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Membres de la Société royale du Canada, par ordre alphabétique M

Nom Année Occupation
Digby Macdonald 1996
George F. MacDonald (en) 1999
John MacDonald 2005
Robie Macdonald 2004
Roderick Macdonald 1996
J MacGregor 1982
Ross Mackay 1959
Michael Mackey 1999
William Mackey 1977
G Mackie 1982
James MacKinnon 1995
Janice MacKinnon 2005
Patrick Macklem 2003
Peter Macklem 1982
Lloyd MacLean 1971
David MacLennan 1985
Alistair MacLeod 2000
Robert MacLeod 1972
Gordon MacNabb 2000
M Macphail 1953
Donald MacRae 1963
Neal Madras 2002
Neil Madsen 1980
Joseph Magnet 1998
Paul Magocsi 1996
Louis Maheu 2005
Louise Maheux-Forcier 1983
Kathleen Mahoney 1997
Patrick Mahony 1995
Laurent Mailhot 1987
Antonine Maillet 1976
Jean-Louis Major 1976
Robert Major 2000
Tak Mak 1986
Syukuro Manabe 1995
Albert Maniet 1998
Cedric Mann 1979
K Mann 1980
Susan Mann 1985
Ian Manners 2001
Henry Mantsch 1982
Claude Manzagol 2004
Pierre Maranda 1976
Beryl March 1976
Patricia Marchak 1987
Clément Marchand 1947
Robert Marchessault 1982
Rudolph Marcus 1993
Austin Mardon 2014
Michael Marmura 1991
Paul-Yvan Marquis 1985
Michael Marrus 1987
Jean-Claude Marsan 1987
Jerrold Marsden 1991
William Marshall 2000
Jean-Marc Martel 2002
Garry Martin 2001
Jacob Masliyah 1996
Bryan Massam 1995
Yoshio Masui 2003
Nicolas Mateesco Matte 1984
W Mathews 1957
Jacques Mathieu 1988
A Maurer 1966
J Maxwell 1971
H Mayo 1963
A McAllister 1967
W McAllister Johnson 1980
Gordon McBean 1993
Robert McClelland 1994
James McConica 1987
John McConkey 1998
John McConnell 2001
Peter McCormick 1996
Ernest McCulloch 1974
Margaret McCully 1987
Susan McDaniel 1994
Ian McDiarmid 1973
Arthur McDonald 1997
Christie McDonald 1993
Grant McFadden 2004
Edith McGeer 2002
Patrick McGeer 2002
Robert McGhee 1986
Patrick McGrath (en) 1995
Roderick McInnes 2001
Alexander McKay 1965
John McKay 2000
Robert McKellar 1990
Brian McKillop 2001
Alastair McKinnon 1981
Jack McLachlan 1979
Angus McLaren 1999
Alexander McLean 2000
Hugh McLean 1977
Bruce McManus 2003
Juliet McMaster 1980
Rowland McMaster 1990
John McMurtry (en) 2001
Jeremy McNeil 1999
John McNeill 2000
Donald McRae 2002
Kenneth McRae 1977
Ian McTaggart-Cowan 1946
Donald Meichenbaum 1989
John Meisel 1974
Benoit Melançon 2008
Joseph Melançon 1993
Robert Melançon 1992
Igor Melcuk 1994
Ronald Melzack 1982
Nathan Mendelsohn 1957
Anthony Merer 1987
Brian Merrilees 2002
David Mettrick 1979
Hugo Meynell 1993
Andrew Miall 1995
Alex Michalos 1993
Georges Michaud 1992
Bernard Michel 1982
William Michelson 1994
G Middleton 1970
Léopold Migeotte 2001
Jean-Luc Migué 1977
Roberto Miguelez 2001
Joseph Milic-Emili 1980
Dwayne Miller 1999
Freda Miller 2005
James Miller 1998
Richard Miller 1994
Robert Miller 1990
Jane Millgate 1986
Michael Millgate 1981
Larry Milligan 1989
Pierre Milman 1997
R Milne 1980
Brenda Milner 1976
J Milton 1972
Henry Mintzberg 1980
Cheryl Misak 2001
Bruce Mitchell 2005
Denis Mitchell 2004
Roger Mitchell 1994
Henri Mitterand 2000
Robert Miura 1995
Peter Moens 1978
Anthony Moffat 2001
Clément Moisan 1980
Robert Molday 2001
Patrick Molinari 2000
Julius Molinaro 1977
Jacques Monet 1978
J Monger 1984
Claude Montmarquette 1998
Robert Moody 1980
Milton Moore 1980
Murray Moo-Young 1997
Cathleen Morawetz 1996
Norbert Morgenstern 1975
Lawrence Morley 1965
Hugh Morris 1997
Robert Morris 2005
Allan Morrish 1969
Desmond Morton 1985
Morris Moscovitch 2002
Walter Moser 2004
Martin Moskovits 1995
Tim Mosmann 1995
John Moss 2005
Eric Mountjoy 1999
Edward Mozejko 1987
Nicholas Mrosovsky 1993
Peta Mudie 1991
Derek Muir 2003
R Munn 1986
Ian Munro 2003
Eugène Munroe 1966
Heather Munroe-Blum 2002
Kunio Murasugi 1980
Joan Murray 1992
Robert Murray 1958
Ram Murty 1990
Vijayakumar Murty 1995
Tofy Mussivand 2000
Fraser Mustard 1976
John Myles 2004
Lawrence Mysak 1986
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Membres de la Société royale du Canada, par ordre alphabétique M
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