Membres de la Société royale du Canada, par ordre alphabétique P
Nom | Année | Occupation |
Arsenio Pacheco-Ransanz | 1981 | |
Marian Packham | 1991 | |
Norman Page | 1982 | |
Michael Paidoussis | 1986 | |
Robert Paine | 1978 | |
Allan Paivio | 1978 | |
Josef Paldus | 1983 | |
Bryan Palmer | 2000 | |
Thomas Pangle | 1996 | |
Leo Panitch | 1994 | |
Gilles Paquet | 1976 | |
Jean-Guy Paquet | 1978 | |
Jean-Marcel Paquette | 1991 | |
Michel Paradis | 1990 | |
Andre Parent | 1994 | |
Roland Parenteau | 1964 | |
Dennis Parkinson | 1983 | |
David Parnas | 1992 | |
Joy Parr | 1992 | |
Timothy Parsons | 1979 | |
Vimla Patel | 1996 | |
Janet Paterson | 2000 | |
Norman Paterson | 1977 | |
Grenfell Patey | 1990 | |
Daniel Pauly | 2003 | |
Vytautas Pavilanis | 1973 | |
Anthony Pawson | 1994 | |
Julien Payne | 1990 | |
Richard Pearson (en) | 1987 | |
Beverley Pearson Murphy | 1989 | |
Thomas Pedersen | 2002 | |
James Peebles | 1987 | |
Georges Pelletier | 1983 | |
Richard Peltier | 1986 | |
Arthur Pelton | 1990 | |
George Pemberton | 2001 | |
David Pendergast | 1992 | |
Terence Penelhum | 1975 | |
Gilles Pépin | 1981 | |
Edwin Perkins | 1988 | |
Arthur Perlin | 1969 | |
Paul Perron | 1995 | |
Malcolm Perry | 1982 | |
Eric Perryman | 1973 | |
Howard Petch | 1966 | |
Richard Peter | 1985 | |
Ernest Peters | 1988 | |
Larry Peterson | 1988 | |
William Petrie | 1950 | |
Donat Pharand | 1982 | |
Richard Pharis | 1988 | |
Anthony Phillips | 1986 | |
John Phillips | 1977 | |
G Pickard | 1965 | |
Edward Piers | 1989 | |
Jean-Guy Pilon | 1968 | |
Maurice Pinard | 1974 | |
B Pinto | 2003 | |
Nicholas Pippenger | 1996 | |
Trevor Platt | 1990 | |
Frank Plummer | 2006 | |
Claude Poirier | 2000 | |
Paul-Hubert Poirier | 1990 | |
John Polanyi | 1966 | |
Shana Poplack | 1998 | |
Arthur Porter | 1970 | |
John Porter | 2005 | |
Barry Posner | 1991 | |
Elton Pounder | 1976 | |
Cranford Pratt | 1972 | |
Alison Prentice | 1998 | |
M Preston | 1961 | |
Raymond Price | 1972 | |
Huw Pritchard | 1979 | |
Gilles Pronovost | 2000 | |
Maurice Ptito | 1997 | |
Richard Puddephatt | 1991 | |
Edwin Pulleyblank | 1980 | |
Gary Purdy | 1991 | |
Ian Putnam | 1999 | |
Lewis Pyenson | 1994 | |
Zenon Pylyshyn | 1997 |
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