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Membres de la Société royale du Canada, par ordre alphabétique B

Nom Année Occupation
Lorne Babiuk (en) 1999
M Bachynski 1967
Constance Backhouse 2004
Richard Bader 1980
Terence Bailey 1984
David Baird 1958
Michael Baird 2003
Patricia Baird 2001
Barry Baldwin (en) 1997
Asen Balikci 1984
Bernhard Banaschewski 1962
J Bancroft 1979
Michael Bancroft 1979
John Bandler 1986
André Bandrauk 1992
Henri Barki 2003
Julian Barling 2002
Martin Barlow 1998
Jean Barman 2002
Christopher Barnes 1982
Timothy Barnes 1985
Anthony Barrett 2000
Spencer Barrett 1998
Leonard Barrie 2000
Robin Barrow 1996
Gilbert Bartholomew 1969
Neil Bartlett 2001
Raymond Bartnikas 1988
Gordon Baskerville 1994
David Bates 1972
Alan Batten 1977
Michael Batts 1974
Alain Baudot 1993
Jean-Louis Baudouin 1979
B Baum 1981
Janet Bavelas 1995
Carlos Baza'n 1995
Richard Beamish 2000
Joyce Beare-Rogers 1989
J Beattie 1988
Gérald Beaudoin 1977
James Beaudoin 1999
Paul Beaudry 2004
Jacques Beaulieu 1980
Norman Beaulieu 2002
Paul Beaulieu 1957
John Beck 1970
Murray Beck 1976
Axel Becke 2000
Sandra Beckett 2004
Margaret Becklake 1991
Monique Bégin 1996
André-Jacques Bélanger 1988
Gérard Bélanger 1982
Guy Bélanger 1990
Graham Bell 1994
Jean-Guy Belley 2005
Cyril Belshaw 1969
Izak Benbasat 2005
David Bentley 1999
Fred Bentley 1980
Gerald Bentley 1986
David Bercuson 1988
Carl Berger 1977
John Bergeron 1995
Robert Bergeron 1967
Louis Berlinguet 1969
André Bernard 1995
Serge Bernier 2001
Alan Bernstein 1991
Albert Berry 1997
Edmund Berry 1971
Sylvia Beth Bashevkin 2001
Donald Betts 1982
Bernard Beugnot 1988
Terrance Beveridge 1988
Derek Bewley 1982
Vijay Bhargava 2000
Prakash Bhartia 1997
Ellen Bialystok 2003
Gilles Bibeau 1990
G.S Bidwell 1972
John Bienenstock 1992
Edward Bierstone 1992
Roy Billinton 1980
Anthony Birch 1988
Richard Bird 1978
Robert Birgeneau 2002
C Bishop 1958
Claude Bishop 1972
David Bishop 1992
Lise Bissonnette 1994
A Blackwood 1968
André Blais 1999
Marie-Claire Blais 1986
Roger Blais 1979
Ian Blake 2003
Allan Blakeney 2001
Madeleine Blanchet 1989
Chris Bleackley 2002
Helen Belyea 1962 géologue
Michael Bliss 1984
William Blissett 1979
Edward Blodgett 1986
Myer Bloom 1968
Thomas Bloom 1987
Rhoda Blostein 1999
Robin Boadway 1986
Peter Boag 2001
Janice Boddy 2002
Richard Bodéüs 1994
Diethard Bohmée 1994
Erik Bohn 1970
Robert Boily 2017
Pierre Bois 1974
Aurélien Boivin 1998
Lawrence Boland 2001
C Bolton 1985
Richard Bond 1996
Roberta Bondar 1999
Laurence Bongie 1998
Bernard Bonin 1985
Douglas Bonn 2005
Charles Boone 2005
John Borden 1999
Allan Borodin 1991
Jonathan Borwein 1994
J Bosher 1976
Robert Bothwell 1989
Gérard Bouchard 1985
Jacques Bouchard 1999
Raymond Boudon 2001
Josiane Boulad-Ayoub 1995
Alan Boulton 1993
Hédi Bouraoui 1997
Guy Bourgeault 1995
Charles Bourne 1979
Larry Bourne 1985
Arthur Bourns 1964
Edward Bousfield 1978
Anthony Bowen 1995
David Boyd 1980
Monica Boyd 1997
Marcel Boyer 1992
Keith Bradley 1996
Philip Branton 2002
John Brash 2004
Gilles Brassard 1996
David Braybrooke 1980
Jacques Brazeau 1978
Michael Brecher 1976
Albert Bregman 1995
Reuven Brenner 1999
Albert Breton 1976
Raymond Breton 1974
William Bridger 1989
Jean Briggs 2001
David Brillinger 1985
Christopher Brion 1984
Luc Brisson 1997
Jean-Paul Brodeur 1991
Janine Brodie 2002
Adrian Brook 1977
Daniel Brooks 2004
Gregory Brown 2004
James Robert Brown 2007
John Brown 1980
Robert Brown 1984
James Bruce 1997
W. Robert Bruce 1980
Paul Brumer 1994
Leonard Bruton 1994
Thomas Brzustowski 2001
Manuel Buchwald 1994
Jack Bumsted 2003
David Bundle 1995
Mario Bunge 1992
John Burbidge 1998
Donald Bures 1973
Stephen Burley 1995
Kenelm Burridge 1977
Ian Burton 1983
Walter Bushuk 1986
Howard Bussey 1997
R Bustin 2003
William Buyers 1988
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Membres de la Société royale du Canada, par ordre alphabétique B
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