrardów (39,896)


  1. Piaseczno (48,286)
  2. Mińsk Mazowiecki (40,836)
  3. Ząbki (37,219)
  4. Wołomin (37,082)
  5. Sochaczew (36,327)
  6. Marki (34,679)
  7. Grodzisk Mazowiecki (31,782)
  8. Mława (31,241)
  9. Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki (28,649)
  10. Wyszków (26,905)
  11. Kobyłka (24,096)
  12. Piastów (22,619)
  13. Ostrów Mazowiecka (22,489)
  14. Płońsk (22,130)
  15. Józefów (20,698)
  16. Milanówek (20,698)
  17. Sulejówek (19,766)
  18. Pułtusk (19,432)
  19. Sokołów Podlaski (18,946)
  20. Gostynin (18,588)
  21. Pionki (18,269)
  22. Sierpc (17,994)
  23. Zielonka (17,588)
  24. Garwolin (17,501)
  25. Przasnysz (17,264)
  26. Kozienice (17,208)
  27. Konstancin-Jeziorna (17,023)
  28. Łomianki (17,022)
  29. Grójec (16,745)
  30. Brwinów (13,601)
  31. Radzymin (13,005)
  32. Węgrów (12,628)
  33. Błonie (12,261)
  34. Góra Kalwaria (12,040)
  35. Warka (11,948)
  36. Szydłowiec (11,736)
  37. Ożarów Mazowiecki (11,719)
  38. Karczew (9,856)
  39. Maków Mazowiecki (9,776)
  40. Żuromin (8,867)
  41. Tłuszcz (8,156)
  42. Nasielsk (7,702)
  43. Zwoleń (7,698)
  44. Łosice (7,049)
  45. Białobrzegi (6,951)
  46. Łochów (6,825)
  47. Mszczonów (6,376)
  48. Przysucha (5,818)
  49. Lipsko (5,501)
  50. Łaskarzew (4,840)
  51. Iłża (4,733)
  52. Pilawa (4,578)
  53. Serock (4,506)
  54. Raciąż (4,384)
  55. Skaryszew (4,371)
  56. Gąbin (4,125)
  57. Tarczyn (4,116)
  58. Żelechów (3,988)
  59. Podkowa Leśna (3,851)
  60. Nowe Miasto nad Pilicą (3,755)
  61. Halinów (3,739)
  62. Mrozy (3,574)
  63. Myszyniec (3,408)
  64. Zakroczym (3,196)
  65. Chorzele (3,088)
  66. Glinojeck (3,019)
  67. Kałuszyn (2,899)
  68. Drobin (2,872)
  69. Różan (2,709)
  70. Wyszogród (2,601)
  71. Mogielnica (2,253)
  72. Kosów Lacki (2,089)
  73. Sanniki (1,961)
  74. Brok (1,941)
  75. Bieżuń (1,846)
  76. Mordy (1,788)
  77. Lubowidz (1,684)
  78. Wyśmierzyce (885)
  79. Jedlnia-Letnisko
  80. Siennica
  81. Cegłów
  82. Sochocin
  83. Dobre
  84. Nowe Miasto
  85. Wiskitki
  86. Maciejowice
  87. Latowicz
  88. Magnuszew
  89. Bodzanów
  90. Osieck
  91. Czerwińsk nad Wisłą
  92. Jastrząb
  93. Odrzywół
  94. Solec nad Wisłą
  95. Jadów
  96. Sienno
  97. Przytyk
  98. Głowaczów
  99. Gielniów
  100. Ciepielów
Voivodeship Office in Warsaw

The Masovian voivodeship’s government is headed by the provinceʼs voivode (governor) who is appointed by the Polish Prime Minister. The voivode is then assisted in performing his duties by the voivodeship’s marshal, who is the appointed speaker for the voivodeship’s executive and is elected by the sejmik (provincial assembly). The current voivode of Masovia is Konstanty Radziwiłł.

The Sejmik of Masovia consists of 51 members.

Term start Term end Voivode Party Other high offices held
1 January 1999[14] 20 October 2001 Antoni Pietkiewicz AWS Voivode of Kalisz (1990–1991)
21 October 2001[15] 10 January 2006 Leszek Mizieliński SLD Masovian vice-marshal (1998–2001)
10 January 2006[16] 17 January 2007 Tomasz Koziński PiS Mayor of Praga-Południe (2002–2006)
18 January 2007[17] 1 February 2007 Wojciech Dąbrowski PiS Mayor of Żoliborz (2004–2006)
15 February 2007[18] 29 November 2007 Jacek Sasin PiS Deputy PM (since 2019), MP (since 2011)
29 November 2007[19] 8 December 2015 Jacek Kozłowski PO Vice-Chairman of Poland 2050
8 December 2015 11 November 2019 Zdzisław Sipiera PiS Mayor of Wola (2005–2006), MP (2019–2023)
25 November 2019 31 March 2023 Konstanty Radziwiłł PiS Minister of Health (2015–2018), MP (2015–2019)
31 March 2023 13 December 2023 Tobiasz Bocheński PiS Łódź Voivode (2019-2023)
13 December 2023 Incumbent Mariusz Frankowski PO Deputy director of strategy and regional development of the Masovian Vovoideship in the Marshal’s Office (2007-2011)

Warsaw city councilor (2018-2023),

Qo‘riqlanadigan hududlar

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Kampinos milliy bog‘idagi los (UNESCO tomonidan biosfera qo'riqxonasi deb belgilangan)

Protected areas in Masovian Voivodeship include one National Park and nine Landscape Parks. These are listed below.

Qo'riqlanadigan hududlarga bir Milliy Bog' va to'qqizta landshaft bog‘lari kiradi. Ular quyida keltirilgan:

  • Kampinos milliy bog‘i (UNESCO tomonidan biosfera qo'riqxonasi deb belgilangan)
  • Bolimów landshaft bog‘i (qisman Łódź voyevodaligida joylashgan)
  • Brudzeń landshaft bog‘i
  • Bug landshaft bog‘i
  • Chojnów landshaft bog‘i
  • Górzno-Lidzbark landshaft bog‘i (qisman Kuyaviya-Pomeraniya va Varmiya-Mazuriya voyevodaliklarida joylashgan)
  • Gostynin-Włocławek landshaft bog‘i (qisman Kuyaviya-Pomeraniya voyevodaligida joylashgan)
  • Kozienice landshaft bog‘i
  • Mazoviya landshaft bog‘i
  • Podlaskie Bug daryosi darasi landshaft bog‘i (qisman Lublin voyevodaligida joylashgan)
Historical regions in present-day Masovian Voivodeship and in Poland

Mazoviya voyevodaligi (1526–1795)

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Mazoviya voyevodaligi, 1526–1795 yillarda (polyakcha: Województwo Mazowieckie) Polsha Qirolligi va Polsha-Litva Hamdo‘stligining ma’muriy hududi bo‘lgan. XV asrdan Polsha-Litva Hamdo‘stligi parchalanishigacha (1795) mavjud bo‘lgan. Mazoviya viloyati Płock va Rava voyevodaligi bilan birgalikda Mazoviya provinsiyasini (prowincja) tashkil qilgan.

Mazoviya voyevodaligi (1816–1837)

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Mazoviya voyevodaligi Kongress Polshasining voyevodaliklaridan biri bo‘lgan. U Varshava departamentidan tashkil topgan va keyinchalik Mazoviya gubernatorligiga aylantirilgan.

Koleje Mazowieckie (Masovian Railways)

Three major international road routes pass through the voivodeship: Cork–Berlin–Poznań–Warszawa–Minsk–Moscow–Omsk (European route E30), Prague–Wrocław–Warsaw–Białystok–Helsinki (E67) and Pskov–Gdańsk–Warsaw–Kraków–Budapest (E77).

Currently, there are various stretches of highways in the area, with the A2 highway connecting the region, and therefore the capital city, with the rest of Europe. The highway passes directly through the voivodeship from west to east, connecting it with Belarus and Germany. However, the A2 is yet to be built east of Warsaw to connect Poland with Belarus. The S7 expressway runs through Poland from the north to the south passing through Warsaw, the S8 connects Warsaw with Białystok, in the neighboring north-eastern province, also forming part of the Via Baltica which heads on to Lithuania, and to Wrocław in the south-west, and the S17 being built to connect Warsaw with Lublin in the south-east and on to Ukraine.

The two main railway carriers operating in the region are the regional Koleje Mazowieckie and nationwide PKP Intercity. Three of ten busiest railway stations of Poland are located in the voivodeship: Warszawa Centralna, Warszawa Wschodnia, Warszawa Zachodnia.[20]

The main international airport in the region is Warsaw Frederic Chopin Airport.

Masovian Voivodeship is the wealthiest province in Poland. The gross domestic product (GDP) of the province was PLN 596 billion in 2021, accounting for 22.8% of the Polish economic output. GDP per capita adjusted for purchasing power was around PLN123,000in the same year.[21]

The unemployment rate stood at 4.8% in 2017 and was higher than the national and the European average.[22]

Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
unemployment rate
(in %)
12.3 9.1 6.0 6.0 7.4 7.9 8.0 8.0 7.2 6.4 5.5 4.8

Sights and tourism

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Warsaw Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and Historic Monument of Poland

The top tourist destination of the voivodeship is the capital city of Warsaw with its Old Town and Royal Castle, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and Historic Monument of Poland.[23] Further Historic Monuments in Warsaw include the Royal Route with several palaces and parks, most notably the Łazienki Palace and Wilanów Palace, and the Warsaw Water Filters.

Other historic cities include Radom with its old center and parks, Pułtusk with the longest paved marketplace of Europe, and Płock, former medieval capital of Poland, with its Old Town and Wzgórze Tumskie („Cathedral Hill“) with the Płock Castle and the Płock Cathedral, which contains the sarcophagi of a number of Polish monarchs.

There are several medieval castles, including at Ciechanów, Czersk, Liw, Płock, and numerous palaces in the voivodeship, including at Otwock Wielki, Guzów, Radziejowice, Krubki-Górki, Sanniki, Korczew and multiple in Warsaw itself. Unique historic churches include the Temple of Mercy and Charity in Płock, the worldwide headquarters of the Mariavite Church, the Abbey Church in Czerwińsk nad Wisłą, one of the best preserved Romanesque fortified churches in Poland, and the Saints Roch and John the Baptist church in Brochów, a Gothic-Renaissance fortified church, place of baptism of Fryderyk Chopin. Otwock, Józefów and Warsaw are home to the local Świdermajer architectural style. There are also the Modlin Fortress and Warsaw Citadel.

The sole spa town of the voivodeship is Konstancin-Jeziorna.

There are museums dedicated to composer Fryderyk Chopin and chemist Marie Curie at their birthplaces in Żelazowa Wola and Warsaw, respectively. There is also a Fryderyk Chopin Museum in Warsaw. There is a museum dedicated to famous Renaissance poet Jan Kochanowski in Czarnolas. The Krasiński Palace in Opinogóra Górna hosts the Museum of Romanticism.

There are numerous World War II memorials, including memorials at the sites of Nazi massacres of Poles, including Palmiry, and Holocaust memorials, and museums at the sites of the former Nazi German Treblinka extermination camp, Pawiak Prison in Warsaw and Dulag 121 camp in Pruszków.

Kazimierz Górski National Stadium in Warsaw, one of the arenas of the UEFA Euro 2012, 2014 FIVB Volleyball Men's World Championship, 2017 Men's European Volleyball Championship and Speedway Grand Prix of Poland

Football, handball, volleyball and basketball enjoy the largest following in the voivodeship. Successful clubs include Legia Warsaw and Polonia Warsaw in football and basketball, and Wisła Płock in handball.

Since the establishment of the province, several major international sports competitions were co-hosted by the province, including the 2002 World Weightlifting Championships, 2003 World Short Track Speed Skating Championships, 2009 UCI Track Cycling World Championships, EuroBasket 2009, UEFA Euro 2012, 2014 FIVB Volleyball Men's World Championship, 2017 Men's European Volleyball Championship, 2018 FIVB Volleyball Men's Club World Championship, 2019 UCI Track Cycling World Championships, 2023 World Men's Handball Championship.

Deepspot, the world’s second deepest swimming pool, is located in Mszczonów.

  • The voivodeship contains both the current capital of Poland (Warsaw) and one of the former medieval capitals of Poland (Płock).
  • In the 17th century, there were sizeable Scottish communities in Warsaw, Raciąż, Sierpc and Zakroczym, and also smaller ones in Iłża, Jedlińsk, Radom, Skrzynno, Szydłowiec and Węgrów.[24]
  • The village of Krasiniec was the home of the sole Kalmyk community of Poland in the interbellum.
  • One of the three parish churches of the Armenian Catholic Church in Poland is located in Warsaw (see also: Armenians in Poland).
  • Warsaw Voivodeship (1919–1939)
  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 GUS „Population. Size and structure and vital statistics in Poland by territorial division in 2019. As of 30th June“ (en). 2021-yil 19-aprelda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 11-sentyabr.
  2. „EU regions by GDP, Eurostat“. Qaraldi: 2023-yil 18-sentyabr.
  3. „Sub-national HDI - Area Database - Global Data Lab“ (en). Qaraldi: 2018-yil 13-sentyabr.
  4. „Mazowieckie Province“. Archiwum Mazowieckie. Qaraldi: 2024-yil 5-iyun.
  5. „MAZOVIA heart of Poland“. Mazowieckie Voivodeship. Qaraldi: 2024-yil 5-iyun.
  6. Zych, Maciej. List of English names of major geographical features situated in the territory of the Republic of Poland. United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names, 9 March 2023. Qaraldi: 2024-yil 6-iyun. 
  7. Another English rendering of the provinceʼs name derived from the name Mazowsze is „Mazowsze Voivodship“ or „Mazowsze Province“.
  8. 8,0 8,1 „WHY WARSAW? - Aquatherm Warsaw“. Qaraldi: 2017-yil 10-aprel.
  9. Internet, JSK „Mazowieckie Province“. 2019-yil 30-mayda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2017-yil 10-aprel.
  10. Andoza:Cite Polish law
  11. Konopczyński, Władysław. Chronologia sejmów polskich 1493–1793 (pl). Kraków: Polska Akademia Umiejętności, 1948 — 133, 136, 139–140-bet. 
  12. Megargee, Geoffrey P.; Overmans, Rüdiger; Vogt, Wolfgang. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos 1933–1945. Volume IV. Indiana University Press, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2022 — 224, 314, 328–329, 371, 373-bet. ISBN 978-0-253-06089-1. 
  13. „Division of Poland“ (2024-yil 3-aprel).
  14. „Bez lubuskiego i świętokrzyskiego - Archiwum Rzeczpospolitej“. Qaraldi: 2022-yil 3-may.
  15. Redakcja „Zmarł Leszek Mizieliński, były wojewoda mazowiecki“ (pl-PL). Echo Dnia Radomskie (2017-yil 16-yanvar). Qaraldi: 2022-yil 3-may.
  16. „Tomasz Koziński Radny Warszawy“ (pl-PL). Qaraldi: 2022-yil 3-may.
  17. „Wprost: Dąbrowski jeździł pijany na rowerze“ (pl). Serwis Samorządowy PAP. Qaraldi: 2022-yil 3-may.
  18. „Jacek Sasin“. Qaraldi: 2022-yil 3-may.
  19. Polska, Grupa Wirtualna „Jacek Kozłowski ponownie wojewodą mazowieckim“ (pl-PL). Qaraldi: 2022-yil 3-may.
  20. „Wymiana pasażerska na stacjach“ (pl). Portal statystyczny UTK. Qaraldi: 2024-yil 19-may.
  21. „Oto gdzie powstaje polski PKB. Najszybciej rozwija się Pomorze“ (pl). Businessinsider (2022-yil 30-dekabr). Qaraldi: 2023-yil 5-dekabr.
  22. „Regional Unemployment by NUTS2 Region“. Eurostat.
  23. Andoza:Cite Polish law
  24. Wijaczka, Jacek „Szkoci“, . Pod wspólnym niebem. Narody dawnej Rzeczypospolitej (pl). Warszawa: Muzeum Historii Polski, Bellona, 2010 — 203–204-bet. ISBN 978-83-11-11724-2. 
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Andoza:Masovian Voivodeship Andoza:Voivodeships of Poland

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