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Membres de la Société royale du Canada, par ordre alphabétique W

Nom Année Occupation
Stephen Waddams 1988
Mark Wainberg 2000
Peter Waite 1972
Alan Walker[Lequel ?] 1984
Gordon Walker 1975
Roger Walker 1981
Elisabeth Wallace 1971
Philip Wallace 1973
Jean-Pierre Wallot 1978
John Walsh[Lequel ?] 1982
Carl Walters 1998
Jerry Wang 1984
Lawrence Wang 1993
David Ward 1991
Rabab Ward 1999
Norman Wardlaw 1998
John Warkentin 1982
Roderick Wasylishen 1998
David Waterhouse 1990
Donovan Waters 1982
James Watson 1990
Ronald Watts 1997
Danial Wayner 2002
Christopher Webster 1996
Jill Webster 1991
Paul Weiler 1990
Ernest Weinrib 1993
Alfred Weiss 1998
Dimitri Weiss 1994
William Wellington 1980
Janet Werker 2001
Gordon West 2003
John Wevers 1976
John Whalley 1986
John Wheeler 1969
Douglas Whelpdale 1991
Ian Whishaw 1998
Rennie Whitehead 1973
James Whitfield 1999
Kenneth Whitham 1969
Gordon Whitmore 1972
Anne Whyte 1987
G Wickens 1965
Frank Wightman 1984
Andrew Wiles 2000
David Wiles 1983
G Williams 1978
Harold Williams 1972
Sharon Williams 1993
Willy Williams-Jones 2004
John Willinsky 2000
Douglas Willms 2005
Bertha Wilson 1991
Catherine Wilson 2000
Fred Wilson 1994
H Wilson 1960
Margo Wilson 1998
Milton Wilson 1977
Thomas Wilson 1980
Gilbert Winham 1994
Mitchell Winnik 1996
Mark Winston 2003
Roy Wise 1997
Sydney Wise 1983
Sandra Witelson 1996
Stephen Withers 2002
Curt Wittlin 1988
H Wolfart 1995
Saul Wolfe 1983
Robert Wolkow 2000
William Wonders 1979
Chi Wong 1999
Roderick Wong 1993
Murray Wonham 1988
Ronald Wonnacott 1983
Christopher Wood[Lequel ?] 2003
Ellen Wood 1996
James Woodgett 2000
David Woods 1982
Edward Woods 1987
John Woods 1990
Alexander Woodside 1990
Arch Woodside 2000
Keith Worsley 2003
Michael Wortis 1997
Ronald Worton 1990
Ke Wu 2005
James Wuest 1996
Gerard Wyatt 1981
Paul Wyczynski 1969
Hugh Wynne-Edwards 1969
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Membres de la Société royale du Canada, par ordre alphabétique W
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