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Mythimna (moth)

Mythimna unipuncta
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Superfamily: Noctuoidea
Family: Noctuidae
Tribe: Leucaniini
Genus: Mythimna
Ochsenheimer, 1816
  • Pseudaletia Franclemont, 1951

Mythimna is a genus of moths in the family Noctuidae described by Ferdinand Ochsenheimer in 1816.


  • Mythimna abdita Hreblay & Yoshimatsu, 1998
  • Mythimna accurata Philpott, 1917
  • Mythimna acontosema Turner, 1903
  • Mythimna adultera Schaus, 1894
  • Mythimna aenictopa D. S. Fletcher, 1961
  • Mythimna albipuncta Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775 – white-point
  • Mythimna albiradiosa Eversmann, 1852
  • Mythimna albiviata Hampson, 1913
  • Mythimna albivitta Hampson, 1891
  • Mythimna albomarginata Wileman & South 1920
  • Mythimna albostriata Hreblay & Yoshimatsu, 1998
  • Mythimna albovenosa Hreblay, 1999
  • Mythimna algirica Oberthür, 1918
  • Mythimna alopecuri Boisduval, 1840
  • Mythimna amblycasis Meyrick, 1899
  • Mythimna amlaki Laporte, 1984
  • Mythimna anderreggii Boisduval, 1840
  • Mythimna angustipennis Saalmüller, 1891
  • Mythimna ankaratra Rungs, 1955
  • Mythimna anthracoscelis Boursin, 1962
  • Mythimna argentata Hreblay & Yoshimatsu, 1998
  • Mythimna argentea Yoshimatsu, 1994
  • Mythimna argentifera Hreblay, 1998
  • Mythimna argentivena Calora, 1966
  • Mythimna arizanensis Wileman, 1915
  • Mythimna atrata Remm & Viidalepp, 1979
  • Mythimna aurotrigoni Hreblay & Yoshimatsu, 1998
  • Mythimna bani Sugi, 1977
  • Mythimna bicolorata Plante, 1992
  • Mythimna bicristata Berio, 1939
  • Mythimna bifasciata Moore, 1888
  • Mythimna binigrata Warren, 1912
  • Mythimna biscornuta Hreblay, Legrain & Yoshimatsu, 1998
  • Mythimna bistrigata Moore, 1881
  • Mythimna biundulata Motschulsky, 1860
  • Mythimna borbonensis Guillermet, 1996
  • Mythimna borneana Yoshimatsu, 1994
  • Mythimna brandti Boursin, 1963
  • Mythimna breciva Hreblay & Legrain, 1998
  • Mythimna brunneicoccinea Calora, 1966
  • Mythimna caelebs Grünberg, 1910
  • Mythimna cameroni Hreblay, 1998
  • Mythimna cana Hampson, 1891
  • Mythimna celebina Hreblay, 1998
  • Mythimna changi Sugi, 1992
  • Mythimna chiangmai Hreblay & Yoshimatsu, 1998
  • Mythimna chosenicola Bryk, 1949
  • Mythimna circulus Saalmüller, 1880
  • Mythimna clarior Hreblay, 1993
  • Mythimna combinata Walker, [1857]
  • Mythimna comma Linnaeus, 1761 – shoulder-striped wainscot
  • Mythimna congrua Hübner, [1817]
  • Mythimna conigera Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775 – brown-line bright-eye
  • Mythimna consanguis Guenée, 1852
  • Mythimna consimilis Moore, 1881
  • Mythimna convecta Walker, 1857 – common armyworm
  • Mythimna conversa Hreblay & Yoshimatsu, 1998
  • Mythimna cryptargyrea Bethune-Baker, 1905
  • Mythimna cuneilinea Draudt, 1950
  • Mythimna cuneolata Calora, 1966
  • Mythimna cunyada Franclemont, 1951
  • Mythimna curvata Leech, 1900
  • Mythimna daemona Hreblay & Legrain, 1996
  • Mythimna dasuta Hampson, 1905
  • Mythimna decisissima Walker, 1865
  • Mythimna denticula Hampson, 1893
  • Mythimna deserticola Bartel, 1902
  • Mythimna dharma Moore, 1881
  • Mythimna discilinea Draudt, 1950
  • Mythimna distincta Moore, 1881
  • Mythimna divergens Butler, 1878
  • Mythimna duplex Rungs, 1955
  • Mythimna elisa Berio, 1962
  • Mythimna empyrea Hudson, 1918
  • Mythimna ensata Yoshimatsu, 1998
  • Mythimna epieixelus Rothschild, 1920
  • Mythimna eucrossa Meyrick, 1927
  • Mythimna evoei Laporte, 1974
  • Mythimna expulsa Hreblay, 1996
  • Mythimna exsanguis Guenée, 1852
  • Mythimna fallaciosa Rungs, 1955
  • Mythimna fasciata Moore, 1881
  • Mythimna favicolor Barrett, 1896 – Mathew's wainscot
  • Mythimna ferrago Fabricius, 1787 – clay
  • Mythimna ferrilinea Leech, 1900
  • Mythimna flavalba Berio, 1970
  • Mythimna flavostigma Bremer, 1861
  • Mythimna foranea Draudt, 1950
  • Mythimna formosana Butler, 1880
  • Mythimna formosicola Yoshimatsu, 1994
  • Mythimna franclemonti Calora, 1966
  • Mythimna fraterna Moore, 1888
  • Mythimna funerea Philpott, 1927
  • Mythimna furcifera Moore, 1882
  • Mythimna glaciata Yoshimatsu, 1998
  • Mythimna godavariensis Yoshimoto, 1992
  • Mythimna goniosigma Hampson, 1905
  • Mythimna graditornalis Berio, 1970
  • Mythimna grandis Butler, 1878
  • Mythimna grata Hreblay, 1996
  • Mythimna griseofasciata Moore, 1881
  • Mythimna groulayi Philpott, 1921
  • Mythimna guanyuana Chang, 1991
  • Mythimna hackeri Hreblay & Yoshimatsu, 1996
  • Mythimna hamifera Walker, 1862
  • Mythimna hannemanni Yoshimatsu, 1991
  • Mythimna heimi Rungs, 1955
  • Mythimna hirashimai Yoshimatsu, 1994
  • Mythimna honeyi Yoshimatsu, 1990
  • Mythimna hypophaea Hampson, 1905
  • Mythimna idisana Franclemont, 1951
  • Mythimna ignifera Hreblay, 1998
  • Mythimna ignita Hampson, 1905
  • Mythimna ignorata Hreblay & Yoshimatsu, 1998
  • Mythimna ignota Hreblay, 1998
  • Mythimna impura Hübner, 1808 – smoky wainscot
  • Mythimna inanis Oberthür, 1880
  • Mythimna infrargyrea Saalmüller, 1891
  • Mythimna inornata Leech, 1889
  • Mythimna insularis Butler, 1880
  • Mythimna intermediata Yoshimatsu, 1990
  • Mythimna intertexta Chang, 1991
  • Mythimna intolerabilis Hreblay, 1993
  • Mythimna iodochra Sugi, 1982
  • Mythimna irrorata Moore, 1881
  • Mythimna javacorna Hreblay & Legrain, 1998
  • Mythimna kambaitiana Berio, 1973
  • Mythimna kerala Hreblay & Moore, 1999
  • Mythimna khasiensis Hreblay & Legrain, 1998
  • Mythimna l-album Linnaeus, 1767 – L-album wainscot
  • Mythimna laevusta Berio, 1955
  • Mythimna languida Walker, 1858
  • Mythimna larga Hreblay, 1998
  • Mythimna larseni Wiltshire, 1985
  • Mythimna lasiomera Hampson, 1905
  • Mythimna laxa Hreblay & Yoshimatsu, 1996
  • Mythimna legraini Plante, 1992
  • Mythimna lepida Hreblay, Legrain & Yoshimatsu, 1996
  • Mythimna leucosphenia Bethune-Baker, 1905
  • Mythimna liebherri Yoshimatsu, 1991
  • Mythimna lineatipes Moore, 1881
  • Mythimna lipara Wileman & West 1928
  • Mythimna lishana Chang, 1991
  • Mythimna litoralis Curtis, 1827 –- shore wainscot
  • Mythimna longivittata Berio, 1940
  • Mythimna lucbana Calora, 1966
  • Mythimna lucida Yoshimatsu & Hreblay, 1996
  • Mythimna macrosaris Meyrick, 1899
  • Mythimna madensis Berio, 1955
  • Mythimna manopi Hreblay, 1998
  • Mythimna martoni Yoshimatsu & Legrain, 2001
  • Mythimna maxima Hreblay, 1998
  • Mythimna mediana Moore, 1881
  • Mythimna mediofusca Hampson, 1891
  • Mythimna melania Staudinger, 1889
  • Mythimna mesotrosta Püngeler, 1900
  • Mythimna metaphaea Hampson, 1905
  • Mythimna milloti Rungs, 1955
  • Mythimna mobilia Howes, 1946
  • Mythimna modesta Moore, 1881
  • Mythimna moinieri Plante, 1993
  • Mythimna mollis Berio, 1974
  • Mythimna monticola Sugi, 1958
  • Mythimna moorei Swinhoe, 1902
  • Mythimna moriuttii Yoshimatsu & Hreblay, 1996
  • Mythimna multipunctata Hampson, 1918
  • Mythimna munda Philpott, 1917
  • Mythimna munnari Hreblay, 1999
  • Mythimna mvakoumelensis Laporte, 1973
  • Mythimna nainica Moore, 1881
  • Mythimna naumanni Yoshimatsu & Hreblay, 1998
  • Mythimna nepalina Hreblay & Yoshimatsu, 1996
  • Mythimna nepos Leech, 1900
  • Mythimna nigrilinea Leech, 1889
  • Mythimna obscura Moore, 1882
  • Mythimna obscurographa Hreblay, 1999
  • Mythimna obsecrata Meyrick, 1914
  • Mythimna obsoleta Hübner, 1803 –- obscure wainscot
  • Mythimna opaca Staudinger, 1900
  • Mythimna opada Calora, 1966
  • Mythimna operosa Saalmüller, 1891
  • Mythimna osseogrisea Berio, 1973
  • Mythimna oxygala Grote, 1881
  • Mythimna pakdala Calora, 1966
  • Mythimna pallens Linnaeus, 1758 – common wainscot
  • Mythimna pallidicosta Hampson, 1894
  • Mythimna panarista D. S. Fletcher, 1963
  • Mythimna parmata Philpott, 1926
  • Mythimna pastea Hampson, 1905
  • Mythimna pastearis Draudt, 1950
  • Mythimna pastellina Hreblay & Legrain, 1996
  • Mythimna percisa Moore, 1888
  • Mythimna perirrorata Warren, 1913
  • Mythimna phaeopasta Hampson, 1907
  • Mythimna phlebitis Püngeler, 1904
  • Mythimna placida Butler, 1878
  • Mythimna plantei Hreblay & Yoshimatsu, 1995
  • Mythimna probenota Howes, 1945
  • Mythimna prominens Walker, 1856
  • Mythimna proxima Leech, 1900
  • Mythimna pseudoformosana Robinson, 1975
  • Mythimna pseudotacuna Berio, 1962
  • Mythimna pudorina Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775 – striped wainscot
  • Mythimna pulchra Snellen, [1886]
  • Mythimna punctulata Blanchard, 1852
  • Mythimna purpurpatagis Chang, 1991
  • Mythimna pyrausta Hampson, 1913
  • Mythimna quasimodo Hreblay, 1998
  • Mythimna radiata Bremer, 1861
  • Mythimna renimaculata Hreblay & Legrain, 1996
  • Mythimna reversa Moore, 1884
  • Mythimna reealis Cusanelli, 1996
  • Mythimna riparia (Rambur, 1829)
  • Mythimna roraimae Franclemont, 1951
  • Mythimna rubida Hreblay, Legrain & Yoshimatsu, 1996
  • Mythimna rubrisecta Hampson, 1905
  • Mythimna rudis Moore, 1888
  • Mythimna rufescentalis Poole, 1989
  • Mythimna rufipennis Butler, 1878
  • Mythimna rufistrigosa Moore, 1881
  • Mythimna rufulosa Wiltshire, 1986
  • Mythimna rushanensis Yoshimatsu, 1994
  • Mythimna rutilitincta Hreblay & Yoshimatsu, 1996
  • Mythimna salebrosa Butler, 1878
  • Mythimna sapiens Meyrick, 1929
  • Mythimna sassanidica Hacker, 1986
  • Mythimna saucesa Pinker, 1963
  • Mythimna scirpi Duponchel, [1839]
  • Mythimna scottii Butler, 1886
  • Mythimna semicana Pagenstecher, 1900
  • Mythimna separata Walker, 1865 – northern armyworm
  • Mythimna sequax Franclemont, 1951
  • Mythimna serradaguae Wolff, 1977
  • Mythimna siamensis Hreblay, 1998
  • Mythimna sicula Treitschke, 1835
  • Mythimna sigma Draudt, 1950
  • Mythimna similissima Hreblay & Yoshimatsu, 1996
  • Mythimna simplex Leech, 1889
  • Mythimna sinensis Hampson, 1909
  • Mythimna sinuosa Moore, 1882
  • Mythimna snelleni Hreblay, 1996
  • Mythimna sokotrensis Hreblay, 1996
  • Mythimna speciosa Yoshimatsu, 1991
  • Mythimna stolida Leech, 1889
  • Mythimna straminea Treitschke, 1825 – southern wainscot
  • Mythimna striatella Draudt, 1950
  • Mythimna stueningi Plante, 1993
  • Mythimna suavina Hreblay, 1998
  • Mythimna subplacida Sugi, 1977
  • Mythimna subsignata Moore, 1881
  • Mythimna taiwana Wileman, 1912
  • Mythimna tangala Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874
  • Mythimna tengeri Hreblay, 1999
  • Mythimna tessellum Draudt, 1950
  • Mythimna thailandica Hreblay, 1998
  • Mythimna thomasi Hacker, Hreblay & Plante 1993
  • Mythimna tibetensis Hreblay, 1998
  • Mythimna tincta Walker, 1858
  • Mythimna toumodi Laporte, 1978
  • Mythimna transversata Draudt, 1950
  • Mythimna tricorna Hreblay, Legrain & Yoshimatsu, 1998
  • Mythimna tricuspis Draudt, 1950
  • Mythimna turca Linnaeus, 1761 – double line
  • Mythimna umbrigera Saalmüller, 1891
  • Mythimna uncinatus Gaede, 1916
  • Mythimna undicilia Walker, 1856
  • Mythimna undina Draudt, 1950
  • Mythimna unipuncta Haworth, 1809 – white-speck
  • Mythimna uruma Sugi, 1970
  • Mythimna usta Hampson, 1902
  • Mythimna v-album Hampson, 1891
  • Mythimna velutina Eversmann, 1846
  • Mythimna viettei Rungs, 1955
  • Mythimna vilis Gaede, 1916
  • Mythimna vittata Hampson, 1891
  • Mythimna vitellina Hübner, 1808 – delicate
  • Mythimna vuattouxi Laporte, 1973
  • Mythimna yukonensis Hampson, 1911 (alternative spelling Mythimna yuconensis)
  • Mythimna yuennana Draudt, 1950


  • Animal Behavior 62: 349–368.
  • Savela, Markku. "Mythimna Ochsenheimer, 1816". Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms. Retrieved March 26, 2018.
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Mythimna (moth)
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