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State Governor Governor's party Senator Senator's party
Alabama Bob Riley Republican Richard Shelby Republican
Jeff Sessions Republican
Alaska Sean Parnell Republican Lisa Murkowski Republican
Mark Begich Democratic
Affiliation Members Note
Democratic Party 58
Republican Party 40
Independent 2 Joe Lieberman and Bernie Sanders caucus with the Democrats.
Total 100

U.S. Senate Members

Class End of Term
3 2011
1 2013
2 2015
Senate class State Senator's image Senator's name Senator's party Governor's party Senator's prior experience Senator's education Senator first took
Senator born
3 Alabama Richard Shelby Republican Republican (Bob Riley) Alabama Senate; U.S. House (AL-7) Alabama (BA, JD) 1987 1934
2 Alabama Jeff Sessions Republican Republican (Bob Riley) State Attorney General Huntingdon College, University of Alabama 1997 1946
3 Alaska Lisa Murkowski Republican Republican (Sean Parnell) Alaska House of Representatives Georgetown, Willamette 2002 1957
2 Alaska Mark Begich Democratic Republican (Sean Parnell) Mayor of Anchorage University of Alaska Anchorage (attended) 2009 1962
3 Arizona John McCain Republican Republican (Jan Brewer) Military, U.S. House U.S. Naval Academy[1] 1987 1936
1 Arizona Jon Kyl Republican Republican (Jan Brewer) Attorney, U.S. House Arizona (BA, JD) 1995 1942
3 Arkansas Blanche Lincoln Democratic Democratic (Mike Beebe) U.S. House Randolph-Macon Women's College, Arkansas 1999 1960
2 Arkansas Mark Pryor Democratic Democratic (Mike Beebe) Arkansas House of Representatives, State Attorney General Arkansas (BA, JD) 2003 1963
1 California Dianne Feinstein Democratic Republican (Arnold Schwarzenegger) Mayor of San Francisco, San Francisco Board of Supervisors Stanford 1992 1933
3 California Barbara Boxer Democratic Republican (Arnold Schwarzenegger) Marin County Board of Supervisors, U.S. House Brooklyn 1993 1940
2 Colorado Mark Udall Democratic Democratic (Bill Ritter) State Representative, U.S. House Williams 2009 1950
3 Colorado Michael Bennet Democratic Democratic (Bill Ritter) Superintendent, Denver Public Schools Wesleyan, Yale Law 2009 1964
3 Connecticut Chris Dodd Democratic Republican (M. Jodi Rell) U.S. House Providence, Louisville 1981 1944
1 Connecticut Joe Lieberman Independent Democratic Republican (M. Jodi Rell) State Attorney General Yale (BA, LLB) 1989 1942
1 Delaware Tom Carper Democratic Democratic (Jack Markell) Governor; U.S. House; Delaware Treasurer Ohio State, Delaware 2001 1947
2 Delaware Ted Kaufman Democratic Democratic (Jack Markell) Chief of Staff of Senator Joe Biden Duke, Pennsylvania 2009 1939
1 Florida Bill Nelson Democratic Republican (Charlie Crist) U.S. House of Representatives, State Treasurer Yale, Virginia 2001 1942
3 Florida Mel Martinez Republican Republican (Charlie Crist) U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Florida State (BA, JD) 2005 1946
2 Georgia Saxby Chambliss Republican Republican (Sonny Perdue) U.S. House Georgia, Tennessee 2003 1943
3 Georgia Johnny Isakson Republican Republican (Sonny Perdue) U.S. House (GA-6) Georgia 2005 1944
3 Hawaii Daniel Inouye Democratic Republican (Linda Lingle) U.S. House (HI-At Large) Hawaii, George Washington 1963 1924
1 Hawaii Daniel Akaka Democratic Republican (Linda Lingle) U.S. House Hawaii (BA, M.Ed.) 1991 1924
3 Idaho Mike Crapo Republican Republican (Butch Otter) Idaho State Senate, U.S. House (ID-2) Brigham Young, Harvard Law 1999 1951
2 Idaho Jim Risch Republican Republican (Butch Otter) State Senate Majority Leader, Governor of Idaho, Lieutenant Governor of Idaho Idaho 2009 1943
2 Illinois Dick Durbin Democratic Democratic (Pat Quinn) U.S. House Georgetown (BS, JD) 1997 1944
3 Illinois Roland Burris Democratic Democratic (Pat Quinn) Illinois Attorney General, Illinois Comptroller Howard University School of Law, Southern Illinois University Carbondale (JD, BA) 2009 1937
1 Indiana Richard Lugar Republican Republican (Mitch Daniels) Mayor of Indianapolis Denison, Oxford 1977 1932
3 Indiana Evan Bayh Democratic Republican (Mitch Daniels) Indiana Secretary of State, Governor Indiana University, Virginia 1999 1955
3 Iowa Chuck Grassley Republican Democratic (Chet Culver) Iowa House of Representatives, U.S. House (IA-3) Northern Iowa (BA, MA) 1981 1933
2 Iowa Tom Harkin Democratic Democratic (Chet Culver) U.S. House (IA-5) Iowa State, Catholic 1985 1939
3 Kansas Sam Brownback Republican Democratic (Mark Parkinson) U.S. House (KS-2) Kansas State, Kansas 1996 1956
2 Kansas Pat Roberts Republican Democratic (Mark Parkinson) U.S. House (KS-1) Kansas State 1997 1936
2 Kentucky Mitch McConnell Republican Democratic (Steve Beshear) Jefferson County Executive Louisville, Kentucky 1985 1942
3 Kentucky Jim Bunning Republican Democratic (Steve Beshear) MLB Baseball player, Fort Thomas City Council, Kentucky State Senate, U.S. House (KY-4) Xavier 1999 1931
2 Louisiana Mary Landrieu Democratic Republican (Bobby Jindal) State Treasurer Louisiana State 1997 1955
3 Louisiana David Vitter Republican Republican (Bobby Jindal) U.S. House (LA-1) Harvard, Oxford, Tulane 2005 1961
1 Maine Olympia Snowe Republican Democratic (John Baldacci) Maine House of Representatives;Maine Senate; U.S. House (ME-2), First Lady of Maine Maine 1995 1947
2 Maine Susan Collins Republican Democratic (John Baldacci) Deputy State Treasurer St. Lawrence 1997 1952
3 Maryland Barbara Mikulski Democratic Democratic (Martin O'Malley) Baltimore City Council, U.S. House (MD-3) Mount Saint Agnes, Maryland 1987 1936
1 Maryland Ben Cardin Democratic Democratic (Martin O'Malley) Maryland House of Delegates, U.S. House (MD-3) Pittsburgh, Maryland 2007 1943
1 Massachusetts Ted Kennedy Democratic Democratic (Deval Patrick) lawyer Harvard, Virginia 1962 1932
2 Massachusetts John Kerry Democratic Democratic (Deval Patrick) Lieutenant Governor Yale, Boston College 1985 1943
2 Michigan Carl Levin Democratic Democratic (Jennifer Granholm) Detroit City Council Swarthmore, Harvard 1979 1934
1 Michigan Debbie Stabenow Democratic Democratic (Jennifer Granholm) Ingham County Board of Commissioners, Michigan House of Representatives, Michigan Senate, U.S. House (MI-8) Michigan State (BA, MSW) 2001 1950
1 Minnesota Amy Klobuchar Democratic-Farmer-Labor Republican (Tim Pawlenty) Hennepin County Attorney Yale, Chicago 2007 1960
2 Minnesota Al Franken Democratic-Farmer-Labor Republican (Tim Pawlenty) Comedian, actor, author, screenwriter, political commentator, and radio host Harvard 2009 1951
2 Mississippi Thad Cochran Republican Republican (Haley Barbour) U.S. House (MS-4) Mississippi (BA, JD) 1979 1937
1 Mississippi Roger Wicker Republican Republican (Haley Barbour) U.S. House (MS-1) Mississippi (BA, JD) 2007 1951
3 Missouri Kit Bond Republican Democratic (Jay Nixon) State Auditor, Governor Princeton, Virginia 1987 1939
1 Missouri Claire McCaskill Democratic Democratic (Jay Nixon) State Auditor; Missouri House of Representatives;Jackson County Prosecutor University of Missouri (BS, JD) 2007 1953
2 Montana Max Baucus Democratic Democratic (Brian Schweitzer) U.S. House (MT-1) Stanford (BS, LLB) 1979 1941
1 Montana Jon Tester Democratic Democratic (Brian Schweitzer) Montana State Senate President Great Falls 2007 1956
1 Nebraska Ben Nelson Democratic Republican (Dave Heineman) Governor University of Nebraska (BA, MA, JD) 2001 1941
2 Nebraska Mike Johanns Republican Republican (Dave Heineman) Mayor of Lincoln, Governor of Nebraska, US Secretary of Agriculture St. Mary's University, Creighton University 2009 1950
3 Nevada Harry Reid Democratic Republican (Jim Gibbons) Nevada Assembly, Lt. Governor of Nevada, U.S. House (NV-1) Southern Utah, Utah State, George Washington 1987 1939
1 Nevada John Ensign Republican Republican (Jim Gibbons) U.S. House (NV-1) UNLV, Oregon State, Colorado 2001 1958
3 New Hampshire Judd Gregg Republican Democratic (John Lynch) Governor, U.S. House (NH-2) Columbia, Boston University 1993 1947
2 New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen Democratic Democratic (John Lynch) New Hampshire State Senate, Governor Shippensburg University, University of Mississippi 2009 1947
2 New Jersey Frank Lautenberg Democratic Democratic (Jon Corzine) U.S. Senate, Class 1 Columbia 2003 1924
1 New Jersey Bob Menendez Democratic Democratic (Jon Corzine) Union City Board of Education, Mayor of Union City, New Jersey General Assembly, New Jersey Senate, U.S. House (NJ-13) Saint Peter's College, Rutgers 2006 1954
1 New Mexico Jeff Bingaman Democratic Democratic (Bill Richardson) State Attorney General Harvard, Stanford 1983 1943
2 New Mexico Tom Udall Democratic Democratic (Bill Richardson) U.S. House (NM-3), State Attorney General Prescott College, Cambridge University (J.D.), University of New Mexico School of Law 2009 1948
3 New York Chuck Schumer Democratic Democratic (David Paterson) New York State Assembly, U.S. House (NY-9) Harvard (BA, JD) 1999 1950
1 New York Kirsten Gillibrand Democratic Democratic (David Paterson) U.S. House (NY-20) Dartmouth, UCLA 2009 1966
3 North Carolina Richard Burr Republican Democratic (Beverly Perdue) U.S. House (NC-5) Wake Forest 2005 1955
2 North Carolina Kay Hagan Democratic Democratic (Beverly Perdue) Sunday School Teacher, North Carolina State Senate (27, 32) Florida State University, Wake Forest University 2009 1953
1 North Dakota File:SenatorConradOfficialPortrait.jpg Kent Conrad Democratic Republican (John Hoeven) State Tax Commissioner Stanford, George Washington 1987 1948
3 North Dakota Byron Dorgan Democratic Republican (John Hoeven) U.S. House (ND-At Large) North Dakota, Denver 1993 1942
3 Ohio George Voinovich Republican Democratic (Ted Strickland) Mayor of Cleveland; Governor Ohio, Ohio State 1999 1936
1 Ohio Sherrod Brown Democratic Democratic (Ted Strickland) State Secretary of State, U.S. House (OH-13) Yale, Ohio State 2007 1952
2 Oklahoma Jim Inhofe Republican Democratic (Brad Henry) Oklahoma House of Rep; Oklahoma Senate; Mayor of Tulsa; U.S. House (OK-1) Tulsa 1995 1934
3 Oklahoma Tom Coburn Republican Democratic (Brad Henry) Physician, U.S. House (OK-2) Oklahoma State, Oklahoma 2005 1948
3 Oregon Ron Wyden Democratic Democratic (Ted Kulongoski) U.S. House (OR-3) Stanford, Oregon 1996 1949
2 Oregon Jeff Merkley Democratic Democratic (Ted Kulongoski) State House Speaker Stanford (B.A.), Princeton (M.P.P.) 2009 1956
3 Pennsylvania Arlen Specter Democratic Democratic (Ed Rendell) Philadelphia District Attorney Pennsylvania, Yale 1981 1930
1 Pennsylvania Bob Casey, Jr. Democratic Democratic (Ed Rendell) State Treasurer, State Auditor Holy Cross, Catholic 2007 1960
2 Rhode Island Jack Reed Democratic Republican (Donald Carcieri) State Senate; U.S. House (RI-2) United States Military Academy, Harvard 1997 1949
1 Rhode Island Sheldon Whitehouse Democratic Republican (Donald Carcieri) US Attorney for Rhode Island, State Attorney General Yale, Virginia 2007 1955
2 South Carolina Lindsey Graham Republican Republican (Mark Sanford) U.S. House (SC-3) South Carolina (BA, JD) 2003 1955
3 South Carolina Jim DeMint Republican Republican (Mark Sanford) U.S. House (SC-4) Tennessee, Clemson University 2005 1951
2 South Dakota Tim Johnson Democratic Republican (Mike Rounds) U.S. House (SD-At Large) South Dakota (BA, MPA, JD) 1997 1946
3 South Dakota John Thune Republican Republican (Mike Rounds) U.S. House (SD-At Large) Biola, South Dakota 2005 1961
2 Tennessee Lamar Alexander Republican Democratic (Phil Bredesen) Governor; U.S. Secretary of Education Vanderbilt, New York University 2003 1940
1 Tennessee Bob Corker Republican Democratic (Phil Bredesen) Mayor of Chattanooga Tennessee 2007 1952
1 Texas Kay Bailey Hutchison Republican Republican (Rick Perry) State Treasurer Texas (BA, JD) 1993 1943
2 Texas John Cornyn Republican Republican (Rick Perry) State Attorney General Trinity University, St. Mary's University, Virginia 2003 1952
1 Utah Orrin Hatch Republican Republican (Gary Herbert) attorney Brigham Young, Pittsburgh 1977 1934
3 Utah Robert Foster Bennett Republican Republican (Gary Herbert) businessman Utah 1993 1933
3 Vermont Patrick Leahy Democratic Republican (Jim Douglas) Chittenden County State's Attorney St. Michael's College, Georgetown 1975 1940
1 Vermont Bernie Sanders Independent Republican (Jim Douglas) U.S. House (VT-At Large) Brooklyn College, Chicago 2007 1941
1 Virginia Jim Webb Democratic Democratic (Tim Kaine) U.S. Secretary of the Navy U.S. Naval Academy, USC, Georgetown University 2007 1946
2 Virginia Mark Warner Democratic Democratic (Tim Kaine) Entrepreneur, Governor George Washington, Harvard 2009 1954
3 Washington Patty Murray Democratic Democratic (Christine Gregoire) State Senate Washington State 1993 1950
1 Washington Maria Cantwell Democratic Democratic (Christine Gregoire) Washington State House of Representatives, U.S. House (WA-1) Miami University 2001 1958
1 West Virginia Robert Byrd Democratic Democratic (Joe Manchin) U.S. House (WV-6) Marshall, George Washington, American 1959 1917
2 West Virginia Jay Rockefeller Democratic Democratic (Joe Manchin) Governor Harvard 1985 1937
1 Wisconsin Herb Kohl Democratic Democratic (Jim Doyle) State Democratic Party chairman Wisconsin-Madison, Harvard 1989 1935
3 Wisconsin Russ Feingold Democratic Democratic (Jim Doyle) State Senate Wisconsin-Madison, Oxford, Harvard 1993 1953
2 Wyoming Mike Enzi Republican Democratic (Dave Freudenthal) Mayor of Gillette; Wyoming House of Representatives; State Senate George Washington, Denver 1997 1944
1 Wyoming John Barrasso Republican Democratic (Dave Freudenthal) State Senate Georgetown (BS, MD) 2007 1952



** United States Congress Category:Lists of United States Senators

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