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Deng sampaga ning Odontonema cuspidatum
Deng sampaga ning Odontonema cuspidatum
Scientific classification
Kaarian: Plantae
(unranked) Eudicots
(unranked) Asterids
Orden: Lamiales
Familia: Acanthaceae
Type genus

See text.

Ing familiang Acanthaceae metung yang taxon da reng tanaman a maniampaga a maki alus 250 genera ampong manga 2500 species.

Keraklan kareti, dikut la kareng mangapaling lugal (tropical herbs), palungpung (shrubs), o tanaman a kukulate (vines); epiphytes la reng aliwa. Ditak la mu deng species a mayayakit kareng mangarimlang (temperate) a lugal. Apat la reng sentrung panibatan da reti: Indonesia ampong Malaysia, Africa, Brasil ampong Kalibudtang America (Central America). Ating miembru ning familiang iti king alus balang uri ning kapaligiran, kayabe la reng kakeuan, gubat o pulu, makapal man o ali, kareng labuad da reng puliung dutung ampong tanaman (scrubland), kareng mabasang marangle ampong kapatagan o lambak (valleys), king bebe dayatmalat, king mismung dayatmalat, kareng pinak (swamps), ampo kareng kakeuan a bakauan (mangrove).

Justicia aurea

Deng tanaman king familiang iti maki bulung lang simpli, misusumangid (opposite), decussate, at maki gilid a entire (o kaya sometimes toothed, lobed, or spiny). Maliari lang mika cystolith deng bulung, o maliaring atin lang lulual a calcium carbonate, a lalto antimong gulis king babo ning bulung. Den namang sampaga, maliari lang ganap (perfect), zygomorphic o alus actinomorphic, at makasamasan lang antimong spike, raceme, o cyme. Keraklan, ating makuleng bract king lalam ning sampaga, at kareng mapilang species, maragul ya ampong kapansin-pansin ing bract. Maki apat ya anggang limang lobe ing calyx; ing corolla mala-tubo (tubular) ya, at 2-lipped or 5-lobed; deng stamen, adua la o apat, at paris-paris la pangasamasan at makasulut king corolla. Ing ovary superior ya, 2-carpellate, at maki axile placentation. Ing bunga, capsule yang maki aduang espasiu (two-celled), at balamu mamakbung ya potang mibubusni. Kareng keraklan kareng species, makatuglung la reng bini o butul king malating tangkeng maki kalait (metung a miyalilan bagiang funiculus a ausan dang jaculator) a magpalual karela king lulanan o capsule.

Ing Acanthus mollis or Bear's breeches, metung yang uri o species a pikabaluan kareng mananaman kareng mangarimlang lugal. Metung yang maladikut (herbaceous) a tanaman a perennial a maki mangaragul a bulung ampong flower spike a maki tas a miraras aduang metru. Kayabe no man kareng genus kareng mangapaling lugal a kilala da reng mananaman deng Thunbergia ampong Justicia.

Ing Avicennia, metung yang genus da reng dutung a bakauan, a keraklan bibili da king Verbenaceae o king sarili nang familia, ing Avicenniaceae. Yabe ne ning Angiosperm Phylogeny Group king Acanthaceae uling kareng pamagaral a molecular phylogenetic a magpatuneng maki kaugnayan ya king familiang iti.

Deng mepiling genus

Ating 246 a matatanggap a genus agpang king Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN).

  • Acanthopale C.B.Clarke
  • Acanthopsis Harv.
  • Acanthostelma Bidgood & Brummitt
  • Acanthura Lindau
  • Acanthus L. (Bear's Breech)
  • Achyrocalyx Benoist
  • Aechmanthera
  • Adhatoda Mill. (sometimes included in Justicia)
  • Afrofittonia Lindau
  • Ambongia Benoist
  • Ancistranthus Lindau (Desert Honeysuckle)
  • Ancistrostylis T.Yamaz.
  • Andrographis Wall. ex Nees (False Waterwillow)
  • Angkalanthus Balf.f.
  • Anisacanthus Nees
  • Anisosepalum E.Hossain
  • Anisostachya Nees (sometimes included in Justicia)
  • Anisotes Nees
  • Anomacanthus R.D.Good
  • Apassalus Kobuski
  • Aphanosperma T.F.Daniel
  • Aphelandra R.Br.
  • Aphelandrella Mildbr.
  • Ascotheca Heine
  • Asystasia Blume
  • Asystasiella Lindau
  • Avicennia
  • Ballochia Balf.f.
  • Barleria L. (Bush violets)
  • Barleriola Oerst.
  • Benoicanthus Heine & A.Raynal
  • Blechum P. Browne
  • Blepharis Juss.
  • Borneacanthus Bremek.
  • Boutonia DC.
  • Brachystephanus Nees
  • Bravaisia DC.
  • Brillantaisia P.Beauv.
  • Calacanthus T.Anderson ex Benth. & Hook. f.
  • Calophanoides (C.B.Clarke) Ridl. (sometimes included in Justicia)
  • Calycacanthus K. Schum.
  • Camarotea Scott-Elliot
  • Carlowrightia A.Gray (Wrightwort)
  • Celerina Benoist
  • Cephalacanthus Lindau
  • Chaetacanthus Nees
  • Chalarothyrsus Lindau
  • Chamaeranthemum Nees
  • Championella Bremek.
  • Chileranthemum Oerst.
  • Chlamydacanthus Lindau (sometimes included in Theileamea)
  • Chlamydocardia Lindau
  • Chlamydostachya Mildbr.
  • Chroesthes Benoist
  • Clinacanthus Nees
  • Clistax Mart.
  • Codonacanthus Nees
  • Conocalyx Benoist
  • Corymbostachys Lindau
  • Cosmianthemum Bremek.
  • Crabbea Harv.
  • Crossandra Salisb.
  • Crossandrella C.B.Clarke
  • Cyclacanthus S.Moore
  • Cylindrosolenium Lindau
  • Cyphacanthus Leonard
  • Dactylostegium Nees (sometimes included in Dicliptera)
  • Danguya Benoist
  • Dasytropis Urb.
  • Dichazothece Lindau
  • Dicladanthera F. Muell.
  • Dicliptera Juss. (Foldwing)
  • Didyplosandra Wight ex Bremek.
  • Dipteracanthus Nees (sometimes included in Ruellia)
  • Dischistocalyx T.Anderson ex Benth. & Hook.f.
  • Dolichostachys Benoist
  • Drejera Nees
  • Drejerella Lindau (sometimes included in Justicia)
  • Duosperma Dayton
  • Dyschoriste Nees (Snakeherb)
  • Ecbolium Kurz
  • Echinacanthus Nees
  • Elytraria Michx. (Scalystem)
  • Encephalosphaera Lindau
  • Epiclastopelma Lindau
  • Eranthemum L.
  • Eremomastax Lindau
  • Eusiphon Benoist (often included in Ruellia)
  • Filetia Miq.
  • Fittonia Coem.
  • Forcipella Baill.
  • Forsythiopsis Baker (sometimes included in Oplonia)
  • Geissomeria Lindl.
  • Glossochilus Nees
  • Golaea Chiov.
  • Graphandra J.B.Imlay
  • Graptophyllum Nees
  • Gymnophragma Lindau
  • Gymnostachyum Nees
  • Gynocraterium Bremek.
  • Gypsacanthus E.J.Lott et al.
  • Haplanthodes Kuntze
  • Harpochilus Nees
  • Hemiadelphis Nees
  • Hemigraphis Nees (sometimes included in Strobilanthes)
  • Henrya Nees
  • Herpetacanthus Nees
  • Heteradelphia Lindau
  • Holographis Nees
  • Hoverdenia Nees
  • Hulemacanthus S.Moore
  • Hygrophila R.Br. (Swampweed)
  • Hypoestes Sol. ex R.Br.
  • Ionacanthus Benoist
  • Isoglossa Oerst.
  • Isotheca Turrill
  • Jadunia Lindau
  • Juruasia Lindau
  • Justicia L. (Justica, Water-willow, Shrimp plant)
  • Kalbreyeriella Lindau
  • Kosmosiphon Lindau
  • Kudoacanthus Hosok.
  • Lankesteria Lindl.
  • Lasiocladus Bojer ex Nees
  • Leandriella Benoist
  • Lepidagathis Willd.
  • Leptostachya Nees
  • Liberatia Rizzini (sometimes included in Lophostachys)
  • Linariantha B.L.Burtt & R.M.Sm.
  • Lophostachys Pohl
  • Louteridium S.Watson
  • Lychniothyrsus Lindau
  • Marcania J.B.Imlay
  • Megalochlamys Lindau
  • Megalostoma Leonard
  • Megaskepasma Lindau
  • Melittacanthus S.Moore
  • Mellera S. Moore
  • Mendoncia Vand.
  • Metarungia Baden
  • Mexacanthus T.F.Daniel
  • Meyenia Nees
  • Mimulopsis Schweinf.
  • Mirandea Rzed.
  • Monechma Hochst. (sometimes included in Justicia)
  • Monothecium Hochst.
  • Morsacanthus Rizzini
  • Nelsonia R.Br.
  • Neohallia Hemsl.
  • Neriacanthus Benth.
  • Neuracanthus Nees
  • Odontonema Nees (Toothedthread)
  • Ophiorrhiziphyllon Kurz
  • Oplonia Raf.
  • Oreacanthus Benth.
  • Orophochilus Lindau
  • Pachystachys Nees
  • Pelecostemon Leonard
  • Pentstemonacanthus Nees
  • Perenideboles Ram. (Goyena)
  • Pericalypta Benoist
  • Periestes Baill.
  • Peristrophe Nees
  • Petalidium Nees
  • Phaulopsis Willd.
  • Phialacanthus Benth.
  • Phidiasia Urb.
  • Phlogacanthus Nees
  • Physacanthus Benth.
  • Podorungia Baill.
  • Poikilacanthus Lindau
  • Polylychnis Bremek. (often included in Ruellia)
  • Populina Baill.
  • Pranceacanthus Wassh.
  • Pseuderanthemum Radlk.
  • Pseudocalyx Radlk.
  • Pseudodicliptera Benoist
  • Pseudoruellia Benoist
  • Psilanthele Lindau
  • Ptyssiglottis T.Anderson
  • Pulchranthus V.M.Baum et al.
  • Pupilla Rizzini (sometimes included in Justicia)
  • Razisea Oerst.
  • Rhinacanthus Nees
  • Rhombochlamys Lindau
  • Ritonia Benoist
  • Rostellularia Rchb. (sometimes included in Justicia)
  • Ruellia L. (Wild Petunia)
  • Ruelliopsis C.B.Clarke
  • Rungia Nees
  • Ruspolia Lindau
  • Ruttya Harv.
  • Saintpauliopsis Staner (sometimes included in Staurogyne)
  • Salpinctium T.J.Edwards
  • Salpixantha Hook.
  • Samuelssonia Urb. & Ekman
  • Sanchezia Ruiz & Pav.
  • Santapaua N.P.Balakr. & Subr. (sometimes included in Hygrophila)
  • Sapphoa Urb.
  • Satanocrater Schweinf.
  • Sautiera Decne.
  • Schaueria Nees
  • Schwabea Endl. & Fenzl
  • Sclerochiton Harv.
  • Sebastiano-schaueria Nees
  • Sericospora Nees
  • Siphonoglossa Oerst. (Tubetongue)
  • Spathacanthus Baill.
  • Sphacanthus Benoist
  • Sphinctacanthus Benth.
  • Spirostigma Nees
  • Standleyacanthus Leonard
  • Staurogyne Wall.
  • Steirosanchezia Lindau
  • Stenandriopsis S. Moore
  • Stenandrium Nees (Shaggytuft)
  • Stenostephanus Nees
  • Streblacanthus Kuntze
  • Streptosiphon Mildbr.
  • Strobilanthes Blume
  • Strobilanthopsis S.Moore
  • Styasasia S.Moore
  • Suessenguthia Merxm.
  • Synchoriste Baill.
  • Taeniandra Bremek.
  • Tarphochlamys Bremek.
  • Teliostachya Nees
  • Tessmanniacanthus Mildbr.
  • Tetramerium Nees
  • Theileamea Baill.
  • Thomandersia Baill. also placed within its own family Thomandersiaceae by Wortley et al. 2007 [1]
  • Thunbergia Retz.
  • Thysanostigma J.B.Imlay
  • Tremacanthus S. Moore
  • Triaenanthus Nees
  • Trichanthera Kunth
  • Trichaulax Vollesen
  • Trichocalyx Balf.f.
  • Trichosanchezia Mildbr.
  • Ulleria Bremek. (often included in Ruellia)
  • Vavara Benoist
  • Vindasia Benoist
  • Warpuria Stapf
  • Whitfieldia Hook.
  • Xantheranthemum Lindau
  • Xerothamnella C.T.White
  • Yeatesia Small (Bractspike)
  • Zygoruellia Baill.



  1. Wortley, A.H., Harris, D.J. & Scotland, R.W. (2007). "On the Taxonomy and Phylogenetic Position of Thomandersia.". Systematic Botany 32 (2): 415–444. doi:10.1600/036364407781179716. 
  • Schwarzbach, Andrea E. and McDade, Lucinda A. (2002). "Phylogenetic relationships of the mangrove family Avicenniaceae based on chloroplast and nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences". Systematic Botany 27: 84–98. 

Suglung palual

  • Acanthaceae in L. Watson and M.J. Dallwitz (1992 onwards). The families of flowering plants: descriptions, illustrations, identification, information retrieval.
  • Tree of Life Acanthaceae Archived Juniu 5, 2011 at the Wayback Machine
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