For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Module:MilAward.


local p = {}
local data = mw.loadData('Module:MilAward/data')
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local GlobalTemplateArgs = '' -- define as global (to this module) variable

function p.GraphData (frame)
    -- This routine is simply to create the x and y data lines for the graph of number of entries poer country
    -- It iterates through the data, counting the number of entries for each country and then 
    -- create two lines holding those values as comma seperated values
    -- This function should geenerate only two lines containing the  data for the graph and 
    -- should be invoked at the correct place in the graph setup.

    -- Create an empty local table called "StatCount"
    local StatCount = {}
    -- Iterate through the data in the table "data"
    for code, record in pairs(data) do
        local country = record.Country
        -- Check if the country is already in StatCount
        if StatCount[country] then
            -- If it is, add one to the count
            StatCount[country] = StatCount[country] + 1
            -- If it isn't, add the country to the table with a value of 1
            StatCount[country] = 1
    local xGraphValues = "| x=" -- Create the start of the x values line for a graph
    local yGraphValues = "| y=" -- Create the start of the y values line for a graph
    -- Iterate through the StatCount table using pairs
    for country, count in pairs(StatCount) do
        xGraphValues = xGraphValues .. ", " .. country -- add the name of the country as a comma seperated value
        yGraphValues = yGraphValues .. ", " .. count -- add the count for the country as a comma seperated value
    local output =  " \n" .. xGraphValues .. " \n" .. yGraphValues .. "\n"
    return output
function p.Stats(frame)
    -- Create an empty local table called "StatCount"
    local StatCount = {}
    -- Iterate through the data in the table "data"
    for code, record in pairs(data) do
        local country = record.Country
        -- Check if the country is already in StatCount
        if StatCount[country] then
            -- If it is, add one to the count
            StatCount[country] = StatCount[country] + 1
            -- If it isn't, add the country to the table with a value of 1
            StatCount[country] = 1
	-- Create an empty table to store the wiki code rows
    local wikiRows = {}
local xGraphValues =''
local yGraphValues =''
    -- Iterate through the StatCount table using pairs
    for country, count in pairs(StatCount) do
        -- Add a row to the wikiRows table with the country and count data
        table.insert(wikiRows, "|-\n|" .. country .. "||" .. count)
         xGraphValues = xGraphValues .. ", " .. country
         yGraphValues = yGraphValues .. ", " .. count

    -- Create the wiki code for the table using the wikiRows table
    local wikiCode = "{| class=\"wikitable sortable col2right\"\n|-\n! Country !! Count\n" .. table.concat(wikiRows, "\n") .. "\n|}"
    local wikiCode = wikiCode .. " \n" .. xGraphValues .. " \n" .. yGraphValues .. "\n"

    -- Return the wiki code
    local tablist= p.PrintStats()
    local output = wikiCode .. "\n\n" .. tablist
    return output
function p.PrintStats()
    -- Convert key-value pairs into a list of {code, data[code]} pairs
    local pairsList = {}
    for code, values in pairs(data) do
        table.insert(pairsList, {code, values})

    -- Sort the list based on the "Description" field of each pair
    table.sort(pairsList, function(a, b)
        return a[2].Description < b[2].Description

    -- Generate wiki table code for the sorted list
    local tableCode = "{| class=\"wikitable sortable\"\n"
    tableCode = tableCode .. "|-\n"
    tableCode = tableCode .. "! Code !! Old Code !! Description !! Country\n !! Postnom !! Ribbon !! Org\n"

    for i, pair in ipairs(pairsList) do
        local code, values = pair[1], pair[2]
        local oldcode = values.Code or ""
        local country = values.Country or ""
        local description = values.Description or ""
        local class = values.Class or ""
        local postnom = values.PostNom or ""
        local ribbonimage = values.RibbonImage or ""
        local pagelink = values.PageLink or ""
        local note = values.Note or ""
        local org = values.Org or ""

        tableCode = tableCode .. "|-\n"
        tableCode = tableCode .. "|" .. code .. "\n"
        if code == oldcode then
        	tableCode = tableCode .. "| \n"
        	tableCode = tableCode .. "|" .. oldcode .. "\n"
        tableCode = tableCode .. "|[[" .. pagelink .. "|" .. description 
        if string.len(class) > 0 then
        	tableCode = tableCode .. "]] '''(" .. class .. ")'''"
        	tableCode = tableCode .. "]]"
        if string.len(note) > 0 then
            tableCode = tableCode .. mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'Efn', args = {note} } -- Note: Page needs ((notelist))
        	--tableCode = tableCode .. " <sup>" .. note .. "</sup> " 
        tableCode = tableCode .. "\n"
        tableCode = tableCode .. "|" .. country .. "\n"
        tableCode = tableCode .. "|" .. postnom .. "\n"
        tableCode = tableCode .. "|[[File:" .. ribbonimage .. "|x30px]]\n"
        tableCode = tableCode .. "|" .. org .. "\n"

    tableCode = tableCode .. "|}"
    return tableCode
function p.Display(frame)
	-- Take parameters out of the frame and pass them to p._Display(). Return the result.
	local templateArgs = getArgs(frame)
	--local templateArgs = frame.args
	local code = templateArgs[1] or 'None'
	local size = templateArgs[2] or "40px"
	local namedcode = templateArgs["code"]
	if namedcode then 
		code = namedcode
	local namedsize = templateArgs["size"]
	if namedsize then
		size = namedsize
	return p._Display(code, size)

function p._Display(code, size)
    -- data is loaded globally
    local output = ""
            output = output .. " '''Found award with code''': " .. data[code].Code .. "<br />"
            output = output .. "''Code'': " .. data[code].Code .. "<br />"
            output = output .. "''Description'': " .. data[code].Description .. "<br />"
            output = output .. "''Ribbon Image'': " .. data[code].RibbonImage .. "<br />"
            output = output .. "''Post-Nominal'': " .. data[code].PostNom .. "<br />"
            output = output .. "''Page Link'': " .. data[code].PageLink .. "<br />"
            output = output .. "''Country'': " .. data[code].Country .. "<br />"
    return output

local function _Ribbon(code, size)
	local ribbonimage=data[code].RibbonImage
	if string.len(size) <1 then 
		size="x12px" -- weasel code. Check that there is a value for size and if not, set the value
	if string.len(ribbonimage)<1 then  -- If there is no ribbonimage defined for the record, then assign a default one.
		ribbonimage = "NOT-AVAILABLE-RIBBON.svg"
    local output = "[[File:" .. ribbonimage .. "|".. size .. "|link=" .. data[code].PageLink .. "|" .. data[code].Description .. " ''" .. data[code].PostNom .. "''" .. "]]" -- .. " [[Category:MilAward Ribbon]]"
    return output

function p.Ribbon(frame)
	-- Function extracts the parameters from the frame (passed into the function)
	-- It checks that the first argument is not empty, and returns an error if so
	local templateArgs = getArgs(frame)
	--local templateArgs = frame.args
	local code = templateArgs[1] or 'None'
	local size = templateArgs[2] or "x12px"
    local namedcode = templateArgs["code"] -- Check for named argument "code" and overwrite the value in the local variable if it has a value
	if namedcode then 
		code = namedcode

	local namedsize = templateArgs["size"] -- Check for named argument "size" and overwrite the value in the local variable if it has a value
	if namedsize then
		size = namedsize

	if string.match(code, "%*") then -- The code field has asterisks in it. Raise an error
		-- code = string.gsub(code, "%*", "x")
		local output = '<span style="color:#d33"> Bad Code: <b>[' .. code .. ']</b>. Replace all * with x</span> [[Category:MilAward Error]]'
		return output
	end -- End if

	if not code or '' == code then
		-- return '<span style="color:#d33">Error: missing positional parameter 1</span>'
		return '<span style="color:#d33"> (Invalid Code: <b>' .. code .. '</b> )</span> [[Category:MilAward Error]]'

--	local code = code:upper() -- DO NOT DO THIS. Code is case sensitive -- Converts the first argument to uppercase
	if not data[code] then
		-- return '<span style="color:#d33">Error: invalid positional parameter 1: ' .. code .. '</span>'
		return '<span style="color:#d33"> (Code not found: <b>' .. code .. '</b> )</span> [[Category:MilAward Error]]'
	return _Ribbon (code, size)

local function _RibbonDesc(code, size, country, norib, nocat, org)
    -- This routine is where the data is structured for output 
    local output =''
    if norib ~= "yes" then -- They do NOT want the ribbon to display if this is yes
    	output = output .. _Ribbon(code, size) -- Start by getting the ribbon. Call the function designed to do that
    local output = output ..  " [[" .. data[code].PageLink .. "|" .. data[code].Description .. "]] "  -- add the  pagelink and description
    if data[code].Class then
    	if string.len(data[code].Class) > 0 then -- Only add the Class if there is something in the field 
    		output = output .. " (''" .. data[code].Class .. "'') " 
    if string.len(data[code].PostNom) > 0 then -- Only add the postnom if there is something in the field 
    	 output = output .. " ('''" .. data[code].PostNom .. "''') " 

    if string.len(data[code].Note) > 0 then -- Only add the Note if there is something in the field 
    	output = output .. mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'Efn', args = {data[code].Note} } -- Note: Page needs ((notelist))
		-- output = output .. "<sup>" .. data[code].Note .. "</sup> " 
    if string.len(country) > 0 then -- if a value for country has been specificed
        if country:upper() ~= data[code].Country:upper() then -- check that the country specificed does NOT equal that on record
            output = output .. " (" .. data[code].Country .. ") " -- add the country code to the end of the output
    if string.len(org) > 0 then -- if a value for org has been specificed
        if org:upper() == "YES" then -- check that it is YES
            if string.len(data[code].Org) > 0 then -- Check there is actually something in the org field
                output = output .. " (''" .. data[code].Org .. "'') " -- add the Org code to the end of the output

-- Optimised code. string.len is expensive as is 
local nocat_length = string.len(nocat)
if nocat_length > 1 then -- If ANYTHING has been specified as a value for nocat, then it's true
    -- Do nothing or add to tracking category?
    -- Need to exclude adding the recipient category if it is not in mainspace.
    -- for now, that means checking it's not in "Template:" or "User:" space
    local current_title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
    local namespace = current_title.nsText
    local namespace_length = string.len(namespace)
    if namespace_length < 2 then
        local recipcat = data[code].RecipCat or "" -- If there is a recipient category specified, then add it to the output
        local categories = {}
        --categories[#categories+1] = " [[Category:MilAward Ribbon Description]]" -- Add tracking Category -- Note commented out
        if string.len(recipcat) > 0 then
            local categoryTitle ='Category:' .. mw.text.trim(recipcat))
            if categoryTitle.exists and not categoryTitle.isRedirect then
                -- category exists and is not a redirect
                categories[#categories+1] = " [[Category:" .. recipcat .. "]]"
                -- category does not exist or is a redirect
                -- Add to a tracking Category ???
        output = output .. table.concat(categories)

    return output

function p.RibbonDesc(frame)
	local templateArgs = getArgs(frame)
	-- local templateArgs = frame.args
    local code = 'Unknown' -- initialise a local variable called code to something rational
    local size = 'x20px' -- initialise a local variable called size to something rational
	if templateArgs[1] then code = templateArgs[1] end -- check that it is not "nil" before assigning the value 
    if templateArgs[2] then size = templateArgs[2] end -- Check that it is not "nil" before assigning the value

	local namedcode = templateArgs["code"] -- assign tha local variable "namedcode" to the value of the argument called code
	if namedcode then  -- if the assignment of value has worked ie there was actially a parameter called code with a value then 
		code = namedcode -- assign the value found above to the variable "code" overwriting any other value it may have had

	local namedsize = templateArgs["size"] -- exactly the same as for "code" above
	if namedsize then
		size = namedsize

    local namedcountry = templateArgs["country"] or '' -- if the argument "country" has been passed, assign it to a local variable
    local country = namedcountry
    local norib = templateArgs["norib"] or ''
	if not size then size = "x20px" end -- this is a weasel statement meant to assign the default value if the 
                                        -- variable doesn't hold one which should never occur 

	if not code or '' == code then -- if thre was no code assigned (field empty) then return an error of invalud code
	--	 '<span style="color:#d33">Error: missing positional parameter 1</span>'
		local output =  '<span style="color:#d33"> (Invalid Code: <b>' .. code .. '</b>)</span>'
        return output
	if string.match(code, "%*") then -- The code field has asterisks in it. Raise an error 
		local output = '<span style="color:#d33"> Bad Code: <b>[' .. code .. ']</b>. Replace all * with x</span> [[Category:MilAward Error]]'
		return output
	end -- End if

--	local code = templateArgs[1]:upper() -- Do not convert to uppercase. Codes are case sensitive
	if not data[code] then
	--	return '<span style="color:#d33">Error: invalid positional parameter 1: ' .. code .. '</span>'
		return '<span style="color:#d33"> (Code: <b>' .. code .. '</b> Not found)</span>'

    local nocat= templateArgs["nocat"] or '' -- Assign local value for nocat parameter
    local org=templateArgs["org"] or '' -- Assign local value for org parameter

	return _RibbonDesc (code, size, country, norib, nocat, org)
function p.Stack(frame)
    GlobalTemplateArgs = getArgs(frame)
    -- local size = GlobalTemplateArgs[1] or "x12px"
    local size = "x12px"
    local namedsize = GlobalTemplateArgs["size"]
    if namedsize then
        size = namedsize
        size = "x12px"

    local output = ''

    local RibbonList = {}
    for i = 1, 40 do -- 40 is the max number of params that will be examined. 
        local rl = GlobalTemplateArgs[i] or ""
        if rl ~= "" then
            table.insert(RibbonList, rl)
    local row={}
    for i, rl in ipairs(RibbonList) do
        if rl ~= "" then
            if data[rl] then -- check whether this is found in the data
			    local rowoutput = _Ribbon(rl, size) 
			    table.insert(row,string.format('%s',rowoutput) )
    output = table.concat(row, " ")

    --output = output .. "[[Category:MilAward Stack]]" -- Add tracking category
    return output
function p.DescList(frame)
    local templateArgs = getArgs(frame)
    local size = templateArgs["size"] or 'x20px'
    local namedcountry = templateArgs["country"] or 'yes'
    local output = '\n'

    for key, value in pairs(templateArgs) do
        if string.len(value) > 1 and data[value] then
                output = output .. "* " .. _RibbonDesc(value, size, namedcountry,'','','') .. "\n"
    return output

function p.PostNom(frame)
    local templateArgs = getArgs(frame)
    local size = templateArgs["size"] or '85%'
    local sep = templateArgs["sep"] or ', '
    if sep == "none" then
        sep = " "
    local output = '<span class="noexcerpt nowraplinks" style="font-size:' .. size .. '; font-weight:normal;">'

    for key, value in pairs(templateArgs) do
        if key ~= "size" and string.len(value) > 1 and data[value] then
            if string.len(data[value].PostNom) > 1 then
                output = output .. "[[" .. data[value].PageLink .. "|" ..  data[value].PostNom .. "]]" .. sep .. ""
    local seplen = (string.len(sep) + 1) * -1 -- Take length of sep, add one to it and make it negative (* -1)
    output = output:sub(1, seplen) -- Remove the trailing seperator
    output = output .. '</span>'

    return output

-- Initial code by John Dovey (13 April 2023) [[User:BoonDock]]
return p
{{bottomLinkPreText}} {{bottomLinkText}}
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