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Membres de la Société royale du Canada, par ordre alphabétique S

Nom Année Occupation
Louis Sabourin 1977
David Sackett 1992
Ann Saddlemyer 1976
Alexandre Sadetsky 2003
Edward Safarian 1973
Bernard Saint-Jacques 1983
Fernande Saint-Martin 1982
Céline Saint-Pierre 1989
Dennis Salahub 1998
Andre Salama 2001
Martha Salcudean 1994
Michael Salter 2005
R Salter 1992
Robert B. Salter 1979
Indira Samarasekera 1998
Richard Sandbrook 1984
Camille Sandorfy 1967
Joan Sangster 2003
David Sankoff 1995
Bishnu Sanwal 1979
Rolf Sattler 1982
John Ralston Saul 2004
Shelley Saunders 2001
Stuart Savage 1993
Donald Savoie 1992
Roger Savory 1972
George Sawatzky 2002
Derek Sayer 1994
Michael Sayer 1992
Robert Scagel 1964
Juan Scaiano 1985
Harry Schachter 1995
Theodore Schaefer 1973
Martin Schechter 2004
John Scheffer 2002
Peter Schiller 1991
David Schindler 1983
Benjamin Schlesinger 1993
Dolph Schluter 2001
William Schneider 1951
Morris Schnitzer 1991
R Schoeck 1967
Henry Schogt 1977
John Schrader 2003
Gary Schrobilgen 1999
Elisabeth Schulze-Busacker 2000
Henry Schwarcz 1984
Stephen Scobie 1995
Anthony Scott 1969
Steven Scott 1986
William Scott 1983
Charles Scriver 1973
Geoffrey Scudder 1975
Adel Sedra 2003
Philip Seeman 1985
Michael Sefton 2005
Normand Séguin 1990
Alec Sehon 1969
Nabil Seidah 1992
Peter Seixas 2004
Bruce Sells 1982
Gordon Semenoff 2000
Barry Sessle 1996
Suresh Sethi 1994
George Setterfield 1976
Robert Sévigny 1988
Lotfollah Shafai 1998
Robert Sharpe 1991
Maya Shatzmiller 2003
David Shaw 1985
Edgar Shaw 1975
Joseph Shaw 1993
Michael Shaw 1962
William Shea 1989
Leonard Shebeski 1968
Rose Sheinin 1981
Ben-Zion Shek 2002
Leslie Shemilt 1985
Susan Sherwin 1999
Nancy Sherwood 1990
Barbara Sherwood Lollar 2004
Edward Shorter 1995
Eric Shoubridge 2004
David Shugar 1999
Willem Siebrand 1980
Shepard Siegel 1991
Israel Sigal 1993
Cyril Simard 1996
Jean Simard 1995
René Simard 1990
Richard Simeon 2004
Louis Siminovitch 1965
John Simpson 1987
Claudine Simson 2002
Anthony Sinclair 1996
David Sinclair 2003
Pekka Sinervo 1999
Bhagirath Singh 2004
John Sipe 2005
Ernest Sirluck 1967
Antoine Sirois 1993
Jacob Sivak 2002
Emil Skamene 1997
Josef Skvorecky 1984
Gordon Slade 2000
Brian Slattery 1995
John Slykhuis 1975
B Smallman 1968
Patricia Smart 1991
Vaclav Smil 1997
Lawrence Smillie 1979
Charles Smith 1964
Daniel Smith 2004
David E. Smith 1981
David W. Smith 1997
Dennis Smith 1991
Ian Smith 1977
Leslie Smith 1998
Philip Smith 1978
John Smol 1996
Victor Snaith 1986
Robert Snider 1977
Victor Snieckus 1993
Terrance Snutch 2001
Marla Sokolowski 1998
Donald Solitar 1982
Samuel Solomon 1974
Christopher Somerville 1993
Margaret Somerville 1991
Sorin Sonea 1975
Nahum Sonenberg 1992
Theodore Sourkes 1971
Francis Sparshott 1977
John Spencer 1985
Mary Spencer 1976
Ian Spenser 1980
David Sprott 1975
Donald Sprung 1980
Peter St George-Hyslop 2002
David Staines 2005
Denis Stairs 1979
Kenneth Standing 2004
Colin Stearn 1966
Robert Stebbins 1999
Ian Steele 1998
Taylor Steeves 1971
Nico Stehr 1985
Charles Stelck 1961
Douglas Stephan 2005
Mircea Steriade 1994
Alec Stewart 1970
Cameron Stewart 1989
Jane Stewart 1996
Pamela Stewart 1987
Ross Stewart 1971
Boris Stoicheff 1969
Kenneth Storey 1990
J Stothers 1976
David Strangway 1974
David Strong 1982
Maurice Strong 1987
Veronica Strong-Boag 2001
Basil Stuart-Stubbs 1984
Donald Stuss 2004
Edward Sudicky 2005
Peter Suedfeld 1988
Ching Suen 1995
Hans-Dieter Sues 2003
Rosemary Sullivan 2004
Shirley Sullivan 2003
Wayne Sumner 1990
Sharon Sutherland 1995
Darko Suvin 1986
Eric Svensson 1996
Bryan Sykes 1986
Guy Sylvestre 1951
Thomas Symons 1977
Denis Szabo 1973
George Szanto 1988
Emoke Szathma'ry 2005
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Membres de la Société royale du Canada, par ordre alphabétique S
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