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Wikipedy oerlis:Ambassade

Ik was sind november 2002 bij gebrek aan iemand anders de konsult van de Friese Wikipedia. Nu is er leven zit in de Friese Wikipedia en er tenminste Friestaligen zijn mag iemand anders het doen. Geen zin? Pech. Als niemand anders het wil doen dan zal JIJ het moeten doen. Zet uw naam op de deze pagina en op m:Wikipedia Embassy Walter 22.36, 26 dec 2003 (UTC) (als iemand het perse wil vertalen laat de het dan ook in het Nederlands staan)

Op zondag 11 september zal een eerste ontmoeting plaatsvinden ten behoeve van de oprichting van een Nederlandse afdeling van de Wikimedia Foundation. Iedereen die wil komen, is van harte welkom. Groet, Dedalus 14:38, aug 22, 2005 (UTC)


[boarne bewurkje]

Hi. Can somebody write an (at least ;] ) short stub about my city (Racibórz) on Frisian Wikipedia? Many thanks for anyone who could do that :) Olos88 22 jul 2009, 06.37 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]

- Liket neat mei dien te wêzen - op Wikipedy:Winske artikels opnaam. Mysha (oerlis) 17 jul 2024, 16.36 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]

I the foreigner. I do not understand the Frisian language

[boarne bewurkje]

I the foreigner. I do not understand the Frisian language. Help, please to create clause in the Frisian language. Clause should be translated from English on the Frisian language. I the author of clause about known Ukrainian sculptor Shmatko (in Russian, Ukrainian and English languages) Can look here I shall be grateful to you for the help.

Mykola Havrylovych Shmatko (Ukrainian: Микола Гаврилович Шматько) is a contemporary Ukrainian sculptor, professor and painter. Mykola Shmatko was born on 17th of August 1943 in Donetsk region, Ukraine.[1] He became a sculptor at the age of 33. The European culture and art inspired the creative potential that he incarnates in the marble. He has created the author’s art gallery of sculpture and painting - "Shmatko & Sons" [2]. This gallery represents 100 sculptures, more than 70 of which are made of Ural and Italian marble, 30 plaster casts and about 300 pictures (paintings, graphics, and architectural projects). Around 750 monuments starting from simple decoration to bas-relief, high relief, busts and sculptures. In 2000 he was appointed as a professor of Arts department by Moscow Institute of World Civilization to honor his contribution to art and culture.[3] In 2004 for his work of "Sviatohorska Blessed Virgin" - statue of the Theotokos "Hegumenia" for Sviato-Uspenskyi Sviatohorskyi Monastery, he was awarded the order of Nestor Letopisets by Volodymyr Sabodan, the Kyiv Metropolitan and all Ukraine.[4]


1985-1991: gallery "Shmatko & Sons", Bolhrad, Odessa region 1991-2003: gallery "Shmatko & Sons", Krasnyi Luch, Lugansk region 1992: Luhansk 1993: Kyiv 2000: Moscow Institute of "Universal Civilizations", Moscow 1985-1991: gallery "Shmatko & Sons", Bolhrad, Odessa region 2003: Donetsk 2003-2004: gallery "Shmatko & Sons", Sloviansk, Donetsk region 2004-2010: gallery "Shmatko & Sons", Luhansk 2007: Biennale 2007, Florence, Italy, 4th place award in sculpture and installation [1] 2009: Biennale 2009, Florence, Italy


^ BIENNALE INTERNAZIONALE DELL'ARTE CONTEMPORANEA 2007, citta di Firenze, Via R. Francardi 28 56128 Marina di Pisa (PI: Spaini & Partners, 2007, p. 678 ^ Antipova, Alla (September 11, 1999), ""The sculptor from under the grounds"", The Day (Ukraine, Kyiv) 167 ^ Smirnova, Helen (September 10, 2003), ""I lived 13 years in a vault"", Facts and comments (Ukraine, Donetsk) ^ Aseeva, Anna (July 18, 2008), "The person from a marble", Zerkalo Nedeli (Ukraine, Kyiv) 26

External links

[2] - Sculpture Gives Yulia Nude Treatment [3] - the sculptor official site External links

  • [1] - Sculpture Gives Yulia Nude Treatment
  • [2] - the sculptor official site

Best regards --Rerter 18 feb 2010, 20.19 (CET)[beäntwurdzje]

Almost a month. There are good people? Someone help, please. I beg you!

Best regards, --Rerter 4 mrt 2010, 21.01 (CET)[beäntwurdzje]

Crosswiki edit-war

[boarne bewurkje]

There is a crosswiki edit-war spanning over Commons, en-wp, pt-wp, no-wp, hu-wp, and finally fy-wp regarding a conflict which of two images is to be prefered. Please take a look at this history and check the discussion at Commons. --AFBorchert 21 feb 2010, 10.17 (CET)[beäntwurdzje]

Net ien fan fy: hat der skynber eat mei dien, en meidogger:Ieneach fan 'e Esk nimt oan dat it yntusken wol oer wêze sil. Mysha (oerlis) 3 sep 2024, 12.06 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]
No, hoe net? Dizze oprop is fan 2010, dat is fjirtjin jier lyn. Ieneach fan 'e Esk (oerlis) 3 sep 2024, 21.12 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]

Tekst op Commons

[boarne bewurkje]

Het spijt me dat ik alleen Nederlands spreek. Fierljeppen (sp?) en on tsjen (sp?) zijn de enige termen die ik ken.

  • fierljeppe (fier: ver; ljeppe: springen, in het bijzonder met een polsstok om de verplaatsing te vergroten)
  • oant sjen (oant: tot, tot het; sjen: zien, weerzien)

Kan iemand de vertaling geven in de Village Pump op commons van de volgende tekst:

No, sjoch: Ik haw dat nije oansjen net. Ik haw nea wat ynsteld, dat dan soest tinke dat ik de ferstek-ynstelling krije soe. Mar ynstee dêrfan krij ik de ynstelling dy't der wie doe't ik hjir foar it earst foarby kaam. Is dat in flater fan immen of in brek yn it programma? Mar ik kin it al sjen, fansels, at ik noch net oanmeld bin: Ik soe sizze, de ruterkes dy't jilde, lykje út te wêzen, en oarsom. Ik soe ek net witte wêr't dy nuvere twa-kleuring foar nedich is; at it doel wie om de tagonklikens te ferheegjen ta buorket dat efterút. En ek noch: Ik haw no in ruterke foar w:en:. Wat moat ik dêr mei. At it no noch in ruterke wie nei de wiky dy't ik by it yntegrearre oanmelden as thúswiky opjûn hie, dat soe dan fy:w: wêze, dan koe ik my der wat by yntinke, mar wat moat ik mei in ruterke nei in frjemde taal? Tank dat it yn it Frysk koe, Mysha (talk) Google Translate tells me this message is in Frisian (which it cannot yet translate). Any Frisian speakers out there? — Cheers, JackLee –talk– 09:50, 29 April 2010 (UTC)

Alvast dank,
--Patio 29 apr 2010, 23.21 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]

P.S. Ik woon in België, maar ben Nederlander. Bij welke ambassade hoor ik dan thuis hier?

Ik haw besocht de skriuwer te freegjen at er hjir noch andert op hawwe wol. Fierders binne de ambassades: taalambassades - It binne de fertsjintwurdigings dy't harkje as immen ús taal net goed genôch behearsket. ~~
Troch it globaalmeitsjen fan de namen, blykt it net te dwaan te wêzen en fyn dizze skriuwer werom. Faaks is er wier de meidogger dy dy namme Patio taskreaun krige, mar as dat sa is, dan docht er der neat mear mei. Mysha (oerlis) 3 sep 2024, 12.29 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]

Friends of the Frisian Wikipedia

[boarne bewurkje]

Hello. The Catalan Wikipedia community has heard of a certain association called "Friends of the Frisian Wikipedia" and would like to collaborate with them, since we believe our present-day cultural and linguistic realities are very similar and together we could work towards achieving common goals.

How can we contact this association? Thanks. --Leptictidium 20 feb 2011, 10.57 (CET)[beäntwurdzje]

  • Ik haw de skriuwer freegje om de ynformaasje dy't wy net hawwe. Mysha (oerlis) 19 jul 2024, 10.41 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]
    • Ik haw de skriuwer frege op Ca:. om't er it op Meta skynber net sjocht. Mysha (oerlis) 3 sep 2024, 12.55 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]
      • Wy hawwe in flot antwurd krigen, dat er soks net mear yn it sin bringe kin.
        • Ik hie skreaun: You asked in 2011ː The Catalan Wikipedia community has heard of a certain association called "Friends of the Frisian Wikipedia" ... In that, the Catalan Wikipedia knew more than the Frisian wikipedy. The only thing I can think of is that sites that simply copy our content, are indicated as Friends, since copying is not strictly speaking illegal, it just creates a lot of confusion. (Dat is: Jo fregen yn 2011ː De Katalaanske Wikipedy hat heard oer in feriening mei de namme "Friends of the Frisian Wikipedia" (-"Freonen fan de Fryske Wikipedy"-) ... Yn dy sin, wit de Katalaanske Wikipedy mear as wat wy witte. It ienichste wat ik betinke kin, is dat in webstee wat ienfâldich ús ynhâld oernimt, oantsjut wurdt as Friends, om't it oernimmen fan ús ynhâld net wier ylegaal is; it jout allinnich betizing.)
      • Ik nim dêrom oan dat er dêrmei genôch ynformaasje hie. Mysha (oerlis) 3 sep 2024, 16.38 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]

Foundation Images Policy

[boarne bewurkje]

Hi everyone,
I am Yosri from Malay Wikipedia. Recently I was informed by certain parties that MS Wiki need to delete any images tagged as Non-Commercial under Foundation Licensing policy. After I have done some studies, I realised that Wikipedia Foundations is moving towards allowing commercialises all images, as such they are acting on behalf of commercial company to require all images loaded with tagging Non-Commercial in all Wiki Project to be removed, including those loaded in local Wiki. You are only allowed to licenses your images under "free content", which specifically allows commercial reuse, example GDLF 1.2. Certain images is exempted under a very narrow EDP ("exemption doctrine policy") definition. If you all already aware about this, please ignore this comment. Otherwise, for more details please visit Yosri 2 mrt 2011, 06.05 (CET)[beäntwurdzje]

Ik haw besocht de skriuwer te freegjen at dit noch rillevant it. Mysha (oerlis) 19 jul 2024, 11.24 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]
Skynber is de meidogger al two jier net mear aktyf. Beskôgje wy disse fraach as ôfdien. Mysha (oerlis) 9 sep 2024, 11.17 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]


[boarne bewurkje]

A user edited my user_talk here yesterday. As usual, I got an mail telling me that. But something was wrong in the message. I was (in the mail) linked to Meidogger oerlis:Lavallen RAWURL instead of Meidogger oerlis:Lavallen. Are you aware of this bug, and can it be fixed? -- Lavallen (talk) 30 maaie 2012, 19.07 (CEST)

Le Monde's 100 Books of the Century

[boarne bewurkje]

(in) Hi, I have been working on creating a Frisian version of the English book list, en:Le Monde's 100 Books of the Century.
I have actually based my fywiki version on the nlwiki version of the page.
What will be a good Frisian name for the page when it is ready?
In Canada, Varlaam (talk) 31 jul 2013, 03.21 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]

Hello Varlaam, please translate it to Le Monde's 100 boeken fan de ieu. Groetnis --Kening Aldgilles (talk) 4 aug 2013, 11.16 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]
Fantastic. Thank you. Varlaam (talk) 4 aug 2013, 15.30 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]
The page is now set up.
Le Monde's 100 boeken fan de iuw
I have set up the English introduction for now; the Dutch version of that text is available on the Dutch page.
The table still contains small amounts of Dutch and English which will require translation to Frisian.
Thanks, Varlaam (talk) 7 aug 2013, 18.05 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]
We have a new page!
Dit is ôfhannele, al moat ik sizze: 10 jier letter sit der hieltiid noch Ingelsk en Hollânsk yn. Moat dit op de winske siden setten wurde? Mysha (oerlis) 19 jul 2024, 12.07 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]

Ten years of Wikipedia in Asturian language

[boarne bewurkje]

Excuse me for not speaking Frisian yet.

Oviedo, September 8, 2014

Asturian is alive and in use.

Next September 12 and 13, the Asturian Wikipedia community of users will celebrate with the support of Wikimedia España Chapter the tenth anniversary of Uiquipedia, the free encyclopedia in Asturian. The events will take place in Auditorio Príncipe Felipe (Plaza La Gesta, Oviedo).

The first article in Asturian was «Zazaki», a minority language spoken in Turkey. That first edit was in July 26, 2004. Ten years later, more than 800 000 edits have been made on almost 20 000 articles, and numbers are growing every day with the work of tens of volunteers. And it doesn’t stop there: other Wikimedia projects in Asturian have developed, such as Wikicionary, Wikisource and Wikiquote. Managed by Wikimedia Foundation, all of them make part of a global movement that started in 2001 when Wikipedia started with the goal of delivering freely all human knowledge.

To commemorate this date, Uiquipedia and Wikimedia España are carrying out two days of celebration events so that the projects in Asturian are better known. Literature, poetry music and traditions in Asturian will be present. It’s free and everybody is welcome. In addition, Wikimedia España will have its annual General Assembly in Oviedo.

See here the schedule of activities.

B25es (talk) 8 sep 2014, 19.43 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]

Dit wie op 12 en 13 septimber 2014. Mysha (oerlis) 13 sep 2024, 14.46 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]


[boarne bewurkje]

I am writing to request a bot flag for User:InternetArchiveBot for this wiki and for permission to run the bot on this wiki. InternetArchiveBot is an advanced bot that fixes broken external links on articles by replacing them or adding links to archival copies. It also adds links to previews for books and articles where available. The bot is very customizable and can be configured to support different citation, web archive, and dead link templates on-wiki. Please let me know if you have any questions. Harej (oerlis) 9 okt 2023, 23.10 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]

Hello Harej, I'm quite familiar and satisfied with IAB's activities on nl:wiki and I certainly wouldn't object if the bot were to be activated on fy:wiki too. Regards, Wutsje 11 okt 2023, 04.06 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]
Pinging bureaucrats Drewes, Ieneach fan 'e Esk, Kening Aldgilles: the discussion has been up for one month. Harej (oerlis) 15 nov 2023, 23.13 (CET)[beäntwurdzje]
Like I said in the discussion at the Villagepump (Oerlisside), I know too little about bots and how they work to have an opinion about this. So I'll have to trust the judgement of others. If Wutsje, who obviously knows more about this than I do, thinks it's a good idea, then I have no objections. Ieneach fan 'e Esk (oerlis) 16 nov 2023, 02.08 (CET), Drewes (oerlis) 16 nov 2023, 18.06 (CET)[beäntwurdzje]
It liket dat hjir neat mei dien is. Is dat om't ik it ferkeard doch? Of oars: At eltsenien it hjir mei iens is, wa hat dan de rjochten om it ding in botflach te jaan? Mysha (oerlis) 9 sep 2024, 11.51 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]

Checking files

[boarne bewurkje]


According to wmf:Resolution:Licensing_policy all files must have either a free license or meet the requirements of an Exemption Doctrine Policy (EDP).

It is not clear to me if fywiki have an EDP and allow non-free files or not. If it is allowed there should be a page like en:Wikipedia:Non-free content. Can anyone tell if non-free files are allowed or not?

Free files should specify the license terms. The template Berjocht:Auteursrjocht Frij and Berjocht:Auteursrjocht Frijkaam should be more clear.

Perhaps the first template could be more like c:Template:PD-self or c:Template:Cc-zero.

The second template should specify why the copyrights are expired. For example like c:Template:PD-old-70, c:Template:PD-old-100 or c:Template:PD-anon-70-EU.

To make it easier to find files without a license it would be good to add categories to the files. Many wikis uses categories like en:Category:All free media and en:Category:All non-free media.

Besides a license the files should also have a description, a date, a source and an author. So fywiki could perhaps copy en:Template:Information and use that to help users add all the relevant information to the files.

It can be a big job to check all the files so perhaps it would be better to suggest users to upload files to Commons instead? --MGA73 (oerlis) 25 mai 2024, 22.42 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]

I made a list at Meidogger:MGA73/NoLicense of files that does not use the license templates I could locate. It has 1,340 files on it. Worst case none of the files have a valid license.
It is possible that they do have a license template. It was just not one I could easily locate. To fix that the files need to be in a category like Kategory:GFDL Ofbyld then I can exclude files in the category from my list.
All files without a valid license should either be fixed or deleted.
If someone have a bot it would perhaps be a good idea to use a bot to add either a category or a template asking uploader to add a license. Any active bot operator on fywiki that would like to work on files?
I noticed there are many files in Kategory:Wikipedy:NowCommons. If the files are transferred correctly to Commons and the file have the same name on Commons or the file is unused it can be deleted. Deleting files locally makes it easier to clean up. So if an admin have a little time to spare that could be a good place to look. --MGA73 (oerlis) 26 mai 2024, 14.09 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]
Berjocht:GFDL have disclaimers (Sjoch ek: foarbehâld.). Per en:Wikipedia:GFDL standardization should be avoided. So I suggest to create Berjocht:GFDL-with-disclaimers and change all files that use GFDL to GFDL-with-disclaimers unless uploader agree to remove the disclaimers. --MGA73 (oerlis) 17 jun 2024, 15.56 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]
I will do some test edits and request a bot flag at Wikipedy:Oerlisside. --MGA73 (oerlis) 1 jul 2024, 20.14 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]
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Wikipedy oerlis:Ambassade
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