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Zoarces viviparus
Baze podataka
Zoarces americanus

Zoarcidae, porodica isključivo morskih grgečki iz podreda Cottoidei. Žive od morima od Arktika pa do Antarktika. Narastu maksimalno 1,1 metar dužine (vrsta Zoarces americanus; sinonim Macrozoarces americanus). Leđna i analna peraja su duge i s repnom čine neprekuinutu cjelinu. Tri vrste ove porodice su ovoviviparne, a ostali zoarcidi su oviparni. Vole duboke vode u zonama plime

Porodica se sastoji od 60 rodova s ukupno 202 vrste od kojih je 6 otkriveno 2012. Prvu vrstu među njima opisao je Linnaeus 1758., Zoarces viviparus.[1]


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  1. Aiakas kreffti Gosztonyi, 1977
  2. Aiakas zinorum Anderson & Gosztonyi, 1991
  3. Andriashevia aptera Fedorov & Neyelov, 1978
  4. Argentinolycus elongatus (Smitt, 1898)
  5. Austrolycus depressiceps Regan, 1913
  6. Austrolycus laticinctus (Berg, 1895)
  7. Barbapellis pterygalces Iglésias, Dettai & Ozouf-Costaz, 2012
  8. Bellingshausenia olasoi Matallanas, 2009
  9. Bentartia cinerea Matallanas, 2010
  10. Bilabria gigantea Anderson & Imamura, 2008
  11. Bilabria ornata (Soldatov, 1922)
  12. Bothrocara brunneum (Bean, 1890)
  13. Bothrocara elongatum (Garman, 1899)
  14. Bothrocara hollandi (Jordan & Hubbs, 1925)
  15. Bothrocara molle Bean, 1890
  16. Bothrocara nyx Stevenson & Anderson, 2005
  17. Bothrocara pusillum (Bean, 1890)
  18. Bothrocara soldatovi (Schmidt, 1950)
  19. Bothrocara tanakae (Jordan & Hubbs, 1925)
  20. Bothrocarina microcephala (Schmidt, 1938)
  21. Bothrocarina nigrocaudata Suvorov, 1935
  22. Crossostomus chilensis (Regan, 1913)
  23. Crossostomus fasciatus (Lönnberg, 1905)
  24. Dadyanos insignis (Steindachner, 1898)
  25. Davidijordania brachyrhyncha (Schmidt, 1904)
  26. Davidijordania jordaniana Schmidt, 1936
  27. Davidijordania lacertina (Pavlenko, 1910)
  28. Davidijordania poecilimon (Jordan & Fowler, 1902)
  29. Davidijordania yabei Anderson & Imamura, 2008
  30. Derepodichthys alepidotus Gilbert, 1896
  31. Dieidolycus adocetus Anderson, 1994
  32. Dieidolycus gosztonyii Anderson & Pequeño, 1998
  33. Dieidolycus leptodermatus Anderson, 1988
  34. Ericandersonia sagamia Shinohara & Sakurai, 2006
  35. Eucryphycus californicus (Starks & Mann, 1911)
  36. Eulophias koreanus Kwun & Kim, 2012
  37. Eulophias owashii Okada & Suzuki, 1954
  38. Eulophias tanneri Smith, 1902
  39. Exechodontes daidaleus DeWitt, 1977
  40. Gosztonyia antarctica Matallanas, 2009
  41. Gymnelopsis brashnikovi Soldatov, 1922
  42. Gymnelopsis brevifenestrata Anderson, 1982
  43. Gymnelopsis humilis Nazarkin & Chernova, 2003
  44. Gymnelopsis ocellata Soldatov, 1922
  45. Gymnelopsis ochotensis (Popov, 1931)
  46. Gymnelus andersoni Chernova, 1998
  47. Gymnelus diporus Chernova, 2000
  48. Gymnelus esipovi Chernova, 1999
  49. Gymnelus gracilis Chernova, 2000
  50. Gymnelus hemifasciatus Andriashev, 1937
  51. Gymnelus obscurus Chernova, 2000
  52. Gymnelus pauciporus Anderson, 1982
  53. Gymnelus popovi (Taranetz & Andriashev, 1935)
  54. Gymnelus retrodorsalis Le Danois, 1913
  55. Gymnelus soldatovi Chernova, 2000
  56. Gymnelus taeniatus Chernova, 1999
  57. Gymnelus viridis (Fabricius, 1780)
  58. Hadropareia middendorffii Schmidt, 1904
  59. Hadropareia semisquamata Andriashev & Matyushin, 1989
  60. Hadropogonichthys lindbergi Fedorov, 1982
  61. Iluocoetes fimbriatus Jenyns, 1842
  62. Japonolycodes abei (Matsubara, 1936)
  63. Krusensterniella maculata Andriashev, 1938
  64. Krusensterniella multispinosa Soldatov, 1922
  65. Krusensterniella notabilis Schmidt, 1904
  66. Krusensterniella pavlovskii Andriashev, 1955
  67. Letholycus magellanicus Anderson, 1988
  68. Letholycus microphthalmus (Norman, 1937)
  69. Leucogrammolycus brychios Mincarone & Anderson, 2008
  70. Lycenchelys alba (Vaillant, 1888)
  71. Lycenchelys albeola Andriashev, 1958
  72. Lycenchelys albomaculata Toyoshima, 1983
  73. Lycenchelys alta Toyoshima, 1985
  74. Lycenchelys antarctica Regan, 1913
  75. Lycenchelys aratrirostris Andriashev & Permitin, 1968
  76. Lycenchelys argentina Marschoff, Torno & Tomo, 1977
  77. Lycenchelys aurantiaca Shinohara & Matsuura, 1998
  78. Lycenchelys bachmanni Gosztonyi, 1977
  79. Lycenchelys bellingshauseni Andriashev & Permitin, 1968
  80. Lycenchelys bullisi Cohen, 1964
  81. Lycenchelys callista Anderson, 1995
  82. Lycenchelys camchatica (Gilbert & Burke, 1912)
  83. Lycenchelys chauliodus Anderson, 1995
  84. Lycenchelys cicatrifer (Garman, 1899)
  85. Lycenchelys crotalinus (Gilbert, 1890)
  86. Lycenchelys fedorovi Anderson & Balanov, 2000
  87. Lycenchelys folletti Anderson, 1995
  88. Lycenchelys hadrogeneia Anderson, 1995
  89. Lycenchelys hippopotamus Schmidt, 1950
  90. Lycenchelys hureaui (Andriashev, 1979)
  91. Lycenchelys imamurai Anderson, 2006
  92. Lycenchelys incisa (Garman, 1899)
  93. Lycenchelys jordani (Evermann & Goldsborough, 1907)
  94. Lycenchelys kolthoffi Jensen, 1904
  95. Lycenchelys lonchoura Anderson, 1995
  96. Lycenchelys maculata Toyoshima, 1985
  97. Lycenchelys makushok Fedorov & Andriashev, 1993
  98. Lycenchelys maoriensis Andriashev & Fedorov, 1986
  99. Lycenchelys melanostomias Toyoshima, 1983
  100. Lycenchelys micropora Andriashev, 1955
  101. Lycenchelys monstrosa Anderson, 1982
  102. Lycenchelys muraena (Collett, 1878)
  103. Lycenchelys nanospinata Anderson, 1988
  104. Lycenchelys nigripalatum DeWitt & Hureau, 1979
  105. Lycenchelys novaezealandiae Anderson & Møller, 2007
  106. Lycenchelys parini Fedorov, 1995
  107. Lycenchelys paxillus (Goode & Bean, 1879)
  108. Lycenchelys pearcyi Anderson, 1995
  109. Lycenchelys pentactina Anderson, 1995
  110. Lycenchelys pequenoi Anderson, 1995
  111. Lycenchelys peruana Anderson, 1995
  112. Lycenchelys platyrhina (Jensen, 1902)
  113. Lycenchelys plicifera Andriashev, 1955
  114. Lycenchelys polyodon Anderson & Møller, 2007
  115. Lycenchelys porifer (Gilbert, 1890)
  116. Lycenchelys rassi Andriashev, 1955
  117. Lycenchelys ratmanovi Andriashev, 1955
  118. Lycenchelys remissaria Fedorov, 1995
  119. Lycenchelys rosea Toyoshima, 1985
  120. Lycenchelys ryukyuensis Shinohara & Anderson, 2007
  121. Lycenchelys sarsii (Collett, 1871)
  122. Lycenchelys scaurus (Garman, 1899)
  123. Lycenchelys squamosa Toyoshima, 1983
  124. Lycenchelys tohokuensis Anderson & Imamura, 2002
  125. Lycenchelys tristichodon DeWitt & Hureau, 1979
  126. Lycenchelys uschakovi Andriashev, 1958
  127. Lycenchelys verrillii (Goode & Bean, 1877)
  128. Lycenchelys vitiazi Andriashev, 1955
  129. Lycenchelys volki Andriashev, 1955
  130. Lycenchelys wilkesi Anderson, 1988
  131. Lycenchelys xanthoptera Anderson, 1991
  132. Lycodapus antarcticus Tomo, 1982
  133. Lycodapus australis Norman, 1937
  134. Lycodapus derjugini Andriashev, 1935
  135. Lycodapus dermatinus Gilbert, 1896
  136. Lycodapus endemoscotus Peden & Anderson, 1978
  137. Lycodapus fierasfer Gilbert, 1890
  138. Lycodapus leptus Peden & Anderson, 1981
  139. Lycodapus mandibularis Gilbert, 1915
  140. Lycodapus microchir Schmidt, 1950
  141. Lycodapus pachysoma Peden & Anderson, 1978
  142. Lycodapus parviceps Gilbert, 1896
  143. Lycodapus poecilus Peden & Anderson, 1981
  144. Lycodapus psarostomatus Peden & Anderson, 1981
  145. Lycodes adolfi Nielsen & Fosså, 1993
  146. Lycodes akuugun Stevenson & Orr, 2006
  147. Lycodes albolineatus Andriashev, 1955
  148. Lycodes albonotatus (Taranetz & Andriashev, 1934)
  149. Lycodes bathybius Schmidt, 1950
  150. Lycodes beringi Andriashev, 1935
  151. Lycodes brevipes Bean, 1890
  152. Lycodes brunneofasciatus Suvorov, 1935
  153. Lycodes caudimaculatus Matsubara, 1936
  154. Lycodes concolor Gill & Townsend, 1897
  155. Lycodes cortezianus (Gilbert, 1890)
  156. Lycodes diapterus Gilbert, 1892
  157. Lycodes esmarkii Collett, 1875
  158. Lycodes eudipleurostictus Jensen, 1902
  159. Lycodes fasciatus (Schmidt, 1904)
  160. Lycodes frigidus Collett, 1879
  161. Lycodes fulvus Toyoshima, 1985
  162. Lycodes gracilis Sars, 1867
  163. Lycodes heinemanni Soldatov, 1916
  164. Lycodes hubbsi Matsubara, 1955
  165. Lycodes japonicus Matsubara & Iwai, 1951
  166. Lycodes jenseni Taranetz & Andriashev, 1935
  167. Lycodes jugoricus Knipowitsch, 1906
  168. Lycodes lavalaei Vladykov & Tremblay, 1936
  169. Lycodes luetkenii Collett, 1880
  170. Lycodes macrochir Schmidt, 1937
  171. Lycodes macrolepis Taranetz & Andriashev, 1935
  172. Lycodes marisalbi Knipowitsch, 1906
  173. Lycodes matsubarai Toyoshima, 1985
  174. Lycodes mcallisteri Møller, 2001
  175. Lycodes microlepidotus Schmidt, 1950
  176. Lycodes microporus Toyoshima, 1983
  177. Lycodes mucosus Richardson, 1855
  178. Lycodes nakamurae (Tanaka, 1914)
  179. Lycodes nishimurai Shinohara & Shirai, 2005
  180. Lycodes obscurus Toyoshima, 1985
  181. Lycodes ocellatus Toyoshima, 1985
  182. Lycodes paamiuti Møller, 2001
  183. Lycodes pacificus Collett, 1879
  184. Lycodes palearis Gilbert, 1896
  185. Lycodes pallidus Collett, 1879
  186. Lycodes paucilepidotus Toyoshima, 1985
  187. Lycodes pectoralis Toyoshima, 1985
  188. Lycodes polaris (Sabine, 1824)
  189. Lycodes raridens Taranetz & Andriashev, 1937
  190. Lycodes reticulatus Reinhardt, 1835
  191. Lycodes rossi Malmgren, 1865
  192. Lycodes sadoensis Toyoshima & Honma, 1980
  193. Lycodes sagittarius McAllister, 1976
  194. Lycodes schmidti Gratzianov, 1907
  195. Lycodes semenovi Popov, 1931
  196. Lycodes seminudus Reinhardt, 1837
  197. Lycodes sigmatoides Lindberg & Krasyukova, 1975
  198. Lycodes soldatovi Taranetz & Andriashev, 1935
  199. Lycodes squamiventer Jensen, 1904
  200. Lycodes tanakae Jordan & Thompson, 1914
  201. Lycodes teraoi Katayama, 1943
  202. Lycodes terraenovae Collett, 1896
  203. Lycodes toyamensis (Katayama, 1941)
  204. Lycodes turneri Bean, 1879
  205. Lycodes uschakovi Popov, 1931
  206. Lycodes vahlii Reinhardt, 1831
  207. Lycodes yamatoi Toyoshima, 1985
  208. Lycodes ygreknotatus Schmidt, 1950
  209. Lycodichthys antarcticus Pappenheim, 1911
  210. Lycodichthys dearborni (DeWitt, 1962)
  211. Lycodonus flagellicauda (Jensen, 1902)
  212. Lycodonus malvinensis Gosztonyi, 1981
  213. Lycodonus mirabilis Goode & Bean, 1883
  214. Lycodonus vermiformis Barnard, 1927
  215. Lycogrammoides schmidti Soldatov & Lindberg, 1928
  216. Lyconema barbatum Gilbert, 1896
  217. Lycozoarces regani Popov, 1933
  218. Magadanichthys skopetsi (Shinohara, Nazarkin & Chereshnev, 2004)
  219. Maynea puncta (Jenyns, 1842)
  220. Melanostigma atlanticum Koefoed, 1952
  221. Melanostigma bathium Bussing, 1965
  222. Melanostigma gelatinosum Günther, 1881
  223. Melanostigma inexpectatum Parin, 1977
  224. Melanostigma orientale Tominaga, 1971
  225. Melanostigma pammelas Gilbert, 1896
  226. Melanostigma vitiazi Parin, 1980
  227. Nalbantichthys elongatus Schultz, 1967
  228. Neozoarces pulcher Steindachner, 1881
  229. Neozoarces steindachneri Jordan & Snyder, 1902
  230. Notolycodes schmidti Gosztonyi, 1977
  231. Oidiphorus brevis (Norman, 1937)
  232. Oidiphorus mcallisteri Anderson, 1988
  233. Opaeophacus acrogeneius Bond & Stein, 1984
  234. Ophthalmolycus amberensis (Tomo, Marschoff & Torno, 1977)
  235. Ophthalmolycus andersoni Matallanas, 2009
  236. Ophthalmolycus bothriocephalus (Pappenheim, 1912)
  237. Ophthalmolycus campbellensis Andriashev & Fedorov, 1986
  238. Ophthalmolycus chilensis Anderson, 1992
  239. Ophthalmolycus conorhynchus (Garman, 1899)
  240. Ophthalmolycus eastmani Matallanas, 2011
  241. Ophthalmolycus macrops (Günther, 1880)
  242. Ophthalmolycus polylepis Matallanas, 2011
  243. Pachycara alepidotum Anderson & Mincarone, 2006
  244. Pachycara andersoni Møller, 2003
  245. Pachycara arabica Møller, 2003
  246. Pachycara brachycephalum (Pappenheim, 1912)
  247. Pachycara bulbiceps (Garman, 1899)
  248. Pachycara cousinsi Møller & King, 2007
  249. Pachycara crassiceps (Roule, 1916)
  250. Pachycara crossacanthum Anderson, 1989
  251. Pachycara dolichaulus Anderson, 2006
  252. Pachycara garricki Anderson, 1990
  253. Pachycara goni Anderson, 1991
  254. Pachycara gymninium Anderson & Peden, 1988
  255. Pachycara karenae Anderson, 2012
  256. Pachycara lepinium Anderson & Peden, 1988
  257. Pachycara mesoporum Anderson, 1989
  258. Pachycara microcephalum (Jensen, 1902)
  259. Pachycara nazca Anderson & Bluhm, 1997
  260. Pachycara pammelas Anderson, 1989
  261. Pachycara priedei Møller & King, 2007
  262. Pachycara rimae Anderson, 1989
  263. Pachycara saldanhai Biscoito & Almeida, 2004
  264. Pachycara shcherbachevi Anderson, 1989
  265. Pachycara sulaki Anderson, 1989
  266. Pachycara suspectum (Garman, 1899)
  267. Pachycara thermophilum Geistdoerfer, 1994
  268. Patagolycus melastomus Matallanas & Corbella, 2012
  269. Phucocoetes latitans Jenyns, 1842
  270. Piedrabuenia ringueleti Gosztonyi, 1977
  271. Plesienchelys stehmanni (Gosztonyi, 1977)
  272. Pogonolycus elegans Norman, 1937
  273. Pogonolycus marinae (Lloris, 1988)
  274. Puzanovia rubra Fedorov, 1975
  275. Puzanovia virgata Fedorov, 1982
  276. Pyrolycus manusanus Machida & Hashimoto, 2002
  277. Pyrolycus moelleri Anderson, 2006
  278. Santelmoa antarctica Matallanas, Corbella & Møller, 2012
  279. Santelmoa carmenae Matallanas, 2010
  280. Santelmoa elvirae Matallanas, 2011
  281. Santelmoa fusca Matallanas, Corbella & Møller, 2012
  282. Seleniolycus laevifasciatus (Torno, Tomo & Marschoff, 1977)
  283. Seleniolycus pectoralis Møller & Stewart, 2006
  284. Seleniolycus robertsi Møller & Stewart, 2006
  285. Taranetzella lyoderma Andriashev, 1952
  286. Thermarces andersoni Rosenblatt & Cohen, 1986
  287. Thermarces cerberus Rosenblatt & Cohen, 1986
  288. Thermarces pelophilum Geistdoerfer, 1999
  289. Zoarces americanus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801)
  290. Zoarces andriashevi Parin, Grigoryev & Karmovskaya, 2005
  291. Zoarces elongatus Kner, 1868
  292. Zoarces fedorovi Chereshnev, Nazarkin & Chegodaeva, 2007
  293. Zoarces gillii Jordan & Starks, 1905
  294. Zoarces viviparus (Linnaeus, 1758)
  295. Zoarchias glaber Tanaka, 1908
  296. Zoarchias hosoyai Kimura & Sato, 2007
  297. Zoarchias macrocephalus Kimura & Sato, 2007
  298. Zoarchias major Tomiyama, 1972
  299. Zoarchias microstomus Kimura & Jiang, 1995
  300. Zoarchias neglectus Tanaka, 1908
  301. Zoarchias uchidai Matsubara, 1932
  302. Zoarchias veneficus Jordan & Snyder, 1902


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