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Module:Infobox/Ouvrage/Bac à sable

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Cette page définit un module d'infobox. Pour les conseils sur l'usage de ce module, voyez Modèle:Infobox Ouvrage/Bac à sable.

local localdata = require 'Module:Infobox/Localdata'
local general = require "Module:Infobox/Fonctions/Bac à sable"
local wikidata = require "Module:Wikidata/Bac à sable"
local linguistic = require "Module:Linguistique"
-- local convert = require "Module:Conversion"

local function italics(query)
	local val = wikidata.formatAndCat(query)
	if val then
		return '<i>' .. val .. '</i>'

local function isNotInFrench(claim)
	local snak = claim.mainsnak
	if snak.snaktype == 'value' and snak.datatype == 'monolingualtext' then
		return snak.datavalue.value.language ~= 'fr'
	return true

local formformats = {
	--{élément Wikidata, nom charte, couleur titre, couleur sous-titre, couleur texte, icône) doivent être classés du plus spécifique au plus général
	{'Q131569' , 'traité' , '#E1E1E1' , '' , '' , ''},
	{'Q5185279' , 'poème', '#C4698F', '', '', 'auteur'},
	{'Q482' , 'poésie', '#C4698F', '', '', 'auteur'},
	{'Q49084', 'nouvelle' , '#FFE680' , '' , '' , 'auteur'},
	{'Q20730955' , 'conte' , '#70759A', '' , '#FFFFFF' , ''},
	{'Q56028349' , 'comic' , '#800000', "#FF3040", '#FFFFFF' , 'bd'},
	{'Q838795' , 'strip' , '#800000', "#FF3040", '#FFFFFF' , 'bd'},
	{'Q1004' , 'bd' , '#FFDD55', "#FFEEAA", '#000000' , 'bd'},
	{'Q8274' , 'manga' , '#9BD1FF' , '#C3E2FF' , '' , 'bd'},
	{'Q25379' , 'théâtre' , '#B03030' , '' , '#FFFFFF' , 'persofiction'},
	{'Q685935' , 'revue' , '#DDFFCC' , '' , '' , 'communication'},
	{'Q642946' , 'livre-jeu' , '#E8E8E8' , '' , '' , ''},
	{'Q2085381' , 'maison d\'édition' , '#8E5434' , '' , '#FFFFFF' , ''},
	{'Q12308638' ,'recueil de poèmes' , '#C4698F' , '' , '' , 'auteur'},
	{'Q1279564' , 'recueil de nouvelles' , '#FFE680' , '' , '' , 'auteur'},
	{'Q27560760' , 'recueil de contes' , '#70759A', '' , '#FFFFFF' , ''},
	{'Q5292' , 'encyclopédie' , '#CCB266' , '' , '' , 'universite'},
	{'Q23622' , 'dictionnaire' , '#CCB266' , '' , '' , 'universite'},
	{'Q41298' , 'magazine' , '#E1E1E1' , '' , '' , 'presse'},
	{'Q1002697' , 'périodique' , '#E1E1E1' , '' , '' , 'presse'},
local function setformat() --retourne une table contenant la couleur principale de l'infobox et l'icône de titre
	local forms = wikidata.getIds(localdata.item, {property = 'P7937,P31,P136'}) -- récupère les Qid des forms et genres
	--if not occupations or (#occupations > 1) then -- si plusieurs genres, on ne sait pas lequel choisir
		--return {'Q', '', '#7DA7D9', '', '#000000', 'universite'}
	forms = wikidata.addVals(forms, {property = 'P279'}, 2) -- nombre d'étages de sous-classes à remonter
	for i, j in pairs(forms) do
		for k, l in pairs(formformats) do
			if l[1] == j then
				return l
	return {'Q', '', '#7DA7D9', '', '#000000', 'universite'}
local function setcharte()
	local charte = localdata['charte']
	if charte then
		for i, j in pairs(formformats) do
			if j[2] == charte then
				return j
	return setformat()
local workformat = setcharte()

local function sequences()
	local rows = {}
	local seriesrows = { }
	local seriesrowsplur = { }
	rows[ #rows + 1 ] = { type = "row", label = "Univers", value = "univers", wikidata = function ( item )
						return italics( { entity = item, property = 'P1434', conjtype = 'new line' , showlang = true } )
					end }
	if localdata["série"] or localdata["séquence"] then -- s'il y a un paramètre local
		rows[ #rows + 1 ] = { type = "row", label = "Série", value = { "série", "séquence" }, plurallabel = "Séries", wikidata = function ( item )
					return italics({ entity = item })
				end }
		-- récupérer toutes les séries
		local series = wikidata.getClaims{ entity = localdata.item, property = 'P179' } or { }
		local alreadyShowNavitem = { }
		local lastHasNavigator = true
		local navigator
		for _, serie in ipairs( series ) do
			-- pour chaque série préparer les items précédents et suivants
			local prev = wikidata.getQualifiers( serie, { 'P155' } ) or { }
			prev = wikidata.filterClaims( prev, { excludespecial = true } ) or { }
			for i, j in ipairs( prev ) do
				alreadyShowNavitem[ #alreadyShowNavitem + 1 ] = wikidata.getId( j )
				prev[i] = wikidata.formatSnak( j, { showlang = true } )
			local next = wikidata.getQualifiers( serie, { 'P156' } ) or { }
			next = wikidata.filterClaims( next, { excludespecial = true } ) or { }
			for i, j in ipairs( next ) do
				alreadyShowNavitem[ #alreadyShowNavitem + 1 ] = wikidata.getId( j )
				next[i] = wikidata.formatSnak( j, { showlang = true } )
			navigator = { type = "navigator", inner = true
				, previouswikidata = function()
					local result = linguistic.conj( prev, 'new line' )
					if result then
						return '<i>' .. result .. '</i>'
				, nextwikidata = function()
					local result = linguistic.conj( next, 'new line' )
					if result then
						return '<i>' .. result .. '</i>'
			-- si la série d'avant n'avait pas de navigateur ou s'il s'agit de la première, mettre le label "Série", sinon indiqué que le précédent label devrait être au pluriel
			local label = ""
			if lastHasNavigator then
				label = "Série"
				seriesrowsplur[ #seriesrowsplur + 1 ] = false
				seriesrowsplur[ #seriesrowsplur + 1 ] = true
			lastHasNavigator = #prev > 0 or #next > 0
			seriesrows[ #seriesrows + 1 ] = { type = "row", label = label, value = "série", plurallabel = "Séries" , wikidata = function ()
					return italics( { claims = { serie }, entity = localdata.item, property = 'P179', showlang = true } )
			seriesrows[ #seriesrows + 1 ] = navigator
	-- ajouter les items précédents et suivant qui sont en mainvalue ou en local et qui n'ont pas déjà été affichés
	navigator = { type = "navigator", inner = true,
		previousval = "précédé par", previouswikidata = function ( item )
			return italics( { entity = item, property = 'P155', conjtype = 'new line' , showlang = true, excludevalues = alreadyShowNavitem } )
		nextval = "suivi par", nextwikidata = function ( item )
			return italics( { entity = item, property = 'P156', conjtype = 'new line' , showlang = true, excludevalues = alreadyShowNavitem } )
	rows[ #rows + 1 ] = navigator
	-- ajouter ensuite les séries, au pluriel si besoin
	for i,v in pairs( seriesrows ) do
		if seriesrowsplur[ i + 1 ] then
			v.label = "Séries"	
		rows[ #rows + 1 ] = v
	return { type = "table", title = "Séquence", rows = rows }

return {
	maincolor = workformat[3],
	secondcolor = workformat[4],
	thirdcolor = workformat[5],
	parts =
		general.title(workformat[6], nil, nil, nil, true),
			cat = "Article à illustrer Ouvrage",
			wikidata = {property = {"P3383", "P2716", "P18", "P10"}, numval = 1},
			alt = localdata['alt']
		{type = "table", rows = {
				{type = "row", label = "Titre original", value = "titre original", plurallabel = "Titres originaux" , wikidata = function ( item )
						return italics({entity = item, property = 'P1476', conjtype = 'new line' , condition = isNotInFrench, showlang = true , numval = 1})
				{type = "row", label = "Nom officiel", value = "nom officiel", plurallabel = "Noms officiels" , wikidata = function ( item )
					return italics({entity = item, property = 'P1448', conjtype = 'new line' , lang='fr' , showlang = true })
				{type = "row", label = "Format", value = "format" , plurallabel = "Formats" , wikidata = {property = 'P7937,P31', conjtype = 'new line' , excludevalues = {'Q571', 'Q47461344', 'Q7725634', 'Q3331189' , 'Q386724' , 'Q25839930', 'Q108329152','Q58483083','Q105543609'))},
				{type = "row", label = "Partie de", value = "partie de" , wikidata = function ( item )
						return italics({entity = item, property = 'P361', conjtype = 'new line' , showlang = true })
				{type = "row", label = "Comprend", value = "comprend" , wikidata = function ( item )
						return italics({entity = item, property = 'P527', conjtype = 'new line' , showlang = true, sorttype = 'P1545' })
				{type = "row", label = "Langue", value = "langue" , plurallabel = "Langues", property = 'P364,P407'},
				{type = "row", label = "Auteur", value = "auteur", plurallabel = "Auteurs" , wikidata = {property = 'P50,P2093' , conjtype = 'new line', sorttype = 'P1545')),
				{type = "row", label = "Fondateur", value = "fondateur", plurallabel = "Fondateurs" , wikidata = {property = 'P112' , conjtype = 'new line')),
				{type = "row", label = "Attribué à", value = "attribué à", wikidata = {property = 'P1773' , conjtype = 'new line')),
				{type = "row", label = "Scénariste", value = "scénariste", plurallabel = "Scénaristes" , wikidata = {property = 'P58' , conjtype = 'new line')),
				{type = "row", label = "Signataire", value = "signataire", plurallabel = "Signataires" , wikidata = {property = 'P1891' , conjtype = 'new line')),
				{type = "row", label = "Préface", value = "préface", wikidata = {property = 'P2679' , conjtype = 'new line')),
				{type = "row", label = "Traduction", value = "traduction", plurallabel = "Traductions" , wikidata = {property = 'P655' , conjtype = 'new line')),
				{type = "row", label = "Lettreur", value = "lettreur" , plurallabel = "Lettreurs" , wikidata = {property = 'P9191' , conjtype = 'new line')),
				{type = "row", label = "Illustration", value = "illustration" , wikidata = {property = 'P110' , conjtype = 'new line')),
				{type = "row", label = "Coloriste", value = "coloriste" , plurallabel = "Coloristes" , wikidata = {property = 'P6338' , conjtype = 'new line')),
				{type = "row", label = "Basé sur", value = "basé sur" , wikidata = function ( item )
						return italics({entity = item, property = 'P144,P941' , conjtype = 'new line' , showlang = true })
				{type = "row", label = "Genre", value = "genre", plurallabel = "Genres" , wikidata = {property = 'P136' , conjtype = 'new line')),
				{type = "row", label = "Sujet", value = "sujet", plurallabel = "Sujets" , wikidata = {property = 'P921')),
				{type = "row", label = "Personnage", value = "personnage", plurallabel = "Personnages" , wikidata = {property = 'P674' , numval = 5 , conjtype = 'new line')),
				{type = "row", label = "Époque de l'action", value = "époque", wikidata = {property = 'P2408', sorttype = 'chronological', showqualifiers = 'P585,P1319,P1326,P580,P582' , conjtype='new line')),
				{type = "row", label = "Date", value = "date", plurallabel = "Dates" , wikidata = {property = 'P585' , conjtype = 'new line', sorttype = 'chronological', showqualifiers = 'P291,P276,P437')),
				{type = "row", label = "Date de création", value = "date de création", wikidata = {property = 'P571', sorttype = 'chronological')),
				{type = "row", label = "Date de parution", value = "date de parution", plurallabel = "Dates de parution" , wikidata = {property = 'P577,P580' , conjtype = 'new line', sorttype = 'chronological', showqualifiers = 'P291,P276,P437,P407,P123')),
				{type = 'row', label = "Date de fin", value="date de fin", wikidata = {property = 'P582' , sorttype = 'chronological')),
				{type = "row", label = "Date de dissolution", value = "date de dissolution", wikidata = {property = 'P576', sorttype = 'chronological')),
			--trouver le moyen de transformer en "mensuel", "annuel", etc.	{type = "row", label = "Périodicité" , value = "périodicité" , wikidata = {property = 'P2896' , showunit = 'long')),
				{type = "row", label = "Lieu", value = "lieu" , plurallabel = "Lieux" , property = 'P276'},
				{type = "row", label = "Lieu de publication", value = "lieu de publication" , plurallabel = "Lieux de publication" , property = 'P291'},
				{type = "row", label = "Pays", value = "pays" , property = 'P495,P17'},
				{type = "row", label = "Publié dans", value = "publié dans", wikidata = function ( item )
						return italics({entity = item, property = 'P1433', conjtype = 'new line' , showlang = true })
				{type = "row", label = "Éditeur", value = "éditeur", plurallabel = "Éditeurs" , wikidata = {property = 'P123,P98' , showqualifiers = 'P407' , showdate = true, conjtype = 'new line')),
				{type = "row", label = "Collection", value = "collection", plurallabel = "Collections" , wikidata = {property = 'P195' , conjtype = 'new line' , sorttype = 'chronological' , showdate = true)),
				{type = "row", label = "Nombre de pages", value = "pages", wikidata = {property = 'P1104')),
				{type = "row", label = "Œuvre dérivée", value = "oeuvre", plurallabel = "Œuvres dérivées" , wikidata = function ( item )
						return italics({entity = item, property = 'P4969', conjtype = 'new line' , showlang = true })
				{type = "row", label = "[[International Standard Book Number|ISBN]] 10", value = "isbn10" , wikidata = {property = 'P957' , conjtype = 'new line')),
				{type = "row", label = "[[International Standard Book Number|ISBN]] 13", value = "isbn13" , wikidata = {property = 'P212' , conjtype = 'new line')),
				{type = "row", label = "[[International Standard Serial Number|ISSN]]", value = "issn" , wikidata = {property = 'P236' , conjtype = 'new line')),,
		{type = "table", title = "Distinctions", rows = {
				{type = "row", value = "distinction", wikidata = {property = 'P166' , conjtype = 'new line', showqualifiers = 'P585')),
			type				= 'images',
			style				= {['padding-top'] = '25px'},--{['border-width'] = '10px', ['border-style'] = 'solid'},
			label				= 'Audio',
			captionparameter	= 'légende audio',
			value				= 'audio',
			property			= 'P51',
			numval				= 1,
			defaultcaption		= 'fichier audio',
			 type				= 'images',
			 imageparameters	= {'logo'},
			 defaultimages		= nil,
			 defaultupright		= 0.5,
			 uprightparameter	= 'upright logo',
			 sizeparameter		= 'taille logo', -- obsolète
			 captionparameter	= 'légende logo',
			 defaultcaption		= 'logo',
			 property			= 'P154',
{{bottomLinkPreText}} {{bottomLinkText}}
Module:Infobox/Ouvrage/Bac à sable
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