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Membres de la Société royale du Canada, par ordre alphabétique C

Nom Année Occupation
Louis Cabri 1996
Alain Caillé 1990
Peter Caines 2003
Alan Cairns 1979
William Caldwell 1979
William Callahan 2000
Mireille Calle-Gruber 1997
Donald Calne 2001
Stephen Calvert 1992
Alastair Cameron 1961
David Cameron 2002
Barrie Campbell 1979
Bonnie Campbell 2012
Colin Campbell 1984
David Campbell 1988
Finley Campbell 1971
Jack Campbell 1961
Peter Campbell 2002
Pierre Camu 1966
David Canvin 1977
Ernest Caparros 1985
Jules Carbotte 1974
J Careless 1962
James Carley 2002
Hervé Carrier 1975
Roch Carrier 1987
Robert Carroll 1993
Allan Carswell 1984
Fernand Carton 1999
Arthur Carty 1989
Carol Cass 2002
Jean-Gabriel Castel 1979
Claude Castonguay 1987
Thomas Cavalier-Smith 1997
Petr Cerny 1991
R Chacon 1979
John Challis 1992
Edward Chamberlin 2000
Ta-Hang Chan 1993
Marsha Chandler 1995
Thomas Chang 2003
D Chant 1974
Chi-Ying Chao-Yeh 1991
Neena Chappell 1999
Jean-Charles Chebat 1996
Jerome Chèn 1981
John Cherry 1988
Dennis Chitty 1969
Tristram Chivers 1991
Ma-Duen Choi 1985
Noam Chomsky 2003
Michel Chrétien 1981
Michael Church 1993
Josef Cihlar 2000
Jiri Cizek 1988
John Clague 1998
Colin Clark 1988
Howard Clark 1975
Frank Clarke 1984
Garry Clarke 1989
Stephen Clarkson 2004
Andre Clas 2001
Robert Clayton 1980
Wallace Clement 1991
Patricia Clements 1991
Yves Clermont 1972
Gilles Cloutier 1976
Ronald Clowes 1994
Richard Cobbold 1976
Lorraine Code 2005
François Colbert 2005
Susan Cole 2000
Michael Collie 1987
Marc Colonnier 1974
John Colter 1973
Rita Colwell 2001
Melvin Comisarow 1995
Roger Comtois 1970
Pierre Conlon 1969
George Connell 1975
Alain Connes 1995
Leonard Conolly 2002
Margaret Conrad 1995
André-Pierre Contandriopoulos 1996
Eleanor Cook 1992
Ramsay Cook 1969
Rebecca Cook 1999
Stephen Cook 1984
Barry Cooper 1993
Paul Copper 1996
Stanley Coren 1999
Ellen Corin 1991
Paul Corkum 1996
John Cornwall 1992
Andre Cossette 1984
Edwin Cossins 1973
William Costerton 2005
Thomas Courchene 1981
Jacques Courville 1989
Serge Courville 1992
Ronald Coutts 1981
Guy Couturier 2003
Harold Coward 1990
Roger Cowley 2001
Diane Cox 2004
Robert Cox 1992
Fergus Craik 1985
Michael Craton 1997
Paul-André Crépeau 1980
Richard Cruess 1985
Miklos Csörgo 1989
Claudio Cuello 1997
William Cullen 1993
Pieter Cullis 2004
Frank Cunningham 1995
Philip Currie 1999
Max Cynader 1987
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Membres de la Société royale du Canada, par ordre alphabétique C
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