Membres de la Société royale du Canada, par ordre alphabétique L
Nom | Année | Occupation |
Pierre-Louis La Rochelle | 1983 | |
Margaret Labarge | 1988 | |
Fernand Labrie | 1979 | |
Suzanne Lacasse | 2005 | |
Gérard Lachapelle | 2002 | |
Alistair Lachlan | 1974 | |
Jacques Lacoursière | 1992 | |
Benoît Lacroix | 1971 | |
Robert Lacroix | 1989 | |
Branko Ladanyi | 1979 | |
Jean-Gabriel Lafontaine | 1984 | |
Gérard LaForest | 1975 | |
Yvon Lafrance | 1987 | |
John Laidlaw | 1975 | |
David Laidler | 1982 | |
Andrée Lajoie | 1991 | |
Francois Lalonde | 1997 | |
J Lambek | 1980 | |
Michael Lambek | 2000 | |
Phyllis Lambert | 1991 | |
Émilien Lamirande | 1983 | |
Peter Lancaster | 1984 | |
J Lander | 1976 | |
Réjean Landry | 1999 | |
Gilles Langevin | 1979 | |
Cooper Langford | 1991 | |
Robert Langlands | 1972 | |
Phillip Langleben | 1987 | |
Simon Langlois | 2003 | |
Jean Laponce | 1975 | |
Gilbert Laporte | 1998 | |
Philip Lapp | 1982 | |
Michel Laroche | 1998 | |
Maryse Lassonde | 1997 | |
Gary Latham | 1996 | |
Mark Lautens | 2001 | |
Jerald Lawless | 2000 | |
Donald Layne | 1975 | |
David Layzell | 1998 | |
Charles Le Blanc | 1988 | |
Roland Le Huenen | 2003 | |
Maurice Lebel | 1947 | |
Marc LeBlanc | 1993 | |
Charles Leblond | 1951 | |
Paul LeBlond | 1982 | |
Karolis Lederis | 1987 | |
Susan Lederman | 2002 | |
John H.S. Lee | 2000 | |
Richard Lee | 1983 | |
G Leech | 1960 | |
Claire Lefebvre | 2002 | |
Jacques Légaré | 1975 | |
Albert Legault | 1977 | |
Louis Legendre | 1988 | |
Micheline Legendre | 2001 | |
Pierre Legendre | 1992 | |
Alexander Leggatt | 2005 | |
William Leggett | 1989 | |
William Leiss | 1990 | |
James Leith | 1980 | |
Beverly Lemire | 2003 | |
Maurice Lemire | 1984 | |
Louise Lemyre | 2005 | |
Thomas Lennon | 2004 | |
Pierre Léon | 1989 | |
Yvan Lepage | 1997 | |
Franco Lepore | 1988 | |
Serge Leroueil | 2004 | |
Claude Leroy | 1989 | |
John Leslie | 1997 | |
Claude Lessard | 2001 | |
Jocelyn Létourneau | 2004 | |
Jill Levenson | 2003 | |
Trevor Levere | 1980 | |
Claude Lévesque | 1989 | |
Jacques Lévesque | 1982 | |
Julia Levy | 1981 | |
Pierre Lévy | 2004 | |
Jane Lewis | 1995 | |
Marion Lewis | 1993 | |
David Ley | 1998 | |
Colin Leys | 1985 | |
Camille Limoges | 1991 | |
Niels Lind | 1981 | |
Roy Lindseth | 1987 | |
Casimir Lindsey | 1974 | |
Victor Ling | 1991 | |
Paul-André Linteau | 1991 | |
Jacek Lipkowski | 2004 | |
Seymour Lipset | 2003 | |
Richard Lipsey | 1980 | |
Roland List | 1976 | |
A Litherland | 1968 | |
John Little | 2003 | |
WJohn Livesley | 2005 | |
Edward Llewellyn | 1994 | |
Didier Lluelles | 2004 | |
Douglas Lochhead | 1976 | |
Margaret Lock | 1994 | |
J Locke | 1969 | |
Michael Locke | 1980 | |
David J. Lockwood (en) | 1999 | |
Alan Longhurst | 1988 | |
Frederick Longstaffe | 1997 | |
Lee Lorch | 1968 | |
Paul Lorrain | 1967 | |
Paul Lovejoy | 1989 | |
John Loxley | 2005 | |
Maria Luisa Rivero | 2004 | |
Serge Lusignan | 1989 | |
Mary Lynn Stewart | 2000 |
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