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--[[--------------------------< P A R A M E T E R S   N O T   S U P P O R T E D >------------------------------

This is a list of parameters that once were but now are no longer supported:

	['albumlink'] = nil,			-- unique alias of titlelink used by old cite AV media notes
	['albumtype'] = nil,			-- controled inappropriate functionality in the old cite AV media notes
	['artist'] = nil,				-- unique alias of others used by old cite AV media notes
	['ARXIV'] = nil,				-- not an initialization
	['Author'] = nil,				-- non-standard capitalization
	['authorformat'] = nil,			-- primarily used to support Vancouver format which functionality now part of name-list-format
	['author-format'] = nil,		-- primarily used to support Vancouver format which functionality now part of name-list-format
	['author-name-separator'] = nil,-- primarily used to support Vancouver format which functionality now part of name-list-format
	['author-separator'] = nil,		-- primarily used to support Vancouver format which functionality now part of name-list-format
	['began'] = nil,				-- module handles date ranges; cite episode and cite series
	['BIBCODE'] = nil,				-- not an initialization
	['callsign'] = nil,				-- cite interview removed
	['call-sign'] = nil,			-- cite interview removed
	['chapterlink'] = nil,			-- if ever necessary to link to a chapter article, |chapter= can be wikilinked 
	['chapter-link'] = nil,			-- 
	['city'] = nil,					-- cite interview removed
	['coauthor'] = nil,				-- redundant to |authorn=; not made part of metadata
	['coauthors'] = nil,			-- redundant to |authorn=; not made part of metadata
	['cointerviewers'] = nil,		-- unique alias of others used by old cite interview
	['day'] = nil,					-- deprecated in ((citation/core)) and somehow undeprecated in Module:Citation/CS1 and now finally removed
	['director'] = nil,				-- unique alias of author used by old cite DVD-notes
	['doi_brokendate'] = nil,                  -- alias of doi-broken-date
	['doi_inactivedate'] = nil,                  -- alias of doi-inactive-date
	['DoiBroken'] = nil,			-- not used, non-standard captialization
	['Editor'] = nil,				-- non-standard capitalization
	['editorformat'] = nil,			-- primarily used to support Vancouver format which functionality now part of name-list-format
	['EditorSurname'] = nil,		-- non-standard capitalization
	['editor-format'] = nil,		-- primarily used to support Vancouver format which functionality now part of name-list-format
	['EditorGiven'] = nil,			-- non-standard capitalization
	['editor-name-separator'] = nil,-- primarily used to support Vancouver format which functionality now part of name-list-format
	['editor-separator'] = nil,		-- primarily used to support Vancouver format which functionality now part of name-list-format
	['Embargo'] = nil,				-- not used, non-standard capitalization
	['ended'] = nil,				-- module handles date ranges; cite episode and cite series
	['month'] = nil,				-- functionality supported by |date=
	['name-separator'] = nil,		-- primarily used to support Vancouver format which functionality now part of name-list-format
	['notestitle'] = nil,			-- unique alias of chapter used by old cite AV media notes
	['PPrefix'] = nil,				-- non-standard capitalization
	['PPPrefix'] = nil,				-- not used, non-standard capitalization
	['pp-prefix'] = nil,			-- not used, not documented
	['p-prefix'] = nil,				-- not used, not documented
	['program'] = nil,				-- cite interview removed
	['publisherid'] = nil,			-- unique alias of id used by old cite AV media notes and old cite DVD-notes
	['Ref'] = nil,					-- non-standard capitalization
	['separator'] = nil,			-- this functionality now provided by |mode=
	['template doc demo'] = nil,            -- alias of template doc demo
	['titleyear'] = nil,			-- unique alias of origyear used by old cite DVD-notes
	['trans_chapter'] = nil,                -- alias of trans-chapter
	['trans_title'] = nil,                  -- alias of trans-title

	['Author#'] = nil,				-- non-standard capitalization
	['authors#'] = nil,				-- no need for multiple lists of author names
	['Editor#'] = nil,				-- non-standard capitalization
	['editors#'] = nil,				-- no need for multiple lists of editor names
	['EditorGiven#'] = nil,			-- non-standard capitalization
	['EditorSurname#'] = nil,		-- non-standard capitalization


--[[--------------------------< S U P P O R T E D   P A R A M E T E R S >--------------------------------------

Because a steady-state signal conveys no useful information, whitelist.basic_arguments[] list items can have three values:
	true - these parameters are valid and supported parameters
	false - these parameters are deprecated but still supported
	nil - these parameters are no longer supported (when setting a parameter to nil, leave a comment stating the reasons for invalidating the parameter)

local whitelist = {}

local basic_arguments = {
	['accessdate'] = true,
	['সংগ্রহেরতারিখ'] = true,
	['access-date'] = true,
	['সংগ্রহের-তারিখ'] = true,
	['agency'] = true,
	['এজেন্সি'] = true,
	['সংস্থা'] = true,
	['airdate'] = true,
	['প্রচারেরতারিখ'] = true,
	['air-date'] = true,
	['প্রচারের-তারিখ'] = true,
	['archivedate'] = true,
	['আর্কাইভেরতারিখ'] = true,
	['archive-date'] = true,
	['আর্কাইভের-তারিখ'] = true,
	['archive-format'] = true,
	['আর্কাইভের-বিন্যাস'] = true,
	['archiveurl'] = true,
	['আর্কাইভেরইউআরএল'] = true,
	['archive-url'] = true,
	['আর্কাইভের-ইউআরএল'] = true,
	['article'] = true,
	['নিবন্ধ'] = true,
	['arxiv'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['asin'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['ASIN'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['asin-tld'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['ASIN-TLD'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['at'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['author'] = true,
	['লেখক'] = true,
	['author-first'] = true,
	['লেখক-প্রথমাংশ'] = true,
	['author-last'] = true,
	['লেখক-শেষাংশ'] = true,
	['authorlink'] = true,
	['লেখকসংযোগ'] = true,
	['author-link'] = true,
	['লেখক-সংযোগ'] = true,
	['authormask'] = true,
	['লেখকছদ্মনাম'] = true,
	['author-mask'] = true,
	['লেখক-ছদ্মনাম'] = true,
	['authors'] = true,
	['লেখকগণ'] = true,
	['bibcode'] = true,
	['বিবকোড'] = true,
	['bibcode-access'] = true,
	['বিবকোড-সংগ্রহ'] = true,
	['biorxiv'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['booktitle'] = true,
	['বইয়েরশিরোনাম'] = true,
	['book-title'] = true,
	['বইয়ের-শিরোনাম'] = true,
	['cartography'] = true,
	['মানচিত্রাঙ্কন'] = true,
	['chapter'] = true,
	['অধ্যায়'] = true,
	['chapter-format'] = true,
	['অধ্যায়ের-বিন্যাস'] = true,
	['chapterurl'] = true,
	['অধ্যায়েরইউআরএল'] = true,
	['chapter-url'] = true,
	['অধ্যায়ের-ইউআরএল'] = true,
	['chapter-url-access'] = true,
	['অধ্যায়ের-ইউআরএল-সংগ্রহ'] = true,
	['citeseerx'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['class'] = true,				-- cite arxiv and arxiv identifiers
	['শ্রেণী'] = true,
	['ক্লাস'] = true,
	['collaboration'] = true,
	['সহযোগিতা'] = true,
	['conference'] = true,
	['সম্মেলন'] = true,
	['conference-format'] = true,
	['সম্মেলনের-বিন্যাস'] = true,
	['conferenceurl'] = true,
	['সম্মেলনেরইউআরএল'] = true,
	['conference-url'] = true,
	['সম্মেলনের-ইউআরএল'] = true,
	['contribution'] = true,
	['অবদান'] = true,
	['contribution-format'] = true,
	['অবদানের-বিন্যাস'] = true,
	['contributionurl'] = true,
	['অবদানেরইউআরএল'] = true,
	['contribution-url'] = true,
	['অবদানের-ইউআরএল'] = true,
	['contributor'] = true,
	['অবদানকারী'] = true,
	['contributor-first'] = true,
	['অবদানকারী-প্রথমাংশ'] = true,
	['contributor-last'] = true,
	['অবদানকারী-শেষাংশ'] = true,
	['contributor-given'] = true,
	['অবদানকারী-প্রদত্ত'] = true,
	['contributor-surname'] = true,
	['অবদানকারী-বংশনাম'] = true,
	['contributor-link'] = true,
	['অবদানকারী-সংযোগ'] = true,
	['contributor-mask'] = true,
	['অবদানকারী-ছদ্মনাম'] = true,
	['credits'] = true,				-- cite episode, cite serial
	['কৃতিত্ব'] = true,
	['date'] = true,
	['তারিখ'] = true,
	['deadurl'] = true,
	['অকার্যকরইউআরএল'] = true,
	['dead-url'] = true,
	['অকার্যকর-ইউআরএল'] = true,
	['degree'] = true,
	['ডিগ্রি'] = true,
	['department'] = true,
	['বিভাগ'] = true,
	['df'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['dictionary'] = true,
	['অভিধান'] = true,
	['displayauthors'] = true,
	['লেখকপ্রদর্শন'] = true,
	['display-authors'] = true,
	['লেখক-প্রদর্শন'] = true,
	['displayeditors'] = true,
	['সম্পাদকপ্রদর্শন'] = true,
	['display-editors'] = true,
	['সম্পাদক-প্রদর্শন'] = true,
	['docket'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['doi'] = true,
	['ডিওআই'] = true,
	['DOI'] = true,
	['doi-access'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['doi-broken'] = true,
	['ডিওআই-ভাঙ্গা'] = true,
	['doi-broken-date'] = true,
	['ডিওআই-ভাঙ্গার-তারিখ'] = true,
	['doi-inactive-date'] = true,
	['ডিওআই-নিষ্ক্রিয়র-তারিখ'] = true,
	['edition'] = true,
	['সংস্করণ'] = true,
	['editor'] = true,
	['সম্পাদক'] = true,
	['editor-first'] = true,
	['সম্পাদক-প্রথমাংশ'] = true,
	['editor-given'] = true,
	['সম্পাদক-প্রদত্ত'] = true,
	['editor-last'] = true,
	['সম্পাদক-শেষাংশ'] = true,
	['editorlink'] = true,
	['সম্পাদকসংযোগ'] = true,
	['editor-link'] = true,
	['সম্পাদক-সংযোগ'] = true,
	['editormask'] = true,
	['সম্পাদকছদ্মনাম'] = true,
	['editor-mask'] = true,
	['সম্পাদক-ছদ্মনাম'] = true,
	['editors'] = true,
	['সম্পাদকগণ'] = true,
	['editor-surname'] = true,
	['সম্পাদক-বংশনাম'] = true,
	['eissn'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['EISSN'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['embargo'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['encyclopaedia'] = true,
	['বিশ্বকোষ'] = true,
	['encyclopedia'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['entry'] = true,
	['ভুক্তি'] = true,
	['episode'] = true,															-- cite serial only TODO: make available to cite episode?
	['পর্ব'] = true,
	['episodelink'] = true,														-- cite episode and cite serial
	['পর্বেরসংযোগ'] = true,
	['episode-link'] = true,													-- cite episode and cite serial
	['পর্বেরসংযোগ'] = true,
	['eprint'] = true,															-- cite arxiv and arxiv identifiers
	['ইমুদ্রণ'] = true,
	['event'] = true,
	['ইভেন্ট'] = true,
	['event-format'] = true,
	['ইভেন্টের-বিন্যাস'] = true,
	['eventurl'] = true,
	['ইভেন্টেরইউআরএল'] = true,
	['event-url'] = true,
	['ইভেন্টের-ইউআরএল'] = true,
	['first'] = true,
	['প্রথমাংশ'] = true,
	['প্রথম'] = true,
	['format'] = true,
	['বিন্যাস'] = true,
	['given'] = true,
	['প্রদত্ত'] = true,
	['hdl'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['HDL'] = true,
	['hdl-access'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['host'] = true,
	['উপস্থাপক'] = true,
	['id'] = true,
	['আইডি'] = true,
	['ID'] = true,
	['ignoreisbnerror'] = true,
	['আইএসবিএনত্রুটিউপেক্ষাকরুন'] = true,
	['ignore-isbn-error'] = true,
	['আইএসবিএন-ত্রুটি-উপেক্ষা-করুন'] = true,
	['in'] = false,
	['inset'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['institution'] = true,
	['প্রতিষ্ঠান'] = true,
	['interviewer'] = true,
	['সাক্ষাৎকারগ্রাহক'] = true,
	['interviewer-first'] = true,
	['সাক্ষাৎকারগ্রাহক-প্রথমাংশ'] = true,
	['interviewer-last'] = true,
	['সাক্ষাৎকারগ্রাহক-শেষাংশ'] = true,
	['interviewerlink'] = true,
	['সাক্ষাৎকারগ্রাহকসংযোগ'] = true,
	['interviewer-link'] = true,
	['সাক্ষাৎকারগ্রাহক-সংযোগ'] = true,
	['interviewermask'] = true,
	['সাক্ষাৎকারগ্রাহকছদ্মনাম'] = true,
	['interviewer-mask'] = true,
	['সাক্ষাৎকারগ্রাহক-ছদ্মনাম'] = true,
	['interviewers'] = true,
	['সাক্ষাৎকারগ্রাহকগণ'] = true,
	['isbn'] = true,
	['আইএসবিএন'] = true,
	['ISBN'] = true,
	['isbn13'] = true,
	['ISBN13'] = true,
	['ismn'] = true,
	['ISMN'] = true,
	['issn'] = true,
	['ISSN'] = true,
	['issue'] = true,
	['সংখ্যা নং'] = true,
	['সংখ্যা-নং'] = true,
	['jfm'] = true,
	['জেএফএম'] = true,
	['JFM'] = true,
	['journal'] = true,
	['সাময়িকী'] = true,
	['jstor'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['JSTOR'] = true,
	['jstor-access'] = true,
	['lang'] = true,
	['language'] = true,
	['ভাষা'] = true,
	['last'] = true,
	['শেষাংশ'] = true,
	['শেষ'] = true,
	['lastauthoramp'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['last-author-amp'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['laydate'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['lay-date'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['laysource'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['lay-source'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['laysummary'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['lay-summary'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['lay-format'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['layurl'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['lay-url'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['lccn'] = true,
	['এলসিসিএন'] = true,
	['LCCN'] = true,
	['location'] = true,
	['অবস্থান'] = true,
	['magazine'] = true,
	['ম্যাগাজিন'] = true,
	['mailinglist'] = true,				-- cite mailing list only
	['মেইলিংতালিকা'] = true,
	['mailing-list'] = true,			-- cite mailing list only
	['মেইলিং-তালিকা'] = true,
	['map'] = true,						-- cite map only
	['মানচিত্র'] = true,
	['map-format'] = true,				-- cite map only
	['মানচিত্রের-বিন্যাস'] = true,
	['mapurl'] = true,					-- cite map only
	['মানচিত্রেরইউআরএল'] = true,
	['map-url'] = true,					-- cite map only
	['মানচিত্রের-ইউআরএল'] = true,
	['medium'] = true,
	['message-id'] = true,			-- cite newsgroup
	['বার্তা-আইডি'] = true,
	['minutes'] = true,
	['মিনিট'] = true,
	['mode'] = true,
	['মোড'] = true,
	['mr'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['MR'] = true,
	['name-list-format'] = true,
	['নামের-তালিকার-বিন্যাস'] = true,
	['network'] = true,
	['নেটওয়ার্ক'] = true,
	['newsgroup'] = true,
	['সংবাদগোষ্ঠী'] = true,
	['newspaper'] = true,
	['সংবাদপত্র'] = true,
	['nocat'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['no-cat'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['nopp'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['no-pp'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['notracking'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['no-tracking'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['number'] = true,
	['নম্বর'] = true,
	['oclc'] = true,
	['ওসিএলসি'] =true,
--	[''] = true,
	['OCLC'] = true,
	['ol'] = true,
	['ওএল'] = true,
	['OL'] = true,
	['ol-access'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['origyear'] = true,
	['প্রকৃতবছর'] = true,
	['orig-year'] = true,
	['প্রকৃত-বছর'] = true,
	['osti'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['OSTI'] = true,
	['osti-access'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['others'] = true,
	['অন্যান্য'] = true,
	['p'] = true,
	['page'] = true,
	['পাতা'] = true,
	['পৃষ্ঠা'] = true,
	['pages'] = true,
	['পাতাসমূহ'] = true,
	['পৃষ্ঠাসমূহ'] = true,
	['people'] = true,
	['ব্যক্তি'] = true,
	['periodical'] = true,
	['সাময়িকপত্র'] = true,
	['place'] = true,
	['স্থান'] = true,
	['pmc'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['PMC'] = true,
	['pmid'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['PMID'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['postscript'] = true,
	['পুনশ্চ'] = true,
	['pp'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['publicationdate'] = true,
	['প্রকাশনারতারিখ'] = true,
	['publication-date'] = true,
	['প্রকাশনার-তারিখ'] = true,
	['publicationplace'] = true,
	['প্রকাশনারস্থান'] = true,
	['publication-place'] = true,
	['প্রকাশনার-স্থান'] = true,
	['publisher'] = true,
	['প্রকাশক'] = true,
	['quotation'] = true,
	['উদ্ধৃতকরণ'] = true,
	['quote'] = true,
	['উক্তি'] = true,
	['ref'] = true,
	['সূত্র'] = true,
	['registration'] = true,
	['নিবন্ধন'] = true,
	['rfc'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['RFC'] = true,
	['scale'] = true,
	['স্কেল'] = true,
	['script-chapter'] = true,
	['লিপির-অধ্যায়'] = true,
	['script-title'] = true,
	['লিপির-শিরোনাম'] = true,
	['season'] = true,
	['মৌসুম'] = true,
	['section'] = true,
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--[[--------------------------< C I T E   A R X I V   S U P P O R T E D   P A R A M E T E R S >----------------

This is an experiment that attempts to use validate() and a limited list of valid parameters to validate the
parameters provided in a cite arxiv template.  This method might be expanded to other templates being considered.

Because a steady-state signal conveys no useful information, whitelist.basic_arguments[] list items can have three values:
	true - these parameters are valid and supported parameters
	false - these parameters are deprecated but still supported
	nil - these parameters are no longer supported (when setting a parameter to nil, leave a comment stating the reasons for invalidating the parameter)

This is a list of parameters that once were but now are no longer supported:
	['ARXIV'] = nil,				-- not an initialization
	['version'] = nil,				-- this is the cite arxiv parameter; |version= still supported by other cs1|2 templates


local arxiv_basic_arguments = {
	['arxiv'] = true,
	['class'] = true,															-- cite arxiv and arxiv identifiers
	['eprint'] = true,															-- cite arxiv and arxiv identifiers

--[[--------------------------< C I T E   B I O R X I V   S U P P O R T E D   P A R A M E T E R S >------------

This is an experiment that attempts to use validate() and a limited list of valid parameters to validate the
parameters provided in a cite biorxiv template.  This method might be expanded to other templates being considered.

Because a steady-state signal conveys no useful information, whitelist.basic_arguments[] list items can have three values:
	true - these parameters are valid and supported parameters
	false - these parameters are deprecated but still supported
	nil - these parameters are no longer supported (when setting a parameter to nil, leave a comment stating the reasons for invalidating the parameter)

local biorxiv_basic_arguments = {
	['biorxiv'] = true,
--	[''] = true,

--[[--------------------------< C I T E   C I T E S E E R X   S U P P O R T E D   P A R A M E T E R S >--------

This is an experiment that attempts to use validate() and a limited list of valid parameters to validate the
parameters provided in a cite citeseerx template.  This method might be expanded to other templates being considered.

Because a steady-state signal conveys no useful information, whitelist.basic_arguments[] list items can have three values:
	true - these parameters are valid and supported parameters
	false - these parameters are deprecated but still supported
	nil - these parameters are no longer supported (when setting a parameter to nil, leave a comment stating the reasons for invalidating the parameter)

local citeseerx_basic_arguments = {
	['citeseerx'] = true,
--	[''] = true,

--[[--------------------------< L I M I T E D   S U P P O R T E D   P A R A M E T E R S >----------------------

This is an experiment that attempts to use validate() and a limited list of valid parameters to validate the
parameters provided in a cite arxiv, cite biorxiv, or cite citeseerx templates.  These parameters are common to
all three templates

Because a steady-state signal conveys no useful information, whitelist.basic_arguments[] list items can have three values:
	true - these parameters are valid and supported parameters
	false - these parameters are deprecated but still supported
	nil - these parameters are no longer supported (when setting a parameter to nil, leave a comment stating the reasons for invalidating the parameter)

local limited_basic_arguments = {
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--	[''] = true,
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	['লেখক'] = true,
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	['লেখক-প্রথমাংশ'] = true,
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	['author-mask'] = true,
	['লেখক-ছদ্মনাম'] = true,
	['authors'] = true,
	['লেখকগণ'] = true,
	['collaboration'] = true,
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	['date'] = true,
	['তারিখ'] = true,
	['df'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
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	['ভাষা'] = true,
	['last'] = true,
	['শেষাংশ'] = true,
	['শেষ'] = true,
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--	[''] = true,
	['last-author-amp'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
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	['মোড'] = true,
	['name-list-format'] = true,
	['নামের-তালিকার-বিন্যাস'] = true,
	['nocat'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['no-cat'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
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--	[''] = true,
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--	[''] = true,
	['p'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
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	['postscript'] = true,
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	['pp'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['quotation'] = true,
	['উদ্ধৃতকরণ'] = true,
	['quote'] = true,
	['উক্তি'] = true,
	['ref'] = true,
	['সূত্র'] = true,
	['surname'] = true,
	['বংশনাম'] = true,
	['template-doc-demo'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['title'] = true,
	['শিরোনাম'] = true,
	['url'] = true,
	['URL'] = true,
	['ইউআরএল'] = true,
	['vauthors'] = true,
--	[''] = true,
	['year'] = true,
	['বছর'] = true,
local limited_numbered_arguments = {
	['author#'] = true,
	['লেখক#'] = true,
	['author-first#'] = true,
	['লেখক-প্রথমাংশ#'] = true,
	['author#-first'] = true,
	['লেখক#-প্রথমাংশ'] = true,
	['author-last#'] = true,
	['লেখক-শেষাংশ#'] = true,
	['author#-last'] = true,
	['লেখক#-শেষাংশ'] = true,
	['author-link#'] = true,
	['লেখক-সংযোগ#'] = true,
	['author#link'] = true,
	['লেখক#সংযোগ'] = true,
	['author#-link'] = true,
	['লেখক#-সংযোগ'] = true,
	['authorlink#'] = true,
	['লেখকসংযোগ#'] = true,
	['author-mask#'] = true,
	['লেখক-ছদ্মনাম#'] = true,
	['author#mask'] = true,
	['লেখক#ছদ্মনাম'] = true,
	['author#-mask'] = true,
	['লেখক#-ছদ্মনাম'] = true,
	['authormask#'] = true,
	['লেখকছদ্মনাম#'] = true,
	['first#'] = true,
	['প্রথমাংশ#'] = true,
	['প্রথম#'] = true,
	['given#'] = true,
	['প্রদত্ত#'] = true,
	['last#'] = true,
	['শেষাংশ#'] = true,
	['শেষ#'] = true,
	['surname#'] = true,
	['বংশনাম'] = true,

return {
	basic_arguments = basic_arguments,
	numbered_arguments = numbered_arguments,
	limited_basic_arguments = limited_basic_arguments,
	limited_numbered_arguments = limited_numbered_arguments,
	arxiv_basic_arguments = arxiv_basic_arguments,
	biorxiv_basic_arguments = biorxiv_basic_arguments,
	citeseerx_basic_arguments = citeseerx_basic_arguments
{{bottomLinkPreText}} {{bottomLinkText}}
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