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Lijst van amfibieën in Guatemala

Dendropsophus ebraccatus

Onderstaande lijst van amfibieën in Guatemala bestaat uit een totaal van 169 in Guatemala voorkomende soorten die zijn onderverdeeld in drie ordes: de wormsalamanders (Gymnophiona), salamanders (Caudata) en kikkers (Anura). 82 van de in Guatemala voorkomende amfibiesoorten zijn opgenomen in de lijst van bedreigde diersoorten van de IUCN, waaronder 33 ernstig bedreigde soorten (CR), 27 bedreigde soorten (EN) en 22 kwetsbare soorten (VU). Daarnaast wordt de status van nog eens 22 soorten als bijna bedreigd of gevoelig (NT) beschouwd. Deze lijst van amfibieën is ontleend aan de databank van Amphibian Species of the World,[1] aangevuld met enkele soorten die recent zijn ontdekt door de wetenschap of wiens aanwezigheid in Guatemala recent is vastgesteld.

Wormsalamanders (Gymnophiona)

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Dermophis mexicanus

Orde: Gymnophiona. Familie: Dermophiidae

Salamanders (Caudata)

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Orde: Caudata. Familie: Plethodontidae

Bolitoglossa mexicana
Bolitoglossa dofleini
Bolitoglossa yucatana
Oedipina taylori
  • Bolitoglossa centenorum Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo, and Brodie, 2010)
  • Bolitoglossa conanti McCranie and Wilson, 1993)
  • Bolitoglossa cuchumatana (Stuart, 1943) [E]
  • Bolitoglossa daryorum Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo, and Brodie, 2010)
  • Bolitoglossa diaphora McCranie and Wilson, 1995
  • Bolitoglossa dofleini (Werner, 1903)
  • Bolitoglossa dunni (Schmidt, 1933) [EN]
  • Bolitoglossa engelhardti (Schmidt, 1936) [EN]
  • Bolitoglossa eremia Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo, and Brodie, 2010)
  • Bolitoglossa flavimembris (Schmidt, 1936) [EN]
  • Bolitoglossa flaviventris (Schmidt, 1936)
  • Bolitoglossa franklini (Schmidt, 1936) [EN]
  • Bolitoglossa hartwegi Wake & Brame, 1969
  • Bolitoglossa heiroreias Greenbaum, 2004
  • Bolitoglossa helmrichi (Schmidt, 1936) [E]
  • Bolitoglossa huehuetenanguensis Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo, and Brodie, 2010)
  • Bolitoglossa jacksoni Elias, 1984 [E]
  • Bolitoglossa kaqchikelorum Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo, and Brodie, 2010)
  • Bolitoglossa la Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo, and Brodie, 2010)
  • Bolitoglossa lincolni (Stuart, 1943)
  • Bolitoglossa meliana Wake & Lynch, 1982 [E, EN]
  • Bolitoglossa mexicana Duméril, Bibron, & Duméril, 1854
  • Bolitoglossa morio (Cope, 1869) [E]
  • Bolitoglossa mulleri (Brocchi, 1883) [VU]
  • Bolitoglossa ninadormida Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo, and Brodie, 2010)
  • Bolitoglossa nussbaumi Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo, and Brodie, 2010)
  • Bolitoglossa nympha Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo, and Brodie, 2010)
  • Bolitoglossa occidentalis Taylor, 1941
  • Bolitoglossa odonnelli (Stuart, 1943) [EN]
  • Bolitoglossa omniumsanctorum (Stuart, 1952)
  • Bolitoglossa pacaya Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo, and Brodie, 2010)
  • Bolitoglossa psephena Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo, and Brodie, 2010)
  • Bolitoglossa rostrata (Brocchi, 1883) [VU]
  • Bolitoglossa rufescens (Cope, 1869)
  • Bolitoglossa salvinii (Gray, 1868) [EN]
  • Bolitoglossa stuarti Wake & Brame, 1969 [EN]
  • Bolitoglossa suchitanensis Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo, and Brodie, 2010)
  • Bolitoglossa tenebrosa Vazquez-Almazán and Rovito, 2014
  • Bolitoglossa tzultacaj Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo, and Brodie, 2010)
  • Bolitoglossa xibalba Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo, and Brodie, 2010)
  • Bolitoglossa yucatana (Peters, 1882)
  • Bolitoglossa zacapensis Rovito, Vásquez-Almazán, and Papenfuss, 2010
  • Bradytriton silus Wake & Elias, 1983 [E, CR]
  • Cryptotriton monzoni (Campbell & Smith, 1998) [E, CR]
  • Cryptotriton nasalis (Dunn, 1924)
  • Cryptotriton sierraminensis Vásquez-Almazán, Rovito, Good, and Wake, 2009
  • Cryptotriton veraepacis (Lynch & Wake, 1978) [E, EN]
  • Cryptotriton xucaneborum[2] Rovito, Vásquez-Almazán, Papenfuss, Parra-Olea & Wake, 2015
  • Dendrotriton bromeliacius (Schmidt, 1936) [EN]
  • Dendrotriton chujorum Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo, and Brodie, 2010) [E, CR]
  • Dendrotriton cuchumatanus (Lynch & Wake, 1975) [E, CR]
  • Dendrotriton kekchiorum Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo, and Brodie, 2010) [E, EN]
  • Dendrotriton rabbi (Lynch & Wake, 1975) [EN]
  • Nototriton brodiei Campbell & Smith, 1998
  • Nototriton stuarti Wake & Campbell, 2000 [E]
  • Nyctanolis pernix Elias & Wake, 1983 [EN]
  • Oedipina chortiorum Brodie, Acevedo, and Campbell, 2012
  • Oedipina elongata (Schmidt, 1936)
  • Oedipina ignea Stuart, 1952
  • Oedipina motaguae Brodie, Acevedo, and Campbell, 2012
  • Oedipina stenopodia Brodie & Campbell, 1993 [E, EN]
  • Oedipina taylori Stuart, 1952
  • Oedipina tzutujilorum Brodie, Acevedo, and Campbell, 2012
  • Pseudoeurycea brunnata Bumzahem & Smith, 1955 [CR]
  • Pseudoeurycea exspectata Stuart, 1954 [E, CR]
  • Pseudoeurycea goebeli (Schmidt, 1936) [EN]
  • Pseudoeurycea rex (Dunn, 1921)

Kikkers (Anura)

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[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]
Rhinophrynus dorsalis

Orde: Anura. Familie: Rhinophrynidae


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Orde: Anura. Familie: Craugastoridae

Craugastor laticeps


[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]
Engystomops pustulosus
Leptodactylus fragilis

Orde: Anura. Familie: Leptodactylidae

  • Engystomops pustulosus (Cope, 1864) [LC]
  • Leptodactylus fragilis (Brocchi, 1878) [LC]
  • Leptodactylus melanonotus (Hallowell, 1860) [LC]


[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Orde: Anura. Familie: Eleutherodactylidae

  • Eleutherodactylus leprus Cope, 1879 [VU]
  • Eleutherodactylus pipilans Taylor, 1940 [LC]
  • Eleutherodactylus rubrimaculatus Taylor & Smith, 1945 [VU]
Incilius canaliferus
Incilius valliceps

Orde: Anura. Familie: Bufonidae

  • Incilius aurarius Mendelson, Mulcahy, Snell, Acevedo, and Campbell, 2012
  • Incilius bocourti Brocchi, 1877 [LC]
  • Incilius campbelli Mendelson, 1994 [NT]
  • Incilius canaliferus Cope, 1877 [LC]
  • Incilius coccifer Cope, 1866 [LC]
  • Incilius ibarrai Stuart, 1954 [EN]
  • Incilius luetkenii Boulenger, 1891 [LC]
  • Incilius macrocristatus Firschein & Smith, 1957 [VU]
  • Incilius tacanensis P. Smith, 1952 [EN]
  • Incilius tutelarius Mendelson, 1997 [EN]
  • Incilius valliceps Wiegmann, 1833 [LC]
  • Rhinella marina (Linnaeus, 1758) [LC]
Agalychnis callidryas
Dendropsophus ebraccatus
Dendropsophus robertmertensi
Plectrohyla guatemalensis
Tlalocohyla picta
Trachycephalus typhonius

Orde: Anura. Familie: Hylidae

  • Agalychnis callidryas (Cope, 1862) [LC]
  • Agalychnis moreletii (Duméril, 1853) [CR]
  • Bromeliohyla bromeliacia Schmidt, 1933 [EN]
  • Dendropsophus ebraccatus Cope, 1874 [LC]
  • Dendropsophus microcephalus Cope, 1886 [LC]
  • Dendropsophus robertmertensi Taylor, 1937 [LC]
  • Duellmanohyla schmidtorum (Stuart, 1954) [VU]
  • Duellmanohyla soralia (Wilson & MCCranie, 1985) [CR]
  • Ecnomiohyla minera Wilson, McCranie, & Williams, 1985 [E, EN]
  • Ecnomiohyla salvaje Wilson, McCranie, & Williams, 1985 [CR]
  • Exerodonta perkinsi Campbell & Brodie, 1992 [E, CR]
  • Hyla bocourti Mocquard, 1899 [E, CR]
  • Hyla walkeri Stuart, 1954 [VU]
  • Plectrohyla acanthodes Duellman & Campbell, 1992 [CR]
  • Plectrohyla avia Stuart, 1953 [CR]
  • Plectrohyla glandulosa (Boulenger, 1883) [EN]
  • Plectrohyla guatemalensis Brocchi, 1877 [CR]
  • Plectrohyla hartwegi Duellman, 1968 [CR]
  • Plectrohyla ixil Stuart, 1942 [CR]
  • Plectrohyla matudai Hartweg, 1941 [VU]
  • Plectrohyla pokomchi Duellman & Campbell, 1984 [E, CR]
  • Plectrohyla quecchi Stuart, 1942 [E, CR]
  • Plectrohyla sagorum Hartweg, 1941 [EN]
  • Plectrohyla tecunumani Duellman & Campbell, 1984 [E, CR]
  • Plectrohyla teuchestes Duellman & Campbell, 1992 [E, CR]
  • Ptychohyla dendrophasma Campbell, Smith, & Acevedo, 2000 [CR]
  • Ptychohyla euthysanota (Kellogg, 1928) [NT]
  • Ptychohyla macrotympanum (Tanner, 1957) [E, CR]
  • Ptychohyla panchoi Duellman & Campbell, 1982 [E, EN]
  • Ptychohyla hypomykter McCranie & Wilson, 1993 [LC]
  • Ptychohyla salvadorensis [EN]
  • Ptychohyla sanctaecrucis Campbell & Smith, 1992 [E, CR]
  • Scinax staufferi (Cope, 1865) [LC]
  • Smilisca baudinii (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) [LC]
  • Smilisca cyanosticta (Smith, 1953) [NT]
  • Tlalocohyla loquax Gaige & Stuart, 1934 [LC]
  • Tlalocohyla picta (Günther, 1901) [LC]
  • Trachycephalus typhonius Laurenti, 1768 [LC]
  • Triprion petasatus (Cope, 1865) [LC]


[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]
Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni

Orde: Anura. Familie: Centrolenidae

Hypopachus ustus

Orde: Anura. Familie: Microhylidae

  • Gastrophryne elegans (Boulenger, 1882) [LC]
  • Hypopachus ustus (Cope, 1866) [LC]
  • Hypopachus barberi Schmidt, 1939 [VU]
  • Hypopachus variolosus (cope, 1866) [LC]
Lithobates berlandieri

Orde: Anura. Familie: Ranidae

  • Lithobates berlandieri Baird, 1854 [LC]
  • Lithobates brownorum (Sanders, 1973) [LC]
  • Lithobates forreri Boulenger, 1883 [LC]
  • Lithobates macroglossa Brocchi, 1877 [E, VU]
  • Lithobates maculatus Brocchi, 1877 [LC]
  • Lithobates vaillanti Brocchi, 1877 [LC]
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Lijst van amfibieën in Guatemala
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