Membres de la Société royale du Canada, par ordre alphabétique K
Nom | Année | Occupation |
Yau Kai Cheung | 2002 | |
Harold Kalant | 1981 | |
John Kalbfleisch | 1994 | |
Stephan Kaliski | 1978 | |
Evelyn Kallen | 1989 | |
Werner Kalow | 1977 | |
Musa Kamal | 1996 | |
Niky Kamran | 2002 | |
Richard Kane | 1988 | |
Chi-Yong Kang | 1993 | |
Kuo Kao | 1985 | |
Raymond Kapral | 1996 | |
Gabriel Karl | 1983 | |
George Karpati | 1999 | |
Kenneth Kasha | 1990 | |
Michael Kater | 1988 | |
Morris Kates | 1973 | |
Naïm Kattan | 1974 | |
M Katzenberg | 2003 | |
Fred Kaufman | 2002 | |
Cyril Kay | 1978 | |
Gregory Kealey | 1999 | |
Paul Kebarle | 1978 | |
Charlotte Keen | 1980 | |
William Keith | 1979 | |
Gary Kelly | 1992 | |
John Kelton | 2002 | |
Maryvonne Kendergi | 1990 | |
Bryce Kendrick | 1981 | |
John M. Kennedy | 2005 | |
Geraldine Kenney-Wallace | 1989 | |
Kenneth Kernaghan | 1998 | |
Robert Kerrich | 1992 | |
K Kershaw | 1980 | |
Joseph Kess | 1998 | |
Nathan Keyfitz | 1959 | |
Nabil Khoury | 1999 | |
Doreen Kimura | 1989 | |
Gerald King | 1972 | |
James King | 1993 | |
Leslie King | 1988 | |
Mary Kinnear | 2001 | |
J Kirkaldy | 1975 | |
Stanislav Kirschbaum | 2002 | |
Martin Kitchen | 1981 | |
Dimitri Kitsikis | 1999 | |
Michael Klein | 1984 | |
Alexis Klimov | 1982 | |
Amira Klip | 2000 | |
Klaus Klostermaier | 1997 | |
Ronald Kluger | 1999 | |
Roger Knowles | 1987 | |
E Koerner | 1997 | |
Bryan Kolb | 2000 | |
Gabriel Kolko | 1986 | |
Bahgat Korany | 1993 | |
Robert Korneluk | 1998 | |
Leszek Kosinski | 1991 | |
Charles Krebs | 1979 | |
A Kresge | 1986 | |
Hans Kreuzer | 1993 | |
Vern Krishna | 1992 | |
Kresimir Krnjevic | 1975 | |
Robert Kroetsch | 1986 | |
Thomas Krogh | 1999 | |
Karol Krotki | 1979 | |
Howard Krouse | 1994 | |
Wladimir Krysinski | 1981 | |
J Kuehner | 1977 | |
Jarmila Kukalova-Peck | 1992 | |
Arnis Kuksis | 1988 | |
Shrawan Kumar | 2004 | |
Pierre Kunstmann | 2003 | |
Eva Kushner | 1971 | |
Julia Kwong | 2003 | |
Will Kymlicka | 2003 | |
Kurtis Kyser | 1997 |
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