Membres de la Société royale du Canada, par ordre alphabétique M
Nom | Année | Occupation |
Digby Macdonald | 1996 | |
George F. MacDonald (en) | 1999 | |
John MacDonald | 2005 | |
Robie Macdonald | 2004 | |
Roderick Macdonald | 1996 | |
J MacGregor | 1982 | |
Ross Mackay | 1959 | |
Michael Mackey | 1999 | |
William Mackey | 1977 | |
G Mackie | 1982 | |
James MacKinnon | 1995 | |
Janice MacKinnon | 2005 | |
Patrick Macklem | 2003 | |
Peter Macklem | 1982 | |
Lloyd MacLean | 1971 | |
David MacLennan | 1985 | |
Alistair MacLeod | 2000 | |
Robert MacLeod | 1972 | |
Gordon MacNabb | 2000 | |
M Macphail | 1953 | |
Donald MacRae | 1963 | |
Neal Madras | 2002 | |
Neil Madsen | 1980 | |
Joseph Magnet | 1998 | |
Paul Magocsi | 1996 | |
Louis Maheu | 2005 | |
Louise Maheux-Forcier | 1983 | |
Kathleen Mahoney | 1997 | |
Patrick Mahony | 1995 | |
Laurent Mailhot | 1987 | |
Antonine Maillet | 1976 | |
Jean-Louis Major | 1976 | |
Robert Major | 2000 | |
Tak Mak | 1986 | |
Syukuro Manabe | 1995 | |
Albert Maniet | 1998 | |
Cedric Mann | 1979 | |
K Mann | 1980 | |
Susan Mann | 1985 | |
Ian Manners | 2001 | |
Henry Mantsch | 1982 | |
Claude Manzagol | 2004 | |
Pierre Maranda | 1976 | |
Beryl March | 1976 | |
Patricia Marchak | 1987 | |
Clément Marchand | 1947 | |
Robert Marchessault | 1982 | |
Rudolph Marcus | 1993 | |
Austin Mardon | 2014 | |
Michael Marmura | 1991 | |
Paul-Yvan Marquis | 1985 | |
Michael Marrus | 1987 | |
Jean-Claude Marsan | 1987 | |
Jerrold Marsden | 1991 | |
William Marshall | 2000 | |
Jean-Marc Martel | 2002 | |
Garry Martin | 2001 | |
Jacob Masliyah | 1996 | |
Bryan Massam | 1995 | |
Yoshio Masui | 2003 | |
Nicolas Mateesco Matte | 1984 | |
W Mathews | 1957 | |
Jacques Mathieu | 1988 | |
A Maurer | 1966 | |
J Maxwell | 1971 | |
H Mayo | 1963 | |
A McAllister | 1967 | |
W McAllister Johnson | 1980 | |
Gordon McBean | 1993 | |
Robert McClelland | 1994 | |
James McConica | 1987 | |
John McConkey | 1998 | |
John McConnell | 2001 | |
Peter McCormick | 1996 | |
Ernest McCulloch | 1974 | |
Margaret McCully | 1987 | |
Susan McDaniel | 1994 | |
Ian McDiarmid | 1973 | |
Arthur McDonald | 1997 | |
Christie McDonald | 1993 | |
Grant McFadden | 2004 | |
Edith McGeer | 2002 | |
Patrick McGeer | 2002 | |
Robert McGhee | 1986 | |
Patrick McGrath (en) | 1995 | |
Roderick McInnes | 2001 | |
Alexander McKay | 1965 | |
John McKay | 2000 | |
Robert McKellar | 1990 | |
Brian McKillop | 2001 | |
Alastair McKinnon | 1981 | |
Jack McLachlan | 1979 | |
Angus McLaren | 1999 | |
Alexander McLean | 2000 | |
Hugh McLean | 1977 | |
Bruce McManus | 2003 | |
Juliet McMaster | 1980 | |
Rowland McMaster | 1990 | |
John McMurtry (en) | 2001 | |
Jeremy McNeil | 1999 | |
John McNeill | 2000 | |
Donald McRae | 2002 | |
Kenneth McRae | 1977 | |
Ian McTaggart-Cowan | 1946 | |
Donald Meichenbaum | 1989 | |
John Meisel | 1974 | |
Benoit Melançon | 2008 | |
Joseph Melançon | 1993 | |
Robert Melançon | 1992 | |
Igor Melcuk | 1994 | |
Ronald Melzack | 1982 | |
Nathan Mendelsohn | 1957 | |
Anthony Merer | 1987 | |
Brian Merrilees | 2002 | |
David Mettrick | 1979 | |
Hugo Meynell | 1993 | |
Andrew Miall | 1995 | |
Alex Michalos | 1993 | |
Georges Michaud | 1992 | |
Bernard Michel | 1982 | |
William Michelson | 1994 | |
G Middleton | 1970 | |
Léopold Migeotte | 2001 | |
Jean-Luc Migué | 1977 | |
Roberto Miguelez | 2001 | |
Joseph Milic-Emili | 1980 | |
Dwayne Miller | 1999 | |
Freda Miller | 2005 | |
James Miller | 1998 | |
Richard Miller | 1994 | |
Robert Miller | 1990 | |
Jane Millgate | 1986 | |
Michael Millgate | 1981 | |
Larry Milligan | 1989 | |
Pierre Milman | 1997 | |
R Milne | 1980 | |
Brenda Milner | 1976 | |
J Milton | 1972 | |
Henry Mintzberg | 1980 | |
Cheryl Misak | 2001 | |
Bruce Mitchell | 2005 | |
Denis Mitchell | 2004 | |
Roger Mitchell | 1994 | |
Henri Mitterand | 2000 | |
Robert Miura | 1995 | |
Peter Moens | 1978 | |
Anthony Moffat | 2001 | |
Clément Moisan | 1980 | |
Robert Molday | 2001 | |
Patrick Molinari | 2000 | |
Julius Molinaro | 1977 | |
Jacques Monet | 1978 | |
J Monger | 1984 | |
Claude Montmarquette | 1998 | |
Robert Moody | 1980 | |
Milton Moore | 1980 | |
Murray Moo-Young | 1997 | |
Cathleen Morawetz | 1996 | |
Norbert Morgenstern | 1975 | |
Lawrence Morley | 1965 | |
Hugh Morris | 1997 | |
Robert Morris | 2005 | |
Allan Morrish | 1969 | |
Desmond Morton | 1985 | |
Morris Moscovitch | 2002 | |
Walter Moser | 2004 | |
Martin Moskovits | 1995 | |
Tim Mosmann | 1995 | |
John Moss | 2005 | |
Eric Mountjoy | 1999 | |
Edward Mozejko | 1987 | |
Nicholas Mrosovsky | 1993 | |
Peta Mudie | 1991 | |
Derek Muir | 2003 | |
R Munn | 1986 | |
Ian Munro | 2003 | |
Eugène Munroe | 1966 | |
Heather Munroe-Blum | 2002 | |
Kunio Murasugi | 1980 | |
Joan Murray | 1992 | |
Robert Murray | 1958 | |
Ram Murty | 1990 | |
Vijayakumar Murty | 1995 | |
Tofy Mussivand | 2000 | |
Fraser Mustard | 1976 | |
John Myles | 2004 | |
Lawrence Mysak | 1986 |
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