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Uporabnik:Stebunik/peskovnik26 - Dimitrij Tirol

sl: Dimitrij Tirol

Dimitrij Tirol
naslikal Dositej Obradovič
Domače ime
Димитрије П. Тирол
Rojstvo(1793-05-30)30. maj 1793
Čakovo, Habsburška monarhija
Smrt30. marec 1857 (1857-03-30) (63 let)
Temišvar, Avstrijsko cesarstvo

Dimitrij Tirol (srbsko: Димитрије П. Тирол) *30. maj 1793 v Čakovu[1] pri Temišvaru, Habsburška monarhija, †30. maj 1793 – Temišvar, Habsburška monarhija, 30. marec 1857) je srbski pisatelj, jezikoslovec, zemljepisec in slikar, ki je živel in delal v Avstrijskem cesarstvu in v Kneževini Srbiji v okviru Otomanskega cesarstva.


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Dimitrij Tirol je bil rojen v Čakovem[2] kot sin Panteja Tirola in Magdaline Kapamadžije. Njegov oče se je rodil kot Georgijević, vendar se je pri hiši po domače reklo ‘’pri Tirolu’’, in tako je tudi pisalo na zidu; Dimitriju je to tako ugajalo, da si je Tirol(sko) izbral za svoj priimek.

Šolal se je v Čakovem, dalmatinskem Bristu, Temišvaru in Kecskemét u.[2] Maturiral je v Mezőberényu, nato se je vpisal na Evangeličanski licej v Bratislavi. 1813 se je vrnil domov, dve leti kasneje pa mu je umrl oče. Nato se je z materjo preselil v Temišvar, kjer se je na očetovo željo naučil trgovanja.

1817 se je poročil s Kristino Kristoforovo.

Bil je velik občudovalec Vuka Karadžića in njegovih jezikovnih prenov. Prav zaradi Vuka je začel zbirati srbske narodne pesmi v Banatu. Takrat je začel pisati več šolskih učbenikov, vključno z Nemško slovnico za srbsko mladino. [3] Leta 1818 je napisal knjižico Prijateljska knjižica za premilo in preljubeznivo srbsko mladino Privestvovatelnaja knizica za primilu i preljubeznu serbsku junost.[4]

Vuk je z družino večkrat obiskal Tirolove v Temišvaru. Leta 1822 je Karadžić prevedel Tirolovo slovnico v nemščino. Prav tako je Tirol pripravil srbsko slovnico, ki jo je Vuk Karadžić vključil v Srpski dvorcik za Jakoba Grimma, ki je leta 1824 izdal svojo Wuk's Stephanowitsch kleine Serbische Grammatik.[5]


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  • Привествователнаја книжица за премилу и прељубезну сербску јуност (Buda, 1818)
  • Немачка граматика за употребленије србске младежи (Buda, 1830)
  • Политическо земљописаније за употребленије србске младежи (Beograd, 1832)
  • Начертаније Устава Ученога Србскога Друштва (Beograd, 1835)
  • Сила пријатељства или Дон Жуан и Дона Теодора (Beograd, 1835)
  • Мненије у употребљавању страдателне частице (Beograd, 1837)
  • Подвиги Димитрија Максимовића Књажевића... (Beograd, 1841)
  • Обштеупотребитељниј правопис србског језика... (Temišvar, 1852)
  • Списак членова Дружства Читалишта фабричког у Темишвару (Temišvar, 1854)
  • Високоблагородној Госпођи Екатерини Вуковићки... (Temišvar, 1854)
  • Огледи србског књижества за гимназијску младеж (Temišvar, 1855)


[uredi | uredi kodo]
  • Bánáti almanach (Temišvar, 1827, 1828, 1829)
  • Uranija (Beograd, 1837, 1838)


[uredi | uredi kodo]
  • Temesvári kalendárium 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858

Slikovna zbirka

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[uredi | uredi kodo]
  1. Čakovo (romunsko Ciacova; madžarsko Csák; nemško Tschakowa; srbsko Чаково, latinizirano: Čakovo; turško Çakova), mesto v srednjem Banatu v Tamiškem okrožju z 12.200 prebivalci
  2. 2,0 2,1 Vaso Milinčević (1971). Živan Milisavac (ur.). Jugoslovenski književni leksikon [Yugoslav Literary Lexicon] (v srbohrvaščini). Novi Sad (SAP Vojvodina, SR Serbia): Matica srpska. str. 537.
  3. Tirol, Dimitrije P. (1830). »Немачка грамматiка за употребленiе Србске младежи«.
  4. Tirol, Dimitrije P. (1818). »Privestvovatelnaja knizica za primilu i preljubeznu serbsku junost«.
  5. Neubauer, John (3. julij 2017). Vztrajnost glasu: instrumentalna glasba in romantična ustnost. ISBN 9789004343368.

Zunanje povezave

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Kategorija:Srbski pisatelji Kategorija:Nemški pisatelji Kategorija:Cerkvenoslovanski pisatelji Kategorija:Madžarski pisatelji Kategorija:Srbski slikarji Каtegorija:Gramatiki Каtegorija:Geografi Каtegorija:Zgodovinarji Kategorija:Rojeni leta 1793 Kategorija:Umrli leta 1857

sl: Dimitrij Tirol

Dmitrij Tirol
Domače ime
Димитрије П. Тирол
Rojstvo(1793-05-30)30. maj 1793
Čakovo, Habsburška monarhija
Smrt30. marec 1857 (1857-03-30) (63 let)
Temišvar, Avstrijsko cesarstvo

Dimitrij P. Tirol (srbsko: Димитрије П. Тирол) * 30. maj 1793 v Čakovu[1] pri Temišvaru, Habsburška monarhija, 30. maj 1793 – Temišvar, Habsburška monarhija, 30. marec 1857) je srbski pisatelj, jezikoslovec, zemljepisec in slikar, ki je živel in delal v Avstrijskem cesarstvu in v Kneževini Srbiji v okviru Otomanskega cesarstva.


[uredi | uredi kodo]
  1. Čakovo (romunsko Ciacova; madžarsko Csák; nemško Tschakowa; srbsko Чаково, latinizirano: Čakovo; turško Çakova), mesto v srednjem Banatu v Tamiškem okrožju z 12.200 prebivalci

Zunanje povezave

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Kategorija:Srbski pisatelji Kategorija:Avstrijski pisatelji


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Dimitrije P. Tirol was born in Csák,[1] the son of Panta Tirol and Magdalina Kapamadžija. His father was born Georgijević, but on the wall of the house it read "Tyrol", so he took this as his name.

Dimitrije completed his schooling in Csák, Bristen, Timișoara and Kecskemét.[1] He graduated from high school in Mezőberény, then enrolled in the Evangelical Lyceum in Bratislava. He returned home in 1813, and two years later his father died. He then moved to Timișoara with his mother, where he learned to trade at his father's request.

In 1817 he married Christina Christophorov.

He was a great admirer of Vuk Karadžić at the time of the language reforms. It was because of Vuk that he began collecting Serbian national folk songs in the region of Banat. It was at the time he began writing several scholastic textbooks, including a German Grammar for Serbian youth.[2] In 1818, he wrote Privestvovatelnaja knizica za primilu i preljubeznu serbsku junost.[3]

Vuk and his family visited Tirol in Timișoara several times. In 1822 Karadžić translated Tirol's grammar into German. Also, Tirol prepared a Serbian grammar that Vuk Karadžić included in the Srpski rječnik for Jacob Grimm who published his Wuk's Stephanowitsch kleine Serbische Grammatik in 1824.[4]

In 1827 he published his Slavenska gramatika, sad prvi red na srpskom jeziku (Volume 1).[5] In 1828, Dimitrije P. Tirol founded the Serbian Literary Society of Timişoara with Pavel Kengelac and Đorđe Čokrljan. However, three years later, the institution was banned by the authorities. In 1830, he and his wife moved to Belgrade to get away from Habsburg's oppression. He worked a lot there. The Ministry of Education was pleased with Tirol's educational plan and assigned Dimitrije Isailović, Chief Inspector of all schools in Serbia, and Dimitrije Tirol, member of the State Department for History and Geography.[6] He wrote and published Političesko zemljopisanie in Belgrade in 1832.[7]

In 1839, Dimitrije, as Miloš's teacher (son of Prince Jevrem Obrenović, was sent to Imperial Russia. In Odessa, Tirol met Serbs who had left the Habsburg Empire in the early and mid-18th century. He met several people there and collected historical material. Dimitrije and Miloš returned to Serbia some two years later.

On 1 May 1848, he became a member of the May Assembly in Sremski Karlovci.

Dimitrije P. Tirol was also an excellent painter, mainly portraits. He is best remembered for painting the likeness of Dositej Obradović.

In 1851 he taught Serbian at the Grammar School in Timișoara, but in the same year, he also became headmaster of a Serbian school. He died in Timișoara.


[uredi | uredi kodo]
  1. 1,0 1,1 Vaso Milinčević (1971). Živan Milisavac (ur.). Jugoslovenski književni leksikon [Yugoslav Literary Lexicon] (v srbohrvaščini). Novi Sad (SAP Vojvodina, SR Serbia): Matica srpska. str. 537.
  2. Tirol, Dimitrije P. (1830). »Немачка грамматiка за употребленiе Србске младежи«.
  3. Tirol, Dimitrije P. (1818). »Privestvovatelnaja knizica za primilu i preljubeznu serbsku junost«.
  4. Neubauer, John (3. julij 2017). The Persistence of Voice: Instrumental Music and Romantic Orality. ISBN 9789004343368.
  5. Tirol, Dimitrije P. (1827). »Slavenska gramatika, sad prvi red na srpskom jeziku izjasnjena Dimitrijem P. Tirolom«.
  6. Karanovich, Milenko (1974). »The Development of Education in Serbia, 1838-1858«.
  7. »Zbornik za povijest školstva i prosvjete«. 1985.

Category:People from Ciacova

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en: Dimitrij Tirol

Dmitrije Tirol
Domače ime
Димитрије П. Тирол
Rojstvo(1793-05-30)30. maj 1793
Csák, Habsburg monarchy
Smrt30. marec 1857 (1857-03-30) (63 let)
Timișoara, Habsburg Monarchy

Dimitrije P. Tirol (Serbian: Димитрије П. Тирол; Csák, Habsburg monarchy, 30 May 1793 – Timișoara, Habsburg Monarchy, 30 March 1857) is a Serbian writer, linguist, geographer, and painter who lived and worked in Austro-Hungary and Serbia.


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Dimitrije P. Tirol was born in Csák,[1] the son of Panta Tirol and Magdalina Kapamadžija. His father was born Georgijević, but on the wall of the house it read "Tyrol", so he took this as his name.

Dimitrije completed his schooling in Csák, Bristen, Timișoara and Kecskemét.[1] He graduated from high school in Mezőberény, then enrolled in the Evangelical Lyceum in Bratislava. He returned home in 1813, and two years later his father died. He then moved to Timișoara with his mother, where he learned to trade at his father's request.

In 1817 he married Christina Christophorov.

He was a great admirer of Vuk Karadžić at the time of the language reforms. It was because of Vuk that he began collecting Serbian national folk songs in the region of Banat. It was at the time he began writing several scholastic textbooks, including a German Grammar for Serbian youth.[2] In 1818, he wrote Privestvovatelnaja knizica za primilu i preljubeznu serbsku junost.[3]

Vuk and his family visited Tirol in Timișoara several times. In 1822 Karadžić translated Tirol's grammar into German. Also, Tirol prepared a Serbian grammar that Vuk Karadžić included in the Srpski rječnik for Jacob Grimm who published his Wuk's Stephanowitsch kleine Serbische Grammatik in 1824.[4]

In 1827 he published his Slavenska gramatika, sad prvi red na srpskom jeziku (Volume 1).[5] In 1828, Dimitrije P. Tirol founded the Serbian Literary Society of Timişoara with Pavel Kengelac and Đorđe Čokrljan. However, three years later, the institution was banned by the authorities. In 1830, he and his wife moved to Belgrade to get away from Habsburg's oppression. He worked a lot there. The Ministry of Education was pleased with Tirol's educational plan and assigned Dimitrije Isailović, Chief Inspector of all schools in Serbia, and Dimitrije Tirol, member of the State Department for History and Geography.[6] He wrote and published Političesko zemljopisanie in Belgrade in 1832.[7]

In 1839, Dimitrije, as Miloš's teacher (son of Prince Jevrem Obrenović, was sent to Imperial Russia. In Odessa, Tirol met Serbs who had left the Habsburg Empire in the early and mid-18th century. He met several people there and collected historical material. Dimitrije and Miloš returned to Serbia some two years later.

On 1 May 1848, he became a member of the May Assembly in Sremski Karlovci.

Dimitrije P. Tirol was also an excellent painter, mainly portraits. He is best remembered for painting the likeness of Dositej Obradović.

In 1851 he taught Serbian at the Grammar School in Timișoara, but in the same year, he also became headmaster of a Serbian school. He died in Timișoara.


[uredi | uredi kodo]
  1. 1,0 1,1 Vaso Milinčević (1971). Živan Milisavac (ur.). Jugoslovenski književni leksikon [Yugoslav Literary Lexicon] (v srbohrvaščini). Novi Sad (SAP Vojvodina, SR Serbia): Matica srpska. str. 537.
  2. Tirol, Dimitrije P. (1830). »Немачка грамматiка за употребленiе Србске младежи«.
  3. Tirol, Dimitrije P. (1818). »Privestvovatelnaja knizica za primilu i preljubeznu serbsku junost«.
  4. Neubauer, John (3. julij 2017). The Persistence of Voice: Instrumental Music and Romantic Orality. ISBN 9789004343368.
  5. Tirol, Dimitrije P. (1827). »Slavenska gramatika, sad prvi red na srpskom jeziku izjasnjena Dimitrijem P. Tirolom«.
  6. Karanovich, Milenko (1974). »The Development of Education in Serbia, 1838-1858«.
  7. »Zbornik za povijest školstva i prosvjete«. 1985.

Category:People from Ciacova

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