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Опис файлу

English: A specimen sheet of typefaces and languages, by William Caslon I, letter founder; dated 1734.
Deutsch: Schriftmusterblatt der Schriftgiesserei von William Caslon
Русский: Лист с образцами шрифтов и языков, Уильям Каслон I; датирован 1734 годом.
Час створення близько 1734
date QS:P,+1734-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902
Джерело [1], uploaded to the English Wikipedia by Janke as Image:Caslonsample.jpg (probably deleted soon), 16:26, 23 March 2006
Автор William Caslon
Інші версії Похідні роботи від цього файлу:  Caslon-schriftmusterblatt (cleaned).jpeg


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Sample texts used

Most of the texts have typographical errors, preserved in their transcriptions here. Square brackets contain differences between multiple occurences of the same sample text.

Latin text
Ciceronis Oratio in Catilinam Prima; §§ 1, 3–5, 7, 9 (at wikisource)
Quousque tandem abutêre, Catilina, patientia nostra? quamdiu nos etiam furor iste tuus eludet? quem ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum præsidium palatii, nihil urbis vigiliæ, nihil timor populi, nihil consensus bonorum omnium, nihil hic munitissimus habendi se-
Melium, novis rebus studentem, manu sua occîdit. Fuit, fuit ista quondam in hac repub. virtus, ut viri fortes acrioribus suppliciis civem perniciosum, quam acerbissimum hostem coërcerent. Habemus enim senatusconsultum in te, Catilina, vehemens, & grave: non deest reip. consilium, neque autoritas hujus ordinis: nos, nos, dico aperte, consules desumus. Decrevit quondam senatus
At nos vigesimum jam diem patimur hebescere aciem horum autoritatis. habemus enim hujusmodi senatusconsultum, verumtamen inclusum in tabulis, tanquam gladium in vagina reconditum: quo ex senatusconsulto confestim interfectum te esse, Catilina, convenit. Vivis: & vivis non ad deponendam, sed ad confirmandam audaciam. Cupio, P.C., me esse clementem: cupio in tantis reipub. periculis non dissolutum videri: sed jam meipsum inertiæ
Verum ego hoc, quod jampridem factum esse oportuit, certa de caussa nondum adducor ut faciam. tum denique interficiam te, cum jam nemo tam improbus, tam perditus, tam tui similis inveniri poterit, qui id non jure factum esse fateatur. Quamdiu quisquam erit qui te defendere audeat, vives: & vives, ita ut nunc vivis, multis meis & firmis præsidiis obsessus, ne commovere te contra rempub. possis. multorum te etiam oculi & aures non sentientem, sicut adhuc fecerunt, speculabuntur, atque custodient. Etenim quid est, Catilina, quod jam amplius exspectes,
Novemb. C. Manlium audaciæ satellitem atque administrum tuæ? num me fefellit, Catilina, non modo res tanta, tam atrox, tam incredibilis, verum, id quod multo magis est admirandum, dies? Dixi ego idem in senatu, cædem te optimatum contulisse in ante diem v Kalend. Novemb. tum cum multi principes civitatis Rom. non tam sui conservandi, quam tuorum consiliorum reprimendorum caussa profugerunt. num inficiari potes, te illo ipso die meis præsidiis, mea diligentia circumclusum, commovere te contra rempub. non potuisse; cum tu discessu ceterorum, nostra tamen, qui remansissemus, cæde contentum te esse dicebas? Quid? cum te Præneste Kalend. ipsis Novembris occupaturum nocturno
O dii immortales! ubi-nam gentium sumus? quam rempub. habemus? in qua urbe vivimus? hic, hic sunt in nostro numero, P.C., in hoc orbis terræ [s]anctissimo gravissimoque consilio, qui de meo, nostrumque omnium interitu, qui de hujus urbis, atque adeo orbis terrarum exitio cogitent. hosce ego video consul, & de republica sententiam rogo: & quos ferro trucidari oportebat, eos nondum voce vulnero. Fuisti igitur apud Leccam ea nocte, Catilina: distribuisti partes Italiæ: statuisti quo quemque proficisci placeret: delegisti quos Romæ relinqueres, quos tecum educeres: descripsisti urbis partes ad incendia: confirmasti, te ipsum jam esse exiturum: dixisti paululum tibi esse etiam tum moræ, quod ego viverem. Reperti sunt duo equites Romani, qui te ista curar liberarent, & sese illa ipsa nocte paulo ante lucem me in meo, lectulo interfecturos pollice[re]ntur. Hæc ego omnia, vix dum etiam coetu vestro dimisso, comperi: domum meam majoribus præsidiis munivi, atque firmavi: exclusi eos, quos tu mane ad me salutatum miseras, cum illi ipsi venissent,
Saxon text
Old English version of Venerabilis Baedae Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum; book I, §7 (reference)
Ða he da mid grimmum [fwinglum] & tintregum wæced wæs & he ealle þa witu ðe him man dyde geþyldelice & gefeonde sor dritne abær ar
English text
"An Act for continuing the Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder, and Perry..." (1726) §19 (in Google Books)
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every of the said Exchequer Bills to be made forth by virtue of this Act, or so many of them as shall from time to time remain undischarged and uncancelled, until the discharging and cancelling the same pursuant to this Act,
Gothic text
First verse of the Lord's Prayer (at wikisource)
𐌰𐍄𐍄𐌰 𐌿𐌽𐍃𐌰𐍂 𐌸𐌿 𐌹𐌽 𐌷𐌹𐌼𐌹𐌽𐌰𐌼 𐍅𐌴𐌹𐌷𐌽𐌰𐌹 𐌽𐌰𐌼𐍉 𐌸𐌴𐌹𐌽 𐌵𐌹𐌼𐌰𐌹 𐌸𐌹𐌿𐌳𐌹𐌽𐌰𐍃𐍃𐌿𐍃 𐌸𐌴𐌹𐌽𐍃 𐍅𐌰𐌹𐍂𐌸𐌰𐌹 𐍅𐌹𐌰𐌾𐌰 𐌸𐌴𐌹𐌽𐍃 𐍃𐍅𐌴 𐌹𐌽 𐌷𐌹𐌼𐌹𐌽𐌰
Coptic text
Genesis 1:1–3 (at external site)
(unified Greek and Coptic characters) Ϧεη ουαρχη ὰφϯ θαμὸ ν̀τφε νεμ πκαϩι⳾ πικαϩι δε νε ουαθναυ ὲροϥ πε ουοϩ ν̀ατσοβϯ ουχακι ναϥχη εϫεν φνουν ουοϩ ουπ͞ν͞α ν̀τεφϯ ναϥνηου ϩιϫεν νιⳙωου⳾ ο-
(disunified Coptic characters) Ϧⲉⲏ ⲟⲩⲁⲣⲭⲏ ⲁ̀ⲫϯ ⲑⲁⲙⲟ̀ ⲛ̀ⲧⲫⲉ ⲛⲉⲙ ⲡⲕⲁϩⲓ⳾ ⲡⲓⲕⲁϩⲓ ⲇⲉ ⲛⲉ ⲟⲩⲁⲑⲛⲁⲩ ⲉ̀ⲣⲟϥ ⲡⲉ ⲟⲩⲟϩ ⲛ̀ⲁⲧⲥⲟⲃϯ ⲟⲩⲭⲁⲕⲓ ⲛⲁϥⲭⲏ ⲉϫⲉⲛ ⲫⲛⲟⲩⲛ ⲟⲩⲟϩ ⲟⲩⲡ͞ⲛ͞ⲁ ⲛ̀ⲧⲉⲫϯ ⲛⲁϥⲛⲏⲟⲩ ϩⲓϫⲉⲛ ⲛⲓⳙⲱⲟⲩ⳾ ⲟ-
Armenian text
Mosis Chorenensis Historia Armeniaca; book I, §9 (at external site)
Արշակ Թագաւոր՝ երկրի՝ և ծովու, որոյ անձն և պատկեր՝ որպէս և է իսկ մեր Աստուծոց՝ իսկ բախտ՝ և պատահուﬓ ՚ի վեր քան զա̅̅մ թագաւորաց. և մտաց լայնութ̅̅ի, որչափ երկնի
Syriac text
Peshitta; John 3:16 (at external site archive copy at the Wayback Machine)

ܗܟܢܐ ܓܝܪ ܐܝܝܩ ܐܠܗܐ ܠܥܠܡܐ ܐܝܟܢܐ ܕܠܒܪܗ ܝܚܝܕܝܐ ܢܬܠ ܕܟܠ ܡܢ ܕܡܗܝܡܢ ܟܗ ܠܐ ܢܐܟܙ ܐܠܐ ܢܗܘܘܢ ܠܗ ܝܚܐ ܕܠܥܠܡ

Samaritan text
not identified; resembles the Lord's Prayer in Hebrew (at wikisource)

אבינו שבשמים יקדש שמך תבוא מלכותך יהי רצונך כאשר בשמים וכן בארץ לחמנו דבר יום ביומך תן לן

Arabic text
First two of the Ten Commandments; does not match the common translations (wikipedia article)

لا يلن لك الاهٌ آخر غيري ٭ لا تاخذ لك صورة * ولا تمثيل كلّ ما في السّمآء من فوق * وما في الارض من اسفل * ولا ما في المآء من تحت الارض * لا تسجد لهنّ * ولا تعبدهنّ * نانّي انا الربّ الاهك الاهٌ غيور * اجتزي ذنوب الابآء من

Hebrew text
Genesis 1:1–5 (at wikisource)
בְּרֵאשִׁי֖ת בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ׃ וְהָאָ֗רֶץ הָֽיְתָ֥ה תֹ֙ה֙וּ וָבֹהוּ וְ[ח֖]שֶׁךְ עַל־פְּנֵי֣ תְה֑וֹם וְ֣רוּחַ אֱלֹהִים מֲּרחֶ֖פֶת עַל־פְּנֵ֥י הַמָּֽיִם׃ וַיּ֥אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֖ים יְהִ֣י א֑וֹר וַיֽהְִי־אֽוֹר׃ וַיַּרְ֧א אֱלֹהִ֛ים אֶת־הָא֖וֹר כִּי־ט֑וֹב וַיַּבְֵדּ֣ל אֱלהִים בֵּ֥יּן הָא֖וֹר וּבֵ֥ין הַחֽשֶךְ׃ וַיִּקְרָא אֱלֹהִ֤ים לָאוֹר יוֹםְולַח֖שֶׁךְָ ק֣רָא לָי֑לְהָ
Greek text
Xenophontis Memorabilia; §2.1.21 (at external site)
Πρόδικος ὁ σοφὸς ἐν τῶ συγΓράμμαΤι τῶ περὶ τοῦ Ηρακλέους (ὅπερ δὴ ϗ̀ πλείϛοις ἐπιδείκνυΤαι) ὅυτως περὶ τῆς ἀρεΤῆς ἀποφαίνεΤαι, ὧ[δ]έ πως λέΓων, ὅσα ἐγὼ μέμνημαι. φησὶ μὲν Ηρακλέα, ἐπεὶ ἐκ παίδων εἰς ἥβην [ὡ]ρμᾶτο, (ἐ[ν] ἧ οἱ νέοι ἤδη ἀυΤοκράτορες γιΓνόμενοι δηλοῦσιν, ἔιτε τὴν δἰ ἀρεΤῆς ὁδ[ὸ]ν τρέψονΤαι ἐπι τὸν βιον εἴτε τὴν διὰ


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поточний16:25, 23 грудня 2012Мініатюра для версії від 16:25, 23 грудня 20122898 × 3807 (1,75 МБ)DerecksonReverted to version as of 18:17, 27 January 2007: no it's not ok for me, the second image has a real authentic look
17:17, 14 листопада 2008Мініатюра для версії від 17:17, 14 листопада 20082898 × 3807 (1,58 МБ)NotwistI hope it's ok to upload a new version even though it's selected as a featured image, but I think this version looks better. Black and white, contrast and brightness altered and some spots removed with clone stamp.
18:17, 27 січня 2007Мініатюра для версії від 18:17, 27 січня 20072898 × 3807 (1,75 МБ)OudeísBetter image from English WP. Description page there will be copied soon!
17:37, 28 жовтня 2005Мініатюра для версії від 17:37, 28 жовтня 2005640 × 953 (192 КБ)Nanosmile* Description = Schriftmusterblatt der Schriftgiesserei von Wiliam Caslon ** Source = ** Date = ** Author = ((PD)) * nanosmile * Wikipedia account * [[:de

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