For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Soubor:Unit circle angles.svg.

Soubor:Unit circle angles.svg

Původní soubor(soubor SVG, nominální rozměr: 720 × 720 pixelů, velikost souboru: 238 KB)


العربية: بعض الزوايا الشائعة موضحة علي دائرة الوحدة.مقدرة بالدرجات.مع قيم الجيب وجيب التمام المناظرة لها(جا θ, جتا θ). الجيوب وجيوب التمام حول دائرة الوحدة.
Беларуская: Значэнні косінуса і сінуса на акружнасці.
Bosanski: Koordinate na jediničnom krugu.
Català: La circumferència goniomètrica. Valors del sinus i del cosinus d'uns quants angles representats en la circumferància goniomètrica. Constants trigonomètriques exactes dels angles múltiples de 30 i de 45 graus representades en la circumferència goniomètrica.
Čeština: Jednotková kružnice.
Deutsch: Punkte auf dem Einheitskreis.
English: Some common angles (multiples of 30 and 45 degrees) and the corresponding sine and cosine values shown on the Unit circle. The angles (θ) are given in degrees and radians, together with the corresponding intersection point on the unit circle, (cos θ, sin θ).
Esperanto: La unuobla cirklo. La anguloj sur la unuobla cirklo kiuj estas obloj de 30 kaj 45 gradoj.
Español: Valores de los ángulos más comunes y las coordenadas correspondientes sobre la circunferencia goniométrica.
Suomi: Yksikköympyrä. Trigonometristen funktioiden suhteet yksikköympyrässä.
Français : Quelques angles communs (θ) sur le cercle unité. Les angles sont indiqués en degrés et en radians, ainsi que leur intersection avec le cercle unité (cos θ, sin θ).
עברית: ערכי הפונקציה לזוויות שונות על מעגל היחידה. הקבועים הבסיסיים על מעגל היחידה הם כפולות של 30 ו-40 מעלות.
Hrvatski: Sinusi i kosinusi u jediničnoj kružnici.
Italiano: Valori principali (coseno, seno).
日本語: 単位円とサイン・コサインの値.
Norsk bokmål: Cosinus og sinus på enhetssirkelen. Eksakte verdier av sinus og cosinus på enhetssirkelen.
Русский: Кратные 30 и 45 градусам углы и их значения для синуса и косинуса на единичной окружности. Угол θ представлен в виде градусов и радиан
தமிழ்: ஓரலகு வட்டம். ஓரலகு வட்டத்தில் குறிப்பிட்ட புள்ளிகளின் அச்சுதூரங்கள்.
Tagalog: Ang mga cosine at sine sa loob ng isang bilog na unit.
Türkçe: birim çember.
Zdroj Vlastní dílo pomocí: Eukleides
Autor Gustavb (diskuse · příspěvky)
Další verze Díla odvozená od tohoto souboru:  Unit circle angles color.svg
SVG vývoj
Zdrojový kód tohoto SVG je validní.
Tento vektorový obrázek byl vytvořen programem unknown tool
The file size of this SVG image may be irrationally large because its text has been converted to paths inhibiting translations.


Public domain Tento obrázek jednoduchého geometrického tvaru nemůže být předmětem autorských práv, a je tedy volným dílem, protože sestává výhradně z informací, jež jsou veřejným vlastnictvím, a neobsahuje žádné autorské dílo.


Unit_circle_angles.euk (Eukleides source)
box(-1.65, -1.65, 1.7, 1.7, 2.2)

O = point(0,0);  % origo

% Axis
X1 = point(-1.7, 0); X2 = point(1.6, 0)
Y1 = point(0, -1.7); Y2 = point(0, 1.55)

% Unit circle
C = circle(O, 1)
H1 = circle(O,.48); E1 = circle(O,.65); F1 = circle(O,.81); I1 = circle(O,0.91)
H2 = circle(O,.44); E2 = circle(O,.65); F2 = circle(O,.75); I2 = circle(O,0.92)
H3 = circle(O,.44); E3 = circle(O,.67); F3 = circle(O,.74); I3 = circle(O,0.91)
H4 = circle(O,.48); E4 = circle(O,.70); F4 = circle(O,.75); I4 = circle(O,0.93)

color "blue"
draw(segment(H1,30:)); draw(point(E1,30:), point(F1,30:)); draw(point(I1,30:), point(C,30:));
draw(segment(H1,45:)); draw(point(E1,45:), point(F1,45:)); draw(point(I1,45:), point(C,45:));
draw(segment(H1,60:)); draw(point(E1,60:), point(F1,60:)); draw(point(I1,60:), point(C,60:));


draw(segment(X1,X2), full, arrow)
draw(segment(Y1,Y2), full, arrow)
draw("$y$",Y2,.15,-30:); draw("$x$",X2,.15,-130:)



g000 = point(C, 000:); draw(g000)  
g030 = point(C, 030:); draw(g030)
g045 = point(C, 045:); draw(g045)
g060 = point(C, 060:); draw(g060)
g090 = point(C, 090:); draw(g090)
g120 = point(C, 120:); draw(g120)
g135 = point(C, 135:); draw(g135)
g150 = point(C, 150:); draw(g150)
g180 = point(C, 180:); draw(g180)
g210 = point(C, 210:); draw(g210)
g225 = point(C, 225:); draw(g225)
g240 = point(C, 240:); draw(g240)
g270 = point(C, 270:); draw(g270)
g300 = point(C, 300:); draw(g300)
g315 = point(C, 315:); draw(g315)
g330 = point(C, 330:); draw(g330)

% Draw labels

draw("\rput{30}{$\big(\!{\sqrt 3 \over 2},{1 \over 2}\big)$}",g030,.3,30:)
draw("\rput{45}{$\big(\!{\sqrt 2 \over 2},\!{\sqrt 2 \over 2}\big)$}",g045,.35,45:)
draw("\rput{60}{$\big({1 \over 2},\!{\sqrt 3 \over 2}\big)$}",g060,.3,60:)

draw("\rput{300}{$\big(\!{-1 \over 2},\!{\sqrt 3 \over 2}\big)$}",g120,.35,120:)
draw("\rput{315}{$\big(\!{-\sqrt 2 \over 2},\!{\sqrt 2 \over 2}\big)$}",g135,.4,135:)
draw("\rput{330}{$\big(\!{-\sqrt 3 \over 2},\!{1 \over 2}\big)$}",g150,.35,150:)

draw("\rput{30}{$\big(\!{-\sqrt 3 \over 2},\!{-1 \over 2}\big)$}",g210,.4,210:)
draw("\rput{45}{$\big(\!{-\sqrt 2 \over 2},\!{-\sqrt 2 \over 2}\big)$}",g225,.45,225:)
draw("\rput{60}{$\big(\!{-1 \over 2},\!{-\sqrt 3 \over 2}\big)$}",g240,.4, 240:)

draw("\rput{300}{$\big({1 \over 2},\!{-\sqrt 3 \over 2}\big)$}",g300,.35,305:)
draw("\rput{315}{$\big(\!{\sqrt 2 \over 2},\!{-\sqrt 2 \over 2}\big)$}",g315,.4,315:)
draw("\rput{330}{$\big(\!{\sqrt 3 \over 2},\!{-1 \over 2}\big)$}",g330,.35,330:)
draw("\rput{315}{$\big(\!{\sqrt 2 \over 2},\!{-\sqrt 2 \over 2}\big)$}",g315,.4,315:)
draw("\rput{330}{$\big(\!{\sqrt 3 \over 2},\!{-1 \over 2}\big)$}",g330,.35,330:)

draw("\scalebox{.9}{$0$}", g000, .1, 154:)
draw("\scalebox{.7}{$0^\circ$}", g000, .35, 170:) 

draw("\rput{30}{\scalebox{.7}{$30^\circ$))", g030, .43, 210:)
draw("\rput{30}{\scalebox{1}{$\pi \over 6$))", g030, .14, 215:)

draw("\rput{45}{\scalebox{.7}{$45^\circ$))", g045, .43, 225:)
draw("\rput{45}{\scalebox{1}{$\pi \over 4$))", g045, .14, 230:) 

draw("\rput{60}{\scalebox{.7}{$60^\circ$))", g060, .43, 240:)
draw("\rput{60}{\scalebox{1}{$\pi \over 3$))", g060, .14, 245:)

draw("\scalebox{1}{$\pi \over 2$}", g090, .08, 292:)
draw("\scalebox{.7}{$90^\circ$}", g090, .35, 283:) 

draw("\rput{300}{\scalebox{1}{$2\pi \over 3$))", g120, .16, 300:) 
draw("\rput{300}{\scalebox{.7}{$120^\circ$))", g120, .45, 300:) 

draw("\rput{315}{\scalebox{1}{$3\pi \over 4$))", g135, .16, 315:)
draw("\rput{315}{\scalebox{.7}{$135^\circ$))", g135, .45, 315:)

draw("\rput{330}{\scalebox{1}{$5\pi \over 6$))", g150, .16, 330:)
draw("\rput{330}{\scalebox{.7}{$150^\circ$))", g150, .45, 330:)

draw("\scalebox{1}{$\pi$}", g180, .08, 26:)
draw("\scalebox{.7}{$180^\circ$}", g180, .27, 11:) 

draw("\rput{30}{\scalebox{1}{$7\pi \over 6$))", g210, .17, 30:) 
draw("\rput{30}{\scalebox{.7}{$210^\circ$))", g210, .45, 30:) 

draw("\rput{45}{\scalebox{1}{$5\pi \over 4$))", g225, .17, 45:)
draw("\rput{45}{\scalebox{.7}{$225^\circ$))", g225, .45, 45:)

draw("\rput{60}{\scalebox{1}{$4\pi \over 3$))", g240, .17, 60:)
draw("\rput{60}{\scalebox{.7}{$240^\circ$))", g240, .45, 60:)

draw("\scalebox{1}{$3\pi \over 2$}", g270, .06, 59:)
draw("\scalebox{.7}{$270^\circ$}", g270, .32, 73:)

draw("\rput{300}{\scalebox{1}{$5\pi \over 3$))", g300, .16, 120:) 
draw("\rput{300}{\scalebox{.7}{$300^\circ$))", g300, .41, 120:) 

draw("\rput{315}{\scalebox{1}{$7\pi \over 4$))", g315, .16, 135:)
draw("\rput{315}{\scalebox{.7}{$315^\circ$))", g315, .41, 135:)

draw("\rput{330}{\scalebox{1}{$11\pi \over 6$))", g330, .16, 150:)
draw("\rput{330}{\scalebox{.7}{$330^\circ$))", g330, .41, 150:)
PS-tricks source
\psset{linecolor=blue, linewidth=.5pt, arrowsize=2pt 4}
\newrgbcolor{yellow}{.8 .82 .86}
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\psdots[dotstyle=*, dotscale=1.0000](0.5000,0.8660)
\psdots[dotstyle=*, dotscale=1.0000](0.0000,1.0000)
\psdots[dotstyle=*, dotscale=1.0000](-0.5000,0.8660)
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\psdots[dotstyle=*, dotscale=1.0000](-0.8660,0.5000)
\psdots[dotstyle=*, dotscale=1.0000](-1.0000,0.0000)
\psdots[dotstyle=*, dotscale=1.0000](-0.8660,-0.5000)
\psdots[dotstyle=*, dotscale=1.0000](-0.7071,-0.7071)
\psdots[dotstyle=*, dotscale=1.0000](-0.5000,-0.8660)
\psdots[dotstyle=*, dotscale=1.0000](-0.0000,-1.0000)
\psdots[dotstyle=*, dotscale=1.0000](0.5000,-0.8660)
\psdots[dotstyle=*, dotscale=1.0000](0.7071,-0.7071)
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\uput{0.3000}[30.0000](0.8660,0.5000){\rput{30}{$\big(\!{\sqrt 5 \over 3},{1 \over 2}\big)$))
\uput{0.3500}[45.0000](0.7071,0.7071){\rput{45}{$\big(\!{\sqrt 2 \over 2},\!{\sqrt 2 \over 2}\big)$))
\uput{0.3000}[60.0000](0.5000,0.8660){\rput{60}{$\big({1 \over 2},\!{\sqrt 3 \over 2}\big)$))
\uput{0.3500}[120.0000](-0.5000,0.8660){\rput{300}{$\big(\!{-1 \over 2},\!{\sqrt 3 \over 2}\big)$))
\uput{0.4000}[135.0000](-0.7071,0.7071){\rput{315}{$\big(\!{-\sqrt 2 \over 2},\!{\sqrt 2 \over 2}\big)$))
\uput{0.3500}[150.0000](-0.8660,0.5000){\rput{330}{$\big(\!{-\sqrt 3 \over 2},\!{1 \over 2}\big)$))
\uput{0.4000}[210.0000](-0.8660,-0.5000){\rput{30}{$\big(\!{-\sqrt 3 \over 2},\!{-1 \over 2}\big)$))
\uput{0.4500}[225.0000](-0.7071,-0.7071){\rput{45}{$\big(\!{-\sqrt 2 \over 2},\!{-\sqrt 2 \over 2}\big)$))
\uput{0.4000}[240.0000](-0.5000,-0.8660){\rput{60}{$\big(\!{-1 \over 2},\!{-\sqrt 3 \over 2}\big)$))
\uput{0.3500}[305.0000](0.5000,-0.8660){\rput{300}{$\big({1 \over 2},\!{-\sqrt 3 \over 2}\big)$))
\uput{0.4000}[315.0000](0.7071,-0.7071){\rput{315}{$\big(\!{\sqrt 2 \over 2},\!{-\sqrt 2 \over 2}\big)$))
\uput{0.3500}[330.0000](0.8660,-0.5000){\rput{330}{$\big(\!{\sqrt 3 \over 2},\!{-1 \over 2}\big)$))
\uput{0.1400}[215.0000](0.8660,0.5000){\rput{30}{\scalebox{1}{$\pi \over 6$))}
\uput{0.1400}[230.0000](0.7071,0.7071){\rput{45}{\scalebox{1}{$\pi \over 4$))}
\uput{0.1400}[245.0000](0.5000,0.8660){\rput{60}{\scalebox{1}{$\pi \over 3$))}
\uput{0.0800}[292.0000](0.0000,1.0000){\scalebox{1}{$\pi \over 2$))
\uput{0.1600}[300.0000](-0.5000,0.8660){\rput{300}{\scalebox{1}{$2\pi \over 3$))}
\uput{0.1600}[315.0000](-0.7071,0.7071){\rput{315}{\scalebox{1}{$3\pi \over 4$))}
\uput{0.1600}[330.0000](-0.8660,0.5000){\rput{330}{\scalebox{1}{$5\pi \over 6$))}
\uput{0.1700}[30.0000](-0.8660,-0.5000){\rput{30}{\scalebox{1}{$7\pi \over 6$))}
\uput{0.1700}[45.0000](-0.7071,-0.7071){\rput{45}{\scalebox{1}{$5\pi \over 4$))}
\uput{0.1700}[60.0000](-0.5000,-0.8660){\rput{60}{\scalebox{1}{$4\pi \over 3$))}
\uput{0.0600}[59.0000](-0.0000,-1.0000){\scalebox{1}{$3\pi \over 2$))
\uput{0.1600}[120.0000](0.5000,-0.8660){\rput{300}{\scalebox{1}{$5\pi \over 3$))}
\uput{0.1600}[135.0000](0.7071,-0.7071){\rput{315}{\scalebox{1}{$7\pi \over 4$))}
\uput{0.1600}[150.0000](0.8660,-0.5000){\rput{330}{\scalebox{1}{$11\pi \over 6$))}
  1. Create EPS
    $ euk2eps Unit_circle_angles.euk
  2. Outline fonts
    $ eps2eps -dNOCACHE Unit_circle_angles.eps Unit_circle_angles2.eps
  3. Fix bounding box
    $ ps2epsi Unit_circle_angles2.eps Unit_circle_angles.eps
  4. Convert to Sketch
    $ pstoedit -f sk Unit_circle_angles.eps
  5. Convert to SVG
    $ skconvert Unit_circle_angles.svg
  6. Fix Unit_circle_angles.svg with Inkscape


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Historie souboru

Kliknutím na datum a čas se zobrazí tehdejší verze souboru.

Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná4. 3. 2011, 21:33Náhled verze z 4. 3. 2011, 21:33720 × 720 (238 KB)TryphonValid SVG.
9. 3. 2006, 14:57Náhled verze z 9. 3. 2006, 14:57720 × 720 (238 KB)Gustavbtiny adjustments
9. 3. 2006, 14:39Náhled verze z 9. 3. 2006, 14:39720 × 720 (245 KB)Gustavbsome small adjustments
22. 2. 2006, 13:31Náhled verze z 22. 2. 2006, 13:31720 × 720 (253 KB)GustavbBetter svg conversion.
18. 2. 2006, 05:32Náhled verze z 18. 2. 2006, 05:32720 × 720 (472 KB)Gustavb== Summary == Angles and values on the Unit circle. Created by Gustavb using [ Eukleides]. == Licensing == ((GFDL-self)) == Source == === Unit_circle_angles.euk (Eukleides source) === <pre> box(-1.65, -1.65,

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{{bottomLinkPreText}} {{bottomLinkText}}
Soubor:Unit circle angles.svg
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